Help a blogger out…

Filed in National by on October 23, 2007

As delaware’s hottest blogger I find driving to be a bit of a chore.  I have recently been offered a seat at this Saturday’s Ohio State/Penn State game.

Anyone know anyone that flies planes or is taking a plane to the game?  I need a ride…

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hiding in the open

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  1. depotsq » Blog Archive » Help a blogger out… | October 23, 2007
  1. disbelief says:

    Don’t you have scores of women yelling to you from their cars “If you get in little boy, I’ll give you some candy.”

  2. donviti says:

    the women yell that out at most of the tail gate parties I walk by, yes.

  3. disbelief says:

    Yes, but then you’d have to ‘perform’ for an entire week in order to get to the following Saturday football game.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Don’t fly donviti. Don’t you see? A small plane…a top star in his prime… It has Buddy Holly written all over it. You are the Buddy Holly/Big Bopper/Thurman Munson/John Denver/Otis Redding of the Delaware blogosphere.

    If you don’t fly on a small plane, you may get the opportunity to die like Hendrix, drowning in your own vomit after a night of heavy partying.

  5. disbelief says:

    You forgot Jon Jon Kennedy.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    I almost went with Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy.

  7. disbelief says:

    Holy shit, is she dead, too? Or is she just another donviti wannabewith?

  8. liberalgeek says:

    She was JFK Jr.’s wife/passenger when his plane went down.

  9. donviti says:

    you have made a mockery of my post! I will not stand for it!

    Personally I think I would rather be referred to in the class of Payne Stewart or Rhandi Rhodes

  10. disbelief says:

    Don, we’re helping. You have to get to the game this Saturday. We would like you there to represent the inherent ‘hotness’ of Delaware citizens (with the exception of Burris and Minner).

    We’re just trying to work out the details. Or, as you most often have it, “work out de tails.”

  11. G Rex says:

    Don V, Randy Rhoads = dead guitar hero, Randi Rhodes = moonbat commentator, who lost 8 teeth walking her dog. Try not to confuse them.

    As for your question, why not call Mike Protack?

    In closing, GO BUCKEYES!

  12. donviti says:

    who’s mike protack?

  13. G Rex says:

    I think he’s a pilot or something, and he’s in better shape than Alan Levin.

  14. Is that an endorsement, G.?

  15. G Rex says:

    Only as far as fulfilling the governor’s annual duty of splashing around in the ocean for the WNJ photogs.

  16. For what it is worth I have over 11,000 accident free hours in 15 different types of aircraft, both military and civilian. I have two type ratings B 767 and MD 88.

    Try Craigslist for a ride, car or otherwise but be very careful of small planes.

    Small point but I am a Captain not a pilot.

    Check out our new videos at

  17. donviti says:

    I did type something in craigslist already. I just thought this untapped liberal elite market I have at my fingertips would know some moevers and shakers in Delaware that are hopping over to catch a game. You would figure that people would want nothing more than to have me in their presence, but thanks anyway captiain

    oh and one last question….
    have you ever seen a grown man naked?

    man that joke never gets old!

  18. Yes, that joke does have legs doesn’t it. You may want to try if either school has an alumni association member nearby. They may be headed your way.

    Call the admissions office, they have recent graduates who act as liaisons for the school.

    Give it a try.