My little surprise for Mike Castle

Filed in National by on July 19, 2007

I just let the cat out of the bag on Al’s show.

In addition to my remarks which will excoriate Castle, I will be delivering a registered letter to the post office this afternoon that reads:


Hon. Michael Castle
201 North Walnut Street
Suite 107
Wilmington, DE 19801-3970

Mr. Castle,

I challenge you to a formal Oxford University style debate. At a time and place of your choosing, I challenge you to debate this question:

Does Michael Castle support George Bushโ€™s plans

to maintain troops in Iraq indefinitely?

I will argue in the affirmative, that you do in fact support George Bush based on your voting record in Congress. Based on your public statements, I imagine that you will argue the negative.

I hope that you will agree that this debate would demonstrate a healthy faith in our democratic system in which ordinary citizens are compelled to demand accountability from our elected officials. I also feel that a great many of your constituents will be eager to hear you substantiate your claims to oppose President Bush with some proof.

If you are unable to debate for medical reasons I would be willing to debate Elizabeth Wenk or Mike Quaranta from your office.

Thank you for considering it.

Jason Scott


Castle has gone from holding two or three town hall meetings per recess to holding ZERO town hall meetings. What is he so scared of?

Face me Mike!! I’m just an ordinary citizen who has been trying to recocile your statements and your voting record.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. donviti says:

    you are a crazed blogger! the dude wont get within 400 feet of you, my guess is the law will make sure of it too

  2. jason330 says:

    I’d feel bad about that except that he wonโ€™t get within 400 feet of any constituents right now.

  3. anon says:

    You need a life-size photo of Castle mounted on a cardboard cutout.

    But on short notice, just bring two chairs and debate the empty chair with a large “Reserved for Rep. Castle” placard.

  4. Elizabeth Wenk says:

    Go piss up a rope.

  5. Why do folks impugn that Castle is in some kind of physical danger from plain old constituents with differing views. Perhaps this is my sense of humor on the subject of the war that is drawn to a breaking point, but if Donviti is full of snarky humor here, would he please make sure to indicate such for all to see.

    There is a fine line right now in our society to where these simple statements are a stone’s throw from creating serious consequenses.[ My tinfoil hat is fitting a bit loosely here.]

    But Donviti’s line without any disclaimer is harmful to all of us who wish to close in on the Congressman and have no other way to reach him besides streetside antics with signs, slogans and bullhorns. I certainly do not expect to be accosted by the police while in a harmless gathering in protest of policy of an unjustified war.

    No, Jason is no more a threat to Castle than the neighborhood loudmouth. Donviti, perhaps you will accompany the group tonight and act as bodyguard since you are so convinced that there is an element of danger here. Or are you too chicken to participate?

  6. anon says:

    After getting smacked down by the courts for illegally kicking those folks out of the Santorum booksigning, I’d expect the police to be on their best behavior. This will be a good opportunity for them to try out their new training and procedures:

    “The state police also agreed to implement new policies and training regarding the First Amendment rights of protesters as part of the out-of-court agreement.”

    Of course, if you are talking Wilmington cops, all bets are off.

  7. donviti says:

    come on Nance, you know I was being snarky ๐Ÿ™‚

    I may show up, but as delawares hottest blogger I have to limit my appearances per year.

    and besides you know how the GOP’ers feel about protestors or did you forget about the Presidential Advance Manual already ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Chris says:

    Now explain to me again why Castle would debate an eight grade blowhard?

  9. jason330 says:

    Because it is his job to do so.