Obama Has Widespread Support Within The GOP (..and it makes me happy)

Filed in National by on January 7, 2008

I know I’m supposed to be all pissed off that Obama appeals to a wide range of people, but to tell you the truth it makes me happy to know that New Hampshire Republicans will be crossing over to pick Obama.

Speaking to my GOP family members about this, I have come to believe that they are attracted to his obvious sanity and his vision of a unified America. So enjoy the wilderness wingnuts.

Related: Markell Endorses Obama

NEWARKState Treasurer Jack Markell endorsed Barack Obama for president Monday, praising the Illinois Senator’s vision for an improved America. Markell previously supported Delaware Senator Joe Biden’s campaign.

“I was in Iowa the day of the caucuses working for Senator Biden. I’m disappointed that his campaign has come to an end because I am confident he would have been an outstanding president. While in Iowa, I saw first-hand the profound call for change from Iowa voters that Senator Obama’s campaign answered. Delaware’s voters are calling for change as well,” Markell said. “Democrats in our small state are big believers in the idea that America must be a place of optimism and opportunity. Obama can restore that lost hope. His victory silenced cynics who said his positive message would fail. Thursday night’s results show that the public is thirsting for change and it demands we do better.”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Joe M says:

    Obama does seem passionate about repairing the schism between the Rs and Ds., and I do like that about him.

    He would without a doubt be a better one to do that than Hillary.

  2. jason330 says:

    It is a refreshing change from the Bush strategy of breaking the country into armed factions and playing both side against each other while corporations stuff money into offshore bank accounts.

  3. disbelief says:

    Yeah, but Bush’s strategy of empowering corporations both financially and extra-legally has enabled several companies to make a great deal of money while killing and torturing non-caucasian non-Christian trouble makers. I mean, what could be more Christian than killing people, getting paid for it, and avoiding taxes all at the same time?

  4. I love the backdoor implication that Markell is a GOPerhead
    (snark alert)

  5. Rebecca says:

    Jack isn’t a GOPerhead, but he is about CHANGE. Wow, a new president and governor, both in touch with reality and listening outside the beltway and Dover. That would be something to celebrate.

  6. liz allen says:

    a potential president and a potential governor both corporatists…yeah some great CHANGE! Let me puke now.

  7. Jason330 says:

    If Jack Markell turned into a Tom Carper I’d be surprised. But if John Carney DID NOT turn into a Tom Carper I’d be shocked.

  8. Jason, allow me to sign your nipple.