No seriously, the surge is working

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 20, 2007

See this is shining example how democracy is taking hold over there…

You don’t like the governor, you just blow them up till you get one you like…

But some people that visit Iraq, fight in Iraq,  read NRO will try to tell you

 There is a huge segment of the population that lives in areas virtually untouched by terrorist and Iranian funded insurgents. Their infrastructure is relatively unscathed and they are enjoying the tastes of post-Saddam freedom.”

Alas, wing nuttery is alive and true, I just want to keep reminding you all, that people that believe this are becoming a small minority.  And you know how this country loves minorities.


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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Chris is going to beat me up for this, but I happen to think we should make sure the rights of our wingnut minorities are protected.

    I would not be opposed to a quota system for colleges admissions in order to make sure wignuts are given the chance for a better life and social advancement that college provides.

    Also, I think it should be illegal for employers to discriminate against wingnuts when it comes to hiring and promotions. Wingnuts should also be paid the same rate for the same job.

    Call me a bleeding heart liberal if you wish, but I think that the blessings of our system should flow to wingnuts and normal people alike.

  2. Chris says:

    Out of curiosity DV, does a terroist attack carried out on a government official discount my initial point?

    You are like Pavlov’s dog. Terrorists carry out an attack and you are trumpeting it all over the blogosphere. How much are they paying these days?

    I also noted with great amusement that Jase boy did not indicate “right wingnuts” just “wingnuts”. So I can only assume that he must be anticipating some career altering event coming up and is trying, with self-interest, to protect the rights of the left wingnut minority.

    Fear not Jase. I won’t let your affliction sway my decision regarding your becoming my campaign manager.

  3. jason330 says:

    FYI – in blog lingo “wingnut” refers to right wing. “moonbat” is the lefty equivalent.

    Don’t ask me why, I don’t make the rules.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Nah, Chris, you’re clever but wrong. Wingnuts have always and soley been the Conservatives, never the left.

    Good try though! 😉

  5. Chris says:

    “Nah, Chris, you’re clever but wrong. Wingnuts have always and soley been the Conservatives, never the left.”

    Maybe in your world, but conservatives have been throwing around the term “left wing nutjobs” for years. I have hardly ever heard, let alone used, “moonbat”. And I should know, I have called liberals are great many things….”moonbat” and “correct” were never two of them.

  6. donviti says:


    you are the schmuck that said parts of Iraq are doing well not me buddy.

    if you READ the article you will see this is occurring in one of your “safe” areas.

    who said these guys were terrorists? The AP article says it was an assasination. Nice try though, as usual swing and a miss.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    yeah! the right has been soooooooo correct over the past 7 years. So much so correct that they grew their permament majority ten-fold! And all words spoken by the conservative talismen are chiseled straight into stone, for the only mistake only could be made by the chiseler himself!

    What a fvcking farse…

    What credibility do you or any of the charlatans you follow have? And why should we listen to anything that you or they have to say?

  8. Chris says:

    “who said these guys were terrorists? The AP article says it was an assasination. Nice try though, as usual swing and a miss.”

    My apologies. I didn’t realize terrorists didn’t perform assassinations. How come? Terrorist union rules prevent it?

    Listen numb brain. If this was a full scale, random terrorist attack on the population of the “safe” area, you might have accidentally stumbled on to a valid point (gee wouldn’t that have been exciting). The assissination was targeted and carried out on the target. The only thing it shows is that it is not necessarily safe to be a political head in that area.

    By your theory, the grassy knoll, Ford’s Theatre, the former sixth street station in DC, and the site of the Pan-Am Exibition in Buffalo, NY are all unsafe areas.

    Sorry…I know how much you hate logic.

  9. donviti says:

    Listen numb brain. If this was a full scale, random terrorist attack on the population of the “safe” area, you might have accidentally stumbled on to a valid point (gee wouldn’t that have been exciting). The assissination was targeted and carried out on the target. The only thing it shows is that it is not necessarily safe to be a political head in that area.

    yep, that is a sign things are going well, if just the political heads get assinated in an area…

    proved my point again chrissy. The hits just keep rolling out of you.

  10. donviti says:

    I guess your Grassy Knoll example would be valid if that wasn’t the only politician to be assinated there in the past what? 60 years Chrissy.

    Seems to me you forget to add in the part where entire fractions of the Iraqi Gov’t don’t show up b/c they are afraid of being killed.

    Had this little assination attempt been an isolated incident then the Grassy Knoll and Ford Theatre comment would be valid.

    but alas like so many of your points they don’t hold water.

  11. Chris says:

    “Seems to me you forget to add in the part where entire fractions of the Iraqi Gov’t don’t show up b/c they are afraid of being killed.”

    And just where is it they are afraid to show up? I believe that is pronounced “Bagdhad” which has already been established as one of the “still unsafe” areas. I mean, there is still a war going on there.

  12. Chris says:

    P.S. I believe that is your water on the floor my friend.

  13. donviti says:

    It’s called the IRAQ war for a reason…

  14. Chris says:

    I seem to recall we had “the Great WORLD war” (not to mention its sequel). Last time I checked the Continental US was in THE WORLD, and yet, with the exception of a few german subs hugging the coast, we were pretty safe here.

  15. oedipa maas says:

    “And just where is it they are afraid to show up? I believe that is pronounced “Bagdhad” which has already been established as one of the “still unsafe” areas. I mean, there is still a war going on there.”

    Um…Baghdad was supposed to be the major focus of the surge.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    OM, please don’t confuse Chris with facts and stuff. He is prone to tantrums and feels disoriented.

  17. J says:

    I don’t necessarily agree, but I can’t pass on making you aware of more and more Dems taking this stance…here’s the latest.

    Hillary on Surge? ‘It’s Working’

  18. oedipa maas says:

    And, of course, Hillary thought the war was a good idea at one time too.

    The 3rd annual survey of foreign policy wonks — the Terrorism Index doesn’t find either the surge or the war winning.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Does Chris know that the politicians and think-tanks that he supports and/or agrees with (I guess – since these people are the mainstream of the Republican party and modern conservatism) truly believe that it we don’t exterminate them there, the Islamofacists will indeed invade us, impose Shia law, make our women wear burkas, so on and so on?

    Those sacred little fools actually believe that! It’s either that or they’re misrepresenting themselves….My guess is a little bit of both.

  20. Chris says:

    “Those sacred little fools actually believe that!”

    Crazy talk. Never happen….by the way…been to France recently?