Filed in Uncategorized by on March 27, 2007

WDEL reporting now that John Atkins is stepping down. (2:23 pm)

It is official (2:42pm). A special election will be held in the 41st RD no later than May 7th.


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  1. Drinking Liberally This Thursday | DelawareLiberal.Net | March 25, 2008
  1. Hube says:

    Wonder if Nancy Willing will bitch about the cost of the special election like she did about the one in the 7th …??

  2. My, my Hubicon, your grouchy demeanor doesn’t become you.

    Do you treat students in this manner who might cross you on purposes or philosophies?

    Yes, for the record Rep Hudson has been making noises about asking Atkins to pay for the legal fees that the public ponied up for his protracted mess.

    Since Atkins lied in order to squeeze this loutish behavior by the public, immediately before the 2006 election, then I would say that it would be fitting for him to be liable for some of the cost of the special election.

    Consequences bro, consequences. You have a problem with that? yeesh, go obsess over someone else for a change!!!

    BTW I do find your defense of Smith’s dishonorable resignation laughable. [nudge, nudge winkeedoodle]

  3. Hube says:

    No, Nance, because they’re children, not adults albeit with childish minds, like yourself.

    Legal fees do not = special election fees.

    “Dishonorable resignation” = better [financial] opportunity and more time w/family, eh Nance? Everybody ought to keep that in mind to know what TRUE kind “person” you are. Yeah, you’re a real humanitarian. Only for those whose political stripes are like yours.

    What’s REALLY dishonorable is all that fatuous innuendo and lies you freely spread about Smith.

  4. You are sooooo easy deary, what will you not get about people pulling your leg?
    A sense of humor goes a long way, just ask your buddy Wayne about that. Go ahead and ask him about my recent correspondence with me.

  5. er, Go ahead and ask him about my recent correspondence with him

  6. Hube says:

    It’s a little easier to “get” people pulling my leg if one has actually demonstrated what’s known as a sense of humor, Nancy dear.

    You can be sure I’ll ask Wayne about your convo.