God’s Priorities

Filed in National by on October 1, 2010

Christine O’Donnell has consulted the burning bush and knows God’s priorities. It’s the U.S. Senate:

In an interview with the conservative Christian Broadcasting Network, Delaware GOP Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell suggested that the almighty has “strengthen[ed] and empower[ed]” her campaign so that she can be around to filibuster during the lame duck session:

God continued to strengthen and empower us when, you know, His strength is perfected in our weakness, and that’s what’s exciting. Because you see that, if it weren’t for faith—when all logic said it’s time to quit—we pursued; we marched on, because we knew that God was not releasing us to quit.

And now, with such an important lame duck session, you realize why we were to endure that stuff. […]

I could be that 41st vote, making sure that they don’t get 60 votes, and that we can continue the filibuster to make sure that this backroom deal wheeling and dealing doesn’t succeed.

God hasn’t been paying much attention since there are already 41 Republican Senators. However, we musn’t question God, He’s very busy.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Dana says:

    Actually, with any luck, we could have more than 41 Republican senators in the lame duck session. The terms of appointed senators in Delaware, West Virginia and Illinois end on election day, and their newly elected successors’ terms begin immediately.

  2. Jason330 says:

    I heard the audible voice of God and he said, “credibility…”. Then he said something I could not really make out, but it could have been “man pants.”

  3. dana garrett says:

    She did the interview with CBN, a national media outlet. I thought she was only doing local media between now and election day.

  4. Jason330 says:

    NRSC not gving any money to God’s candidate.

  5. thank you lord for letting us continue to bask in Jason’s Man Pants.

    can we now call the almighty, “Man Pants in the Sky”? his adversary “Man Pant’s in the Pits”? Can I put my man pants in Christine O”Donnell’s face?

  6. Boxwood says:

    Dana, my understanding is that this interview was done at the Value Voters Summitt in DC the Friday after Primary Day in Delaware. Releasing parts of it now gives the appearance that O’Donnell is active when in fact she’s been cloistered in some undiclosed location for over a week. She was supposed to attend a GOP unity luncheon today in Holly Oak (invitation only), then its back to the bunker to wait for the next Bill Maher video relaease.

  7. Real Facts says:

    We need to get Coons elected. He’s going to get us all freebies!!!