Hey Everybody !!!

Filed in National by on August 20, 2007

“Political philosophies have implications.” – Some Guy

A political philosophy that has been killing the country over the past few years is one that is held in common by both Democrats and Republicans.

It is a philosophy that says. “It is better to hire (vote for) the ‘regular guy’ than the smartest person running.”

Being super smart used to be a given, a minimal requirement for anyone seeking the Presidency. Now… not so much.

It seems obvious to me that brainpower should be a major criteria for picking a President, so put aside all of your partisan rancor and ‘regular guy’ assumptions and tell me who is the smartest person running.

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  1. Dave says:

    Mitt Romney.

    And it ain’t even close.

  2. Disbelief says:

    Raw brains, I’d say Hillary, but that doesn’t mean I want her as Presidentrix.

  3. jason330 says:

    Well Romney certianly meets the “not a regular guy” criteria, but I don’t know how smart you have to be to be born the son of a CEO.

    Obama is no slouch. Harvard yo!

  4. oedipa maas says:

    You know, I just finished reading David McCullough’s outstanding biography of Harry Truman. In Truman’s time, he was denigrated quite abit for not being smart — mostly as a way to note that he was not a college man, not a person of a certain class, and as a way to remind folks he was not Roosevelt.

    But the lesson of Truman (and I think the lesson of BushCo) is that smartest person may not be nearly as important as someone who has real skills in management and leadership. Truman, I think, a modern model of the President as CEO, and after WWII, CEO of the Free World. Which isn’t to say that Truman was not smart — he certainly was. It is unfortunate that modern presidential campaigns want us to value the person who you think you could have a beer with rather than someone who might do an extraordinary job.

    But I think that there is alot of brianpower out there — John McCain is awfully bright, but I wouldn’t want him continuing the current failed policy. Hillary is brilliant, but she’s not in my top three choices; Richardson and Dodd have alot on the ball too, but they don’t get alot of chance to show it.

  5. miles north says:

    I’d like to see Edwards in a debate with Romney. Edwards has poise and he is a wordsmith; not sure if that translates into “smart” but I think he’d carve up Romney if Romney was foolish enough to trot out RNC talking points.

    I guess they are all smart in different ways. But none of them is (Bill) Clinton smart.

  6. Rebecca says:

    I’m not sure, but one thing I have observed in all my years, and it’s borne out by W, is that people who are smart usually speak well. And, people who are dumb usually don’t. I don’t mean just gramatically, but the ideas seem to flow because they’ve been well thought through. And the speech is economical, not rambling. Rambling is a sure sign that the brain is slow.

    I’m looking for great ideas that are expressed with great words. Of course, I could be fooled by a great speech writer. There’s always that risk. But even then, the candidate has to be able to memorize the great speech and there are a lot of them who can’t.

  7. Disbelief says:


    Got it.


  8. Dave says:

    Edwards would first have to debate himself.

  9. jason330 says:

    So says the Flipp Romney man.