Archive for October, 2007


Filed in National by on October 24, 2007 2 Comments

Who among us does not pine for the 1980’s? [youtube=] FYI: The gutiarist, Keith Mack, is a Delawarean. He still lives and plays guitar down in Rehoboth.

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Bush Preps for Stealth Bombing of Iran

Filed in National by on October 24, 2007 2 Comments

Buried in a recent White House request for $196 billion in emergency funding for the Iraq/Afghanistan wars is a request for $88 million to “modify B-2 stealth bombers so that can carry the new super bunker-buster bomb called the massive ordnance pentrator or MOP. (ABC News) Despite the unusual nature of the request, the Pentagon […]

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Jerry Northington Essay Front Paged at Kos

Filed in National by on October 24, 2007 7 Comments

The issue of continued funding of the occupation of Iraq just won’t leave my mind today. President Bush yesterday returned to Congress with a new request for funds to continue the occupation of Iraq and the military presence in Afghanistan. An additional $46 billion is requested on top of the original request for $150 billion. […]

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A Generation of Journalists has failed American Democracy

Filed in National by on October 23, 2007 0 Comments

I’m all worked up. But let’s face it, Celia Cohen is just one of a whole generation of journalists and editors who loved being “in the club” more than they loved trying to find and report the truth. I’m saying this because I realize that I need to chill out. Cohen is a fellow human […]

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Mrs. Americaaaaaaaa

Filed in National by on October 23, 2007 1 Comment


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Blogger Ethics Advice Wanted

Filed in National by on October 23, 2007 12 Comments

The Dems big Jefferson Jackson Dinner is coming up and I don’t know if I should buy a ticket and go as a Democrat/blogger or should just sign in at the press table and go as a blogger/Democrat. Last year I just signed in – but ate the Dover Downs rubber chicken anyway.

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Dear Jesus, Please make your followers smarter.

Filed in National by on October 23, 2007 5 Comments

And to my fellow disciples of Christ – can we just try to stop making such a fool out of Jesus in public? We aren’t bringing any glory to our Lord when we lie about stupid shit that is really easy to check. Let’s just keep to the basics, shall we? “‘Blessed are the poor […]

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Help a blogger out…

Filed in National by on October 23, 2007 19 Comments

As delaware’s hottest blogger I find driving to be a bit of a chore.  I have recently been offered a seat at this Saturday’s Ohio State/Penn State game. Anyone know anyone that flies planes or is taking a plane to the game?  I need a ride…

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Republicans want you to know how bad the other guy is. Democrats want to get stuff done.

Filed in National by on October 23, 2007 29 Comments

It is a truth we seem to need to relearn every election. On the one hand you have Republicans like Charles Lamont VonCopeland going all Hannibal Lecter in their mailings and on the other hand you have Democrats like Matt Denn trying to use the election to focus the public’s attention on things that need […]

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What I’m Reading

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 23, 2007 4 Comments
What I’m Reading

Well, it is time I polluted my mind with socialist, Marxist, Lenninist thinking again.  I know, I know I may come to find that this type of leftist logic is what produces inactive, unproductive, suckling pigs that feed on the nipple of another mans bulging breast of wealth.  But hey, I need to keep filling my mind with grand […]

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GOP: “oops.” Me: “What a bunch of bullshit.”

Filed in National by on October 23, 2007 21 Comments

Celia has this story about how R’s are trying to jam as much money into the Christian campaign as possible and thereby fill up SD14 mailboxes with attacks ads while they keep their candidate under wraps. The Bottom Line: Copeland and the GOP braintrust got caught breaking the law. A bit of advice to newbie […]

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Record Fumble Return

Filed in National by on October 23, 2007 0 Comments

[youtube=] Now DSU holds two records that will be tough to beat. Most one sided loss and longest fumble return. Okay. That loss seemed like a record loss when I was in HS – but anotehr team lost a game 222 to 0.

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8th & 9th RD “Jack Pack” Formed

Filed in National by on October 22, 2007 15 Comments

If numbers of volunteers and the enthusiasm of those volunteers are a measure of a candidate’s future success, then Jack Markell is going to do very well in in MOT-land. Tonight our local “Jack Pack” was formed and it was not your standard meeting of a handful of cynical and leathery campaign junkies. Most of […]

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