The ef-ing loser of the day: Tom “who me?” Carper

Filed in National by on May 25, 2007

If you can follow the logic of this press release you win a prize.

WASHINGTON (May 24, 2007) – Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) issued the following statement in response to his vote late tonight to support the Iraq funding bill in the Senate. Sen. Carper said:

“I voted for this legislation because we need to make sure our troops have the equipment and supplies while they remain in harm’s way.

“As I have said before, I am not prepared to vote to cut funding for our troops on the ground in Iraq, and this legislation fully funds our military operations there for the next four months.

“I believe the President and the Congress share a common goal: to compel the Iraqi people to assume responsibility for their own country, although we differ on how to accomplish that goal.

“In addition, this bill did not provide for a phased redeployment of most U.S. combat troops from Iraq over the next year, something that I strongly support.

“I believe one of the most effective means to compel the Iraqi government to make tough decisions is to make it clear that large numbers of American troops will not remain in Iraq forever.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    this bill did not provide for a phased redeployment of most U.S. combat troops from Iraq over the next year, something that I strongly support.

    I can’t even parse this. Does he support “phased redeployment,” or does he support the fact that the bill does not provide it?

  2. jason330 says:

    Exactly. I think these guys bank on the fact that nobody really pays attention.

    And all that BS about the money running out during some firefight. What a load of crap.

  3. anon says:

    Uhhh, Jason? the avatar, it burns…

  4. jason330 says:

    It was a great avatar last week. This week…not so much.

  5. What a cop out Senator Carper! Congress should have stuck to it’s guns and sent the bill back to King George without any change.(with the time lines) This was essentially a game of bluff and the branch of government that blinked first would lose. Both Senators Carper and Biden should have not blinked. The President fully realize that the troops MUST have this funding. If Congress had continued to send the bill back with the proposed cuts, eventually “The Decider” would have had no choice but to sign it.
    These excuses for politicans, unlike Senator Obama, have no backbones and thus could not stay the fight.