The surge is working! The surge is working!

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 1, 2007

“no amount of troops in no amount of time will make much of a difference.”

wtf does this commie, hippie, liberal, panty waste, AQ abetting, Religion Hating faggot know?

psssst donviti


He’s Adm. Michael G. Mullen, President Bush’s nominee to head the Joint Chiefs of Staff,

oh! sorry, he’s a fine American then.

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  1. From Pine View Farm » S(pl)urge | August 1, 2007
  1. Anon II says:

    He’s trippin’ from drinking too much sea water.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    Way to use selective quoting.

    The whole (WaPo paraphrased) quote is:

    Unless the Iraqi government takes advantage of the “breathing space” that U.S. forces are providing, Mullen said, “no amount of troops in no amount of time will make much of a difference.”

    Which is an obvious statement if I’ve ever heard one.

    And the surge isn’t about mere numbers, it’s about strategy and tactics.

  3. donviti says:

    I think that quote actually helps me out thanks.

    The Iraqi Govt isn’t which is why he uses the word “unless”. Meaning that they have to start taking advantage. They aren’t. they are on vacation. and when they aren’t on vacation only 25% show up and those are the Sunni’s…

    but thanks again mr. irrelavant

  4. Ryan S. says:

    Well the whole idea of the surge is to combat the insurgency, thus allowing the Iraqi government to move forward. The ultimate fate of Iraq has always been in the hands of Iraqis, and until recently, we’d failed to allow them to do that.

    (And the only ones that show up would be the Shi’ite majority. Don’t you know the difference? I think even Bush does by now!)

  5. Von Cracker says:

    The General who thought up the plan, gets to come back to Congress to give an evaluation of HIS plan. Kinda like having the kids grade their own tests. Anyway, Petreus will say the military portion of HIS plan is working, but those damn Iraqis can’t get their shit together! So, we’ll need more time to work on the POLITICAL aspect.

    The pro-war public servants will then ask for 6 more months, just like the 6 other times they asked for 6 more months…..

  6. donviti says:

    Yet another brilliant comment by bible boy

    The ultimate fate of Iraq has always been in the hands of Iraqis, and until recently, we’d failed to allow them to do that.

    typical conservative meme. It’s in their hands not ours, they’ve fucked it up, not us, thay failed us, not us failed them, they don’t want democracy…blah, blah, blah

    rape victims are most likely at fault too you know. If they wore chastity belts and weren’t attractive they wouldn’t have it coming to them.

  7. J says:

    Just when you thought you had an alternative:

    The Illinois senator warned Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf that he must do more to shut down terrorist operations in his country and evict foreign fighters under an Obama presidency, or Pakistan will risk a U.S. troop invasion and losing hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. military aid.

    An invasion into a nuclear power! God Almighty.

    Bang the Rs all you want…even those of us who completely agree that Bush has Fucked this up, has to be scared of Obama even more.

  8. Ryan S. says:

    thay failed us, not us failed them

    I reiterate:
    “until recently, we’d failed to allow them to do that.”

    Can’t think outside of talking points?

  9. Disbelief says:

    “We failed to allow them to live, so its their fault we keep killing them.”

    “It is better to live in fear, than to fear in live is it.”

    Like Grasshopper said: “I can’t make sense of a single thing you say, you blind fuck.”

  10. donviti says:

    yet another ridiculous comment by mr evolution.

    until recently? is that literally speaking? or do you want to define your recently? would you care to define how we have allowed them to do “that”?

  11. Ryan S. says:

    Recently as in when we finally got the idea to fight the insurgency.

    Maybe you should pick up a book every now and again.

  12. donviti says:

    ohhhhh, gotcha, b/c the surge is working now and so we are going in the right direction. I get it now, which is why we can blame the Iraqi’s? Thanks for elightening me.

    I didn’t realize this was so easy, geez thanks ryan.

    I do pick up books, literally and figuratively.

  13. donviti says:

    sooooo for the past 3 or 4 years we have totally fucked up, BUT NOW we aren’t so, presto the last 3 or 4 years get washed out and we can blame the Iraqi’s

    how was I so dumb?

  14. David says:

    Bring back Saddam and there will be no insurgency.

  15. donviti says:

    read this book

    but it would have helped to read it before we went to war, maybe you will learn something.

  16. Ryan S. says:

    Who said anything about blaming the Iraqis, besides you, dv?

    And the copyright on “Understanding Iraq” is 2005. We invaded in 2003!

    I commend him for writing a history stretching back so far for a country that didn’t exist before 1932.

    I found Fromkin’s “A Peace to End All Peace” a fascinating read, as well as this:

    Can you explain the difference between Shi’a and Sunni again? You already missed it once today!

  17. donviti says:

    you have truley shown how asinine you are ryan.

    I commend him for writing a history stretching back so far for a country that didn’t exist before 1932.

    in a nutshell shithead Baghdad has been around since about 700 BC it helps to know the history of a region, city, country, culture and so on before you invade it. the author knows far more about Iraq and it’s history than you ever could wrap your literal mind around.

    I didn’t miss the difference between Sunni and Shia Mr. literal I mispoke regarding the Sunni and Shia majority making up the Iraqi Govt. so Forgive me please. I know how literal you are when it suits you.

    I am fully aware of the difference between the two sects actually. Why don’t you tell me which one believes in the pilars of faith and how many pilars there are? Where did they originate? What part of now Iraq?

    KIND OF FUCKING IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO KNOW when you want (as a christian nation) to go fucking invading a country, that wasn’t a country in 1932, but has only been one of the most holy of holy citys for Muslims for the past 3000 years. but I don’t expect you to understand that.

    why don’t you tell me who killed Mohammed?

    What are the books that make up the Kuran? How many are there is the easier question for you.

    where in the kuran did Mohammed talk to God? How did he communicate with God?

    Why don’t you tell me where one of the most important Universities is to Islamic law is located? and it’s name?

    bite me dude, go back to your silly bible and quote romans or something.

    Thou shalt not kill, isn’t that in the bible? Pretty fucking literal sentence if you ask me.

  18. Von Cracker says:


    I have no problem with what Obama said (a common misconception on the right, or more likely what they want to believe, is that liberals won’t fight – that’s bullshit!).

    At least we’d be going after the ones who attacked us. And if that happens, then next comes the showdown with Saudi Arabia.

  19. anon says:

    #17: You might want to check the accuracy of the website that you plagarized those facts from. “Why don’t you tell me who killed Mohammed” in particular, jumps off the page at me.

  20. Ryan S. says:

    There are Five Pillars, adhered to by Sunnis (the Shi’a have eight similar rituals that cover most of the same ground).

    The Five Pillars:
    Shahadah– “I testify that there is none worthy of worship except God and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”
    Salah – prayer five times a day, facing Mecca
    Zakat – alms-giving
    Sawm – fasting during Ramadan
    Hajj – pilgrimage to Mecca (during Dhu al-Hijjah)

    Muhammad was killed essentially by a massive headache in 632.

    Muhammad wrote the Qur’an, which has 114 surahs (chapters), through his communication with Allah through the angel Gabriel.

    Historically, Al-Azhar University (Jamia)is an extremely important madrassa in Cairo. It really depends on whether you are a Sunni or Shi’a and what jurisprudence school you follow.

  21. Ryan S. says:

    None of that changes the fact that Iraq wasn’t a country until last century or that that book was published two years after we invaded.

  22. Von Cracker says:

    Where’s Xenu fit in this whole god hierarchy?

  23. donviti says:


    i’m not sure what you mean by plagirize, please elaborate

  24. donviti says:

    some people think the Jews killed Mohammad which would be a main reason they are hated so much

  25. Duffy says:

    this stuck out for me:

    “…when you want (as a christian nation) to go fucking invading a country, that wasn’t a country in 1932, but has only been one of the most holy of holy citys for Muslims for the past 3000 years. but I don’t expect you to understand that.”

    So we’re a Christian nation? Really? Liberals are always telling me we’re a secular one. Intersting.

    3000 years? Really? Now Islam predates Mohammed by 1700 years? I never knew that.

    “some people think the Jews killed Mohammed”

    Yes. They also think the Jews engineered 9/11, and they use Muslim blood for Purim, they control the banks and blady blah blah. That doesn’t give them one whit of credibility.

  26. donviti says:

    in the eyes of the people we are occupying yes, Duffy, we are.

  27. donviti says:

    you got me, fine only one of the more holy cities for he past 1400 years

    and a very important city historicaly Pre-islam for the past 3000 give or take a few hundred