Republicans want you to know how bad the other guy is. Democrats want to get stuff done.

Filed in National by on October 23, 2007

It is a truth we seem to need to relearn every election.

On the one hand you have Republicans like Charles Lamont VonCopeland going all Hannibal Lecter in their mailings and on the other hand you have Democrats like Matt Denn trying to use the election to focus the public’s attention on things that need to get done.

It is a different mindset.

Just check this out from Denn’s campaign blog:

Sign the Petition for Affordable Health Care in Delaware

As we get ready for the General Assembly’s return in January, we are trying to let the House Insurance Committee know that we want a fair, up or down vote on the two bills to help make health insurance more affordable that I proposed and that the State Senate passed by an overwhelming bi-partisan majority.

Click to sign the petition today!


Go on with your bad self Denn!

Sign the petition people. Stand up for good policy and reward good politics.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (29)

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  1. Dave says:

    You mean the petition doesn’t say “Help pass the $100 million health care bill I wrote so I can use it to run for LG?”

    Joe Booth’s bill was introduced LONG before Denn’s bill. Why should the House entertain Denn’s $100 million bill before they entertain Booth’s no-cost bill.

  2. disbelief says:

    Joe Booth’s bill is similar to the Protack exclamations of “Free Health Insurance For Absolutly Everybody”. On the other hand, Denn bothered to do the homework on it.

  3. donviti says:

    dave must be at home with the kids today…

  4. Dave says:

    No, Joe Booth’s bill allows small businesses to BUY into the state plan. It’s actually quite simple.

    Denn’s stole the premise of Booth’s bill and added the freebies.

  5. jason330 says:

    Stole…? There you go again.

    Anyway, time for some reality. (Dave you might want to cover your eyes.)

    The Republican run House Insurance Committee refused for three years to release Joe Booth’s health insurance bill from committee. Why?

    Because it was “cost-free” Joe Booth’s mind only. In the real world it would explode the state health insurance budget.

  6. Dave says:


    Why would allowing people to buy in at 100% of the cost explode the budget?

  7. disbelief says:

    Because of the increased adverse risk represented by pre-existing conditions and no underwriting allowance.

    I love these morons who don’t know shit about insurance designing health bills. “Duh, my plan says everyone has health insurance!” Yeah; and I got a plan saying we should all have the hot women donviti has/had. Gee; I wonder why neither plan works? Seriously. Morons.

  8. Dave says:

    Because of the ASSUMED increased adverse risk, you mean, Doc. Because small business employees are somehow sicker by nature than state employees.

  9. Dave says:

    What Matt Denn wants to do is have the state control decisionmaking for health care. It’s a philosophical divide, whether one believes in market control or government control.

  10. anon says:

    It’s a philosophical divide, whether one believes in market control or government control.

    The market had its chance and failed to cover everybody. Now it is time for government to step in and set it right. This is very practical and not philosophical at all.

  11. Dave says:

    “The market had its chance and failed to cover everybody. Now it is time for government to step in and set it right. This is very practical and not philosophical at all.”

    Some people truly believe that, and some people believe that the government would make things far worse.

  12. disbelief says:

    #8. Look at it this way. If the state plan was required, a la Booth, to cover obese real estate agents with blood pressure so high that every time they cut themselves shaving they had to repaint the bathroom, there is no assumption that the adverse risk of the health pool would increase; it would be guaranteed, and the coverage for real estate agents dropping like flies from heart attacks would be incredibly expensive.

  13. Dave says:

    My blood pressure’s fine, Doc.

  14. disbelief says:

    Glad to hear it, Dave. What’s that got to do with anything?

    Also, who the hell is ‘Doc’?

  15. Dave says:

    Sounded an awful lot like you were diagnosing me.

  16. disbelief says:

    Just because your in the GOP doesn’t mean you have to be paranoid all the time, Dave. You have the Dems on one side, and on your own some of the nastiest people to walk the face of the earth.

    Then again, maybe you’re right.

  17. disbelief says:

    Does Christian believe in the death penalty for abortion?

  18. Dave says:

    Why don’t you ask her yourself? I hear she’s pretty good about getting back to people.

  19. disbelief says:

    Has she gotten back to Jason yet? His request went in well before mine.

  20. Dave says:

    She already replied to Jason.

  21. disbelief says:

    When I ask a girl out, and she says, “I’ll get back to you later.”, that’s not a reply.

  22. donviti says:

    Yeah; and I got a plan saying we should all have the hot women donviti has/had.

    Take my ex wife off that list if you know what’s good for you. We all make mistakes

  23. Dave says:

    It’s a reply. It’s just not the one you wanted to hear.

  24. This is just one gross circle jerk at this point…

  25. anon says:

    Do you mean the internets in general?

  26. Dana Garrett says:

    What would Booth’s plan do? Allow small businesses to buy in if they want to? Why should they buy in if they can save themselves a buck and still have people work for them?

  27. Our plan is not “free health care for absolutely everybody” but it is a plan which can cover everyone for what we pay now.

    Wellness, productivity and security are the cornerstones. The plan allows for competition and choice with the entire state being in one risk pool, medical courts like our Chancery Courts and streamlined electronic record keeping.

    I have briefed the Delaware Medical Society and Delaware Nurses Association among others. They like it and offered many great suggestions to make it better.

    Finally, it removes health care directly from your employment and stops health care by category. We are doing a cable show on it next month, stay tuned.

    It will be issue #1 in 2008.

  28. Our plan is not “free health care for absolutely everybody” but it is a plan which can cover everyone for what we pay now.

    Wellness, productivity and security are the cornerstones. The plan allows for competition and choice with the entire state being in one risk pool, medical courts like our Chancery Courts and streamlined electronic record keeping.

    I have briefed the Delaware Medical Society and Delaware Nurses Association among others. They like it and offered many great suggestions to make it better.

    Finally, it removes health care directly from your employment and stops health care by category. We are doing a cable show on it next month, stay tuned.

    It will be issue #1 in 2008.

  29. Delacacre 2008 is a comprehensive proposal based on Wellness, Productivity and Security.

    It removes citizens from being in a “category” and removes employment from health care status.

    Single risk pool with choice and competition plus sensible tort reform and technoligical improvements in record keeping and billing.

    We are doing a cable show on it in November.