Around the Horn Friday: Victory and Defeat Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 25, 2007

This has been a week of success and defeat. On Tuesday, we won our a battle in the war to get wind power in Delaware. But yesterday, Congress folded and lost a battle to end the war in Iraq.

Tommywonk has been the go-to guy on the wind park. Again he proves it with his post on Wednesday. His supremacy is confirmed by KarmicJay and now me. It should be noted that this has been a bipartisan effort. Dave at FSP has been all over this (even got an election victory out of it). But we aren’t out of the woods. Nancy is covering the Federal effort to undo all of our hard work. More to come…

The bad news is that Nancy Pelosi has folded up her tent and let the moron have his way. Jason covers it, Nancy covers it. That about covers it.

The love triangle of Hube, MOTSmitty (aka MOTNewbie), and Donviti created a bit of a ruckus around here. Smitty has a post on it, and Hube is contrite Hube.

Over at Delaware Watch, Dana is recounting the latest efforts of Slick and Slippery Thurman Adams and his FOIA-aversion. His latest opponent, Beau Biden. Kilroy is all over it as well (with Pictures!)

Tyler Nixon has been beating the drum on an issue that I think Dana covered weeks ago. Sidewalk repairs in Wilmington. HB161 would change the law and cost Wilmingtonians sidewalk repairs. DWA has posts about it. And Dana has Tyler on the air about it. FSP has a link to the petition.

Over at Gazizza (Gesundheit!) Paul has given up the dream of Republican hegemony.

It is worth noting that Ryan at JttR is still happy that he voted for George Bush.

At Pencader Day, Duffy pretends that he doesn’t know the difference between weather and climate. Don’t tell Tommywonk.

Mike Mahaffie has been ID’d as an Information Technology Omnivore. I fear that I suffer from the same debilitating problem.

Ryan Mc at Liberal Delight covers Charles Manson’s latest parole hearing. He wonders aloud why this guy wasn’t executed. Manson pre-dates me, but I’m happy to let the guy rot in jail forever. At 72, I don’t think he’ll come up for parole many more times. Plus, if memory serves, the death penalty didn’t become available again until the 70’s.

Finally, It is Memorial Day weekend. Kavips sums up the mixed emotions this stirs in me also. I am proud of our armed forces and the fine job that they do, they are truly in an untenable position. Thank you, veterans. You have done the work that has made us free. I am just sorry that some would waste your blood for their enrichment and ideological ineptitude.

At least 64,333 civilians have been killed in Iraq. 3441 American soldiers have lost their lives.


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  1. jason330 says:

    Excellent “Around the Horn.” Kavips is a must read this week.

    Based on today’s body counts, one can readily accept the fact that if you support the war today, you support the slaughter of US troops, not in combat mind you, but in standing around like target ducks while waiting for an order that never comes. And it is rather obvious that if you support the war today, you are supporting not necessarily a true Democracy, but instead, you are backing a puppet government that has no authority outside the Green Zone, And furthermore, if you support the war today, you are most certainly not improving the quality of life for 20 million Iraqis, you are instead, rapidly destroying it.

  2. tommywonk says:

    Someone’s mixed up on the difference between weather and climate? Okay, let me try again.
    Weather is what’s happening in a specific place at a specific time and changes moment by moment.
    Climate encompasses the entire planet and changes slowly and gradually.
    For instance, high temperatures here in Wilmington have climbed from 64 degrees last Friday to 85 degrees this afternoon. The overall temperature of the planet Earth might change by a fraction of a degree over the course of a decade. The Earth is a big object; as such the laws of thermodynamics tell us that it takes a significant event to upset its thermal equilibrium.
    Any questions?

  3. jason330 says:

    Someone said that you don’t squat about the laffer curve.

  4. tommywonk says:

    Who? Me? Are you taunting me, Jason?
    Give it a rest; it’s a holiday weekend.

  5. jason330 says:

    Have a good weekend – and I’ll tell that guy you’ve forgotten more about the laffer curve than most people ever know.