Joe is Right…then what?

Filed in National by on November 24, 2007

Everyone likes Joey B. But I doubt they’ll love him so much if he makes a great showing in Iowa.

Yes. I agree with Delaware Dem. A Democrat other than Joe will win.

Yes. Joe Biden be the next Sec. of State.

So: Jack Markell will get to appoint our next Senator. Who will it be?

John Carney…? Nah.

Beau?… I doubt it.

Knowing what I know about Markell, it will probably be be someone unexpected but great.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. mmahaffie says:

    I’m available. If the Lovely Karen says it’s OK.

  2. I don’t think that Jack wouldn’t appoint Carney, why do you?

  3. jason330 says:

    Mr. Mahaffie goes to Washington. I’m down with that.

  4. Mick Protast says:

    I think Bill Richardson will be appointed Sec. of State. Joe overshadows the cabinet and the vice president and everyone else in a Hillary administration so I think he will remain the senior senator from the first state.

  5. Mick Protast says:

    blast from the past:

    Peter Garrett, former Midnight Oil lead singer is about to become Australia’s Minister for Climate Change, Environment & Heritage, Arts. Looks like Bush’ Coalition of the Willing will have to do without Austrailia and Poland now.

  6. Kevin Devlin says:

    If Joe gets Sec of State, Chris Coons will be appointed to fill the seat.

  7. jason330 says:

    I was thinking Coons. He’s a smart guy. B.A. in chemistry and political science from Amherst College, J.D. from Yale Law School and a master’s degree in ethics from Yale Divinity School. Granted, Yale is no Sorbonne, but not too shabby.

    Delaware could do much much worse.

    Protast –

    Maybe. But Joe has made one thing perfecly clear. He wants to work in the executive branch. He’ll take something.

    I got $10.00 that says out next Senator will be appointed.

  8. If Joe gets Sec of State, Chris Coons will be appointed to fill the seat.


  9. Brian says:

    I would prefer Mr. Mahaffie, it would be more like Mr. Deeds.

  10. Dana Garrett says:

    My hope is it would be Richard Korn. He’d clean up the place.

  11. anoni says:

    I used to think nobody would give Joe the Media Hound a cabinet post… But I can see where he could be useful to Hillary. His constant presence on TV would give her some insulation from foriegn policy problems and whenever a new policy proposal is panned by the media… she can blame Joe for going off the reservation.

  12. ANNON II says:

    After Coons gets through ‘screwing, bluing, and tatooing’ us with his tax hikes, ice cream festival fiasco, etc., etc., et., it seems to me he has earned the same future as all former NCC Execs: obscurity. If by some Dem. Party machinations he is given the senate…hopefully he’ll be known as ‘One term Coons.’

    ‘Yuck’ barely describes it…but it saves from using cuss words.

  13. jason330 says:

    Hey Anonn II,

    How’s the weather in bizzaro world? It is pretty nice here on planet earth. 51 degrees, clear. We even have governments that provide services which we pay for with money.

    What do you guys use to pay for your services?

  14. ANNON II says:

    ‘…….bizzaro world?’ HA! Interesting comment from one who resides in Dem Party MachiNation.

    Services? HA, HA!!!