4 more years

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 19, 2007

It was 4 years ago today that this administration began the war in Iraq. We burned every alliance in the process. Our “Coalition of the Willing” has whithered in the desert heat of Iraq. Many have pulled out already. Many nations have had a change in leadership based on their support of Bush, Cheney and the Confederacy of Dunces that ran this war. Thousands of our brave soldiers have sacrificed everything. Five times as many have paid with parts of their bodies and minds. We continue to send more troops into this meat grinder for a conflict that has changed from an enforcement action to a liberation to a battle for hearts and minds to the main front in the global war on terror to a bloody civil war. The rate at which Americans are killed may have steadied, but the total keeps rising, while Iraqis die by the hundreds. The best answer that this administration can give is that we need to put more troops in harms way. If you press them for plan B, they will invariably reply that they won’t know until we get there.

This administration has not been right about anything in this war. There is no reason to believe that they are right this time. There is no reason to believe that they will ever be right. I’m sorry Mr. President, you have been too wrong, too many times. We do not trust you any more. You once said that you would keep going even if only Laura and Barney supported you. Barney is starting to have some concerns about your judgment. If this were a parliamentary system of government, you would be in the Hague already. Get those brave men and women serving in the military home for Christmas. Honor them in deeds, not just words.

I have made the banner on DelawareLiberal black in honor of the brave men and women that have sacrificed their lives, limbs, families and well-being for this ill-conceived war. The banner will remain black for one week in their honor.


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  1. happycon says:

    yesterday in Portland, Oregon, as “anti-war” demonstrators burned not only a US flag, but a US soldier in effigy.


  2. anon says:

    Bush was reportedly so upset by the scene he burned some more actual people.

  3. doctornick says:


    I guess that picture of some college Republicans burning an effigy justifies Bush’s war in your view.

  4. MOT Newbie says:

    That group burning a soldier in effigy also was proudly carrying their anarchy banner. Unbeknownst to all, Sid Vicious was proven to not be dead as he was walking among them in bandana and ski mask face.

    This is knotting my stomach because this picture made me feel a lot of stress, anger, and disbelief, but there is a big point to be made that isn’t so obvious on the surface…

    As disgusting as their act was (and as bad as my ensuing joke), I’d rather them burn their mojo in plain view (and look like fools for it) as opposed to being in a garage somewhere plotting “an event” and gathering energy and momo’ in the process.

    Like it or not, it is part of being in the USA. Some people see it as a perversion of our freedom. I see it as an extreme-end of it, yet it remains a significant test of those freedoms. Something like that, as horrible as it was, shows the right to assemble and freedom of speech. Our stomach may be sick for it, but the muscle of the constitution flexed.

    Personally, what those in that picture did disgusted me to all hell as did defending them, but the question becomes, “What can you do to counter it?” While I wouldn’t find myself in a pro-war rally, I would certainly find myself in a rally to support the troops. That is what I would like to see come of it, not a gag-action.

  5. Dr. Nick says:

    I’m warming up to you MOT Newbie.

    BTW, I think there just had a big “rally to support the troops” in DC.

    It was organized by Moveon.org and was also a “get out of Iraq” rally.

  6. anon says:

    I would certainly find myself in a rally to support the troops

    You just missed a lot of rallies where you had the opportunity to say “Support the troops – bring them home.”

    The problem is the “support the troops” slogan has been co-opted by the Cheneyites. If you can find a rally that supports the troops without also supporting Bush and the Iraq occupation, I’ll be there too.

  7. anon says:

    The interesting thing about the flag/effigy burning is that there hasn’t been more of it. Based on his learning the wrong lessons from Vietnam, Cheney is prepared for major street protests and social discontent (think Kent State all over the country).But ipInstead, the uprising is occurring in Congress through the normal political process, not on the streets. Cheney is less prepared to deal with that.

    So this time Cheney is prepared to deal with anti-war protests and contain any social uprising. But that never happened in any major way, Instead, the uprising is occurring in Congress

  8. motnewbie says:

    I’m warming up to you MOT Newbie.

    There is a pill for that. You will be OK, just remain calm.

  9. anonone says:

    Boo hoo hoo. Some awful people burned a piece of cloth. It just makes me sick to my little sensitive stomach that people would do such a thing. Why, just two years ago, I was displaying flags that were cut into “W”s by the RNC for lawn signs to show my support for my President Bush. We need a constitutional amendment to stop all this freedom, so only the RNC can cut up the flag (oops, I almost typed “fag” – tee-hee, Ann would be so proud), NOT these un-American types protesting against killing our troops in Iraq.

  10. happycon says:


    right location, wrong group.

    Waterbury Republican-American ^ | March 20, 2007 | Editorial
    The world may never know exactly how many people showed up for Saturday’s antiwar march in Washington, D.C., and the competing Gathering of Eagles at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Unofficial estimates by the mainstream media based on information from antiwar protesters gave the peaceniks the attendance edge, while the U.S. Park Service had veterans and others protecting the memorial outnumbering the antiwar protesters by up to 3 to 1.

  11. MOT Newbie says:

    (oops, I almost typed “fag” – tee-hee, Ann would be so proud)

    Nancy, is that you?

    I kid!!! 🙂

  12. anonone says:

    Happycon, you are such a loser, just like all republickers, you just make up “stuff”, and present it as facts. The U.S. Park Service does NOT make crowd estimates anymore. I don’t know if you’re happy, but you’re truly a con. Your whole party is made of liars like yourself from the bottom to the top.

  13. happycon says:

    anonone, take your meds. I didn’t make anything up, I posted a clip of a newspaper article.

  14. anonone says:

    Right, HappyCON, you posted an editorial clip, not an article, from the obviously fact-challenged “Waterbury Republican-American”. Perhaps you need to look up the difference between an editorial and an article, not that it would keep you from just making up crap anyway. Like I said, republicans are liars from the bottom up.