Pink Postcards

Filed in National by on August 7, 2007

Even if you don’t like Protack, it is impossible to read the FSP post without feeling a little sad. There is the human drama of course, but for me there is also the kind of ennui that accompanies the realization that it is nearly impossible to change the status quo.

As we all know, on the higher levels there is only one party in this state – the incumbent party. This will no doubt help the incumbent party people sleep well in the knowledge that politics should be left to the professionals. Celia Cohen will drift off to sleep congratulating herself for belittling and writing off Mike Protack and tomorrow the sun will rise again on a Delaware at peace with it’s paper machete and chicken wire democracy.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Chris says:

    I haven’t been in this state long, but from what I have seen, I have been leaning toward supporting Mike. I am not buying that the same gentleman who impresses me on this board by debating without resorting to personal attacks is behind this.

    Sorry FSP, but I think you followed a red herring on this one. IP addresses, particularly if one is on a shared service, or corporate network, are reliably UNreliable. Whole corporations report as the same IP address. Many times ISPs will randomly reassign IP addresses, particularly dial-up, while others will use gateways and NAT in the mix.

    I search IP addresses on a public website I run at work and it is no unusual to have anywhere from 10 to 100 different users all logged with the same IP address.

    The similarities in Protack emails and letters and the hatriolic emails are weak at best, and easily cloned if the perpetrator know Mike and his speech patterns. It wouldn’t take much to start posting on here cloning one of the regulars.

    Mike, use this attack to buck up your resolve. It just may be the opening you needed.

  2. kavips says:

    I too wish to think the best of Mike. However your argument, although it could be true, needs anywhere between 11 to 15 randomly occurring events to make it happen. Just the cosmic chance of that, and the fact that at this late hour, no reply has yet been forthcoming, does not bode well for the chances of a Republican gubernatorial primary in 2008.

  3. Mike Protack says:


    A series of circumstantial and random events do not present causation. These guys are way off the reservation and also wrong.

    The sad fact is I was a threat to the establishment who has failed us miserably. I will still be the nominee.

    The fact remains Mr. Levin was an active and recent contributor of Democratic office holders. How about some research on that fact??

    Take a few minutes and read the response, case closed. I will patiently wait for the next attack.


  4. liberalgeek says:

    Let’s not completely close this particular attack. Standby while I finish poring over the logs around here. You may then respond to the link that I make.

  5. miles north says:

    Isn’t anyone else disturbed that the Delaware blogosphere (WordPress in particular) has been transformed into a datamart and honeynet to monitor and silence political dissent?

    In case it hasn’t dawned on you yet, what FSP has done to track Protack is EXACTLY the kind of data-mining and contact tracing the NSA is doing right now.

    FSP just had a few WordPress reports to work with, but the NSA is working with the whole Internet.

    If you give a Republican monitoring tools, they WILL eventually use them against their political enemies.

    Is there any doubt Bush and the NSA are doing this today?

  6. liberalgeek says:

    Actually Miles, There is no assumption of privacy on blogs. If someone is doing something untoward, as this appears, I see no problem with looking at the data that the perpetrators have left behind.


  7. miles north says:

    Well, as long as someone in cbarge says they’re “bad guys,” I guess it’s OK.

  8. Boys and girls,

    The whole affair is unproven and a charade of accusations.

    I guess I stole the Lindbergh baby also and was on the Grassy Knoll in Dallas Texas in 1963.

  9. Chris says:

    “I guess I stole the Lindbergh baby also and was on the Grassy Knoll in Dallas Texas in 1963.”

    Well Mike. I am confident that you are not behind this emails and postcards…

    …but I am still not convinced on the Linderbergh baby.

    Just where WERE you on the evening of March 1, 1932 at about 8:00 p.m?