Archive for April, 2007

Comment Rescue

Filed in National by on April 7, 2007 16 Comments

Anon writes: From the Cape Gazette (link): “…the fate of Sussex Republican Chairman Dave Burris, who was recently appointed to the position, may be a topic of discussion at the regional meeting of the Sussex County Republicans at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 9, at Delaware Tech College. Burris has received criticism in some Republican […]

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Media Bias

Filed in National by on April 7, 2007 17 Comments

No one disputes the fact that the “media” is biased. Alan Loudell makes the observation that is reporters and editors who are middle and upper-middle class bring a class bias to the stories they do. If they are good journalists they might be a bit more aware of that bias, but it is still there. […]

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Around the Horn Friday: Hoppin’ Down the the Bunny Trail Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 6, 2007 5 Comments

It has been a busy week for me personally, so sorry that I haven’t posted much. Damn corporate intrigue. Luckily, in my relative absence, donviti has stepped in and filled the void. Great posts dude. Myself, Tom Noyes, Jason and donviti (just missing Dr. Nick) all converged on Iron Hill last week for Drinking Liberally. […]

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Remember the $100 prize for the best anti-Castle ad

Filed in National by on April 5, 2007 0 Comments

[youtube=] I am in receipt of the prize money. Here is a pro-truth anti-Republican ad for some inspiration.

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Cheney Grandson to be Raised by Lesbian Couple

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 5, 2007 2 Comments
Cheney Grandson to be Raised by Lesbian Couple

Cheney’s daughter will be giving birth to a baby boy next month.  Presumably the baby will leave the hospital to the shouts of well-wishers saying things like “Sinner!” or “God hates Lesbians” or some other traditional Judeo-Christian offering of peace.  You should see them at funerals…

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Why Mormonism May be a Problem for Romney

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 5, 2007 4 Comments

I don’t care what religion a candidate is.  Just don’t shove it down my throat (Hint, hint George).  But that doesn’t mean that the same sort of whack jobs that supported Bush only because he was born again don’t exist in Mormonism.  A friend shot me a link to a blog where the Mormon husband […]

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Newt NO Speako Good ESpanisho

Filed in National by on April 5, 2007 5 Comments

[youtube=] I hope to god the guy runs for President.

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Delaware Charter Schools: Separate, Unequal

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 5, 2007 10 Comments

A study conducted by The Western Michigan University Evaluation Center found that Delawares charter school experiment is resulting in a resegregation of schools and the predictable negatives that go along with that separation. Minority schools are under-funded, under-performing and under-staffed. I have always feared that resegregation was the goal of some in the Charter movement […]

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Jokers to the Right Hits the Wingnut Trifecta

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 5, 2007 4 Comments

Dependably idiotic, Ryan at JTTR has the following deep thoughts on Iraq: 1) …there is no military-only solution to stabilizing Iraq… 2) …we are losing the war in part because we are losing public support for it…because there are so few reports that demonstrate enough progress being made… 3) I think we need to give […]

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Wonky Wednesday: Latest Comments on Energy

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 4, 2007 3 Comments

The PSC has posted the most recent round of comments on the energy RFP. John Austin, who used to work for EPA and lives in Rehoboth Beach, has some particularly enlightening comments: One of the many facts that has come to light in the bid review process is that the net output of the [NRG] […]

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Wanted: Information about these shadowy public figures

Filed in National by on April 4, 2007 16 Comments

After reading Donviti’s post, it occurred to me that we hardly know anything about Delaware’s media/pundit elite. They are the creators, framers and filters of the Delaware’s conventional wisdom and are not shy about using their various platforms to promote their own agendas. They have have no difficulty passing off their biases and preconceptions as […]

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I’m popping my cherry!

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 4, 2007 0 Comments

i’m already over my 1 post limit, but that other one doesn’t count.  “I’m a rebel Dotty!” Mr Bush was doing his best to contribute to global warming by blowing more hot air for the plants in the Rose Garden.  Bush by the way thinks the Rose Garden is a national park I kid you not.  So […]

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“Here I am Lord, It is I Lord”

Filed in National by on April 4, 2007 7 Comments

Here I am Lord, It is I Lord. I have heard You calling in the night. I will go Lord, if You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart.  I thought some of you readers would appreciate a nice hymnal being the Lenten season and all.  While in church this Past Palm Sunday […]

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