Congratulations Mary Cheney

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 24, 2007

Yesterday Mary Cheney and her partner gave birth to a baby boy, Samuel David Cheney at 8 pounds, 6 ounces.  This child marks the high point of irony for the Bush administration.  And that is saying something.

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  1. David says:

    Sam needs to be taken away from his mother and given to some god-fearing married heterosexuals.

  2. anon says:

    Hard to know if that is snark given the current level of wingnuts comments around here.

  3. anon says:

    Yesterday Mary Cheney and her partner gave birth to a baby boy

    Actually Mary Cheney gave birth to a baby boy, with her partner in attendance. The father was nowhere to be seen.

  4. Fred says:

    Luckiest kid ever born. Has four breasts to choose from.

  5. Chris says:

    “Hard to know if that is snark given the current level of wingnuts comments around here.”

    Glad to know you have noticed me. I don’t take offense. I know that “wingnut” is liberal speak for “truthful”.

    Congratulations to them. Hope they truly enjoy parenthood. It is a wonderful thing.

  6. Maria Evans says:

    I think the irony is that the only anti gay legislation to come out of Congress in 20 years has Bill Clinton’s name on it…and if Mary Cheney and Heather Poe decided to move to Mass. and get married, their marriage and all of the rights associated with it wouldn’t be honored in the majority of states because of that legislation….

  7. David says:

    It was snarky.

    So, for all you “truthful” posters out there, should gays be allowed to have parental rights?

  8. Chris says:

    “It was snarky.”

    Imagine that…a snarky liberal…have you ever heard of such a thing?

  9. Disbief says:

    For anyone who had the joy of being raised in a orphanage or rotating foster parents, gay parents would be just fine.

  10. Chris says:

    “So, for all you “truthful” posters out there, should gays be allowed to have parental rights?”

    I guess this is where you expect me to say “No! All gay people should be burned at the stake!” But I won’t, because that is not what I believe.

    While I do think the “ideal” situation is one that provides both a male and a female role model for the child, we do not live in an “ideal” world. In fact, I would venture to say that gay couples in a truly loving relationship would provide a much better parental situation than a hetero couple that has problems. Certainly that situation is much more preferable than what Disbief spells out above.

    So yes. I do believe same sex couples should have parental rights. And despite what you may think, that opinion is NOT contrary to a conservative opinion. Regardless of what religious teachings may say about homosexuality, this is still America, and people are still free to make choices…unless it involves the environment and liberals are in charge. Then all choices are removed.

  11. Disbief says:

    Man, Chris; you had me all teary-eyed until the last line. As to your line “we do not live in an “ideal” world”, I guess the Republican party proves you right once again.

  12. David says:

    Regardless of what religious teachings may say about homosexuality, this is still America, and people are still free to make choices…unless it involves the environment and liberals are in charge. Then all choices are removed.

    Free to make choices except to get married.

  13. Chris says:

    “Free to make choices except to get married.”

    Or pray in school….

  14. anon says:

    Oh those poor put upon Muslins, prevented from turning toward Mecca and praying. And those poor Hindus not allowed to pray to their crazy multi-armed Gods. And don’t even get me started on Wiccans.

    It is an outrage. An outrage I tell you!!!

    I didn’t think Chris was going to be a strong defender of the warlocks, dot heads and towel heads, but he never fails to surprise.

  15. David says:

    Or pray in school

    Yeah, let’s forget about that pesky little document called The U.S. Constitution.

  16. Chris says:

    “Oh those poor put upon Muslins, prevented from turning toward Mecca and praying. And those poor Hindus not allowed to pray to their crazy multi-armed Gods. And don’t even get me started on Wiccans.”

    If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on the face of this earth.

    Actually, there are some PUBLIC schools where they teach the principals of Islam as a way of helping students “understand” muslims. But if they tried that with Christianity….forget about it.

    I have no problem with Muslims praying in schools or Hindus, on anyone. The Wiccans are a little out there for my taste, but if they want to pray to a tree, then they can have at it.

    I would probably stop at the Satanists sacrificing young children in school, but there might be other considerations in that opinion.

    “I didn’t think Chris was going to be a strong defender of the warlocks, dot heads and towel heads, but he never fails to surprise.”

    Wow. I sure hope you are being flip with that racist crap. But I fear you are not.

  17. Chris says:

    “Yeah, let’s forget about that pesky little document called The U.S. Constitution.”

    Apparently you have forgotten. Or does your first amendment just say this:

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”

    See, the one I read goes on to say:

    “…or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”

    Game.Set. Match!

  18. donviti says:

    who’s mary cheney?

  19. David says:

    Game.Set. Match!

    If only this were a game.