Liveblogging SOTU

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 28, 2008

Because it can keep us awake while he talks…


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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I thought he was over his head at “rostrum”

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Bush gets Butch about the stimulus package.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    So many shitty ideas, so little power. I am not going to miss his BS next year.


    Slammed the door on liberal earmarks!!!

    How will you keep the loyalty of unions????

  5. liberalgeek says:

    welcome, bitch. How will you keep the big corporations at your beck and call? You act like the earmarks are new to the Democratic Congress…

  6. liberalgeek says:

    no clap for NCLB from Ted Kennedy…

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Oh good more imports from Columbia. It will protect us from drug cartels and Hugo Chavez. I really would love to have a President that gets both sides to stand up and clap.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    I gotta admit, he’s losing me…

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Your judges get no hearings until you are gone. We are short of judges because the R’s refused to hold hearings on BC’s nominees.

  10. 10 bucks says Pelosi’s squirming on a Lucky Lady vibrator…..

  11. liberalgeek says:

    I think Pelosi is spell-checking the speech.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Wow, he just mentioned Osama in public.

  13. What, is she typing it in with her mudflaps?

  14. liberalgeek says:

    A free Iraq will show millions across the Middle East that a future of liberty is possible.

    Oh, yeah, the rest of the Middle East is flocking to live in this bastion of hope.

  15. X Stryker says:

    Classy, Jablome. Your wife must be proud.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    Hey there X, nice to see you back.

  17. jason330 says:

    D’oh! I missed it. So we’ve won in Iraq right?

  18. jason330 says:

    Hey I was just thinking about X today. It’s like “plate of shrimp” all up in here.

  19. liberalgeek says:

    Here comes the fear-mongering…

  20. liberalgeek says:

    Is it wrong to demand a warrant for wiretapping?

  21. liberalgeek says:

    Shelala appears to be from Munchkinland.

  22. liberalgeek says:

    Geez, Bush doesn’t do history very well.

  23. liberalgeek says:

    This is it. The end of his last State of the Union.

  24. jason330 says:

    D’oh I thought it was over 5 minutes ago because I saw people clapping as I flipped over to “karate Kid”

  25. Publius says:

    Translation of SOTU for you democommies:

    “Everything’s great, economy’s good, the surge is working and we’re bombing Iran tomorrow..YEEHAH!… huh, do you have anything to add, co-president Hero Darth Cheney.”

  26. jason330 says:

    Think Progress

    Bush: ‘Life’s pretty comfortable inside the bubble.’
    During a recent interview with Fox News’s Brett Baier, President Bush admitted that he lives inside a “bubble,” but that “life’s pretty comfortable”:

    BAIER: Is being president confining?

    BUSH: Yeah I guess so, I knew what I was getting in to and so I’m not frustrated in that sense. I can remember telling people that “well, when I decided to run that if I want, I’d never be able to go buy Berkely Power Worms again on my own.” And by that I meant that you know there’s just a certain freedom of movement that you don’t have and so I tell people, “yeah, there’s a bubble but life’s pretty comfortable inside the bubble.”

  27. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the recap Publis.

  28. jason330 says:

    Do you think those senators getting autographs are going to sell the things on ebay?

  29. X Stryker says:

    Glad to be back. I had a very busy year – didn’t leave a lot of time left over for blogging or local politics. It’s really a shame. But in late December, I put my toes back in at Swing State Project, then briefly flirted with MyDD before realizing the commenters there were really peeing in the pool. A little DKos here and there… and maybe now I’m ready to think about Delaware again? I kinda got pissed off when every state moved their primary to the same date as us. For a little while there, we would have been 5th primary in the nation and only shared it with Missouri. Anyway, long live Delaware and its liberals.

  30. jason330 says:

    People who don’t regret voting for Bush:

    Dave Burris

    Mike Castle

    David Andersen


    I’m sure there are a few more. It just boggles the mind.

  31. jason330 says:

    Mitt Loves Bush. What a F’ing loser.

  32. liberalgeek says:

    I’m watching the PBS coverage. Some woman said, “You make me proud to be an American” It’s amazing that she looked so good after being in a coma for 7 years.

  33. jason330 says:

    All these Bush lovers like Mitt and Dave Burris in the GOP are driving the party off a cliff.

    67% “wrong track”

  34. jason330 says:

    Mitt wants to be Bush III

  35. jason330 says:

    I think they are only showing Mitt from the chest up because he is nude from the waist down and sporting a huge boner.

  36. jason330 says:

    Oh Dem response on deck. NBC.

  37. jason330 says:

    X , starting the blog back up?

  38. X Stryker says:

    Mmmmm… it’s so late in the game… maybe I should reboot it with a new title and a broader topic.

    Russert talking up Sebelius.

  39. jason330 says:

    Gov. Sebelius of Kansas. VP short list. (probably not Clinton’s)

  40. liberalgeek says:

    Obama/Sebelius, hmmm.

  41. X Stryker says:

    I might retool the blog just to track polls… I am a total poll junkie.

  42. jason330 says:

    How’s life geek?

  43. jason330 says:

    I’m a futures market junkie.

  44. liberalgeek says:

    busy. Letting up a little, though.

  45. liberalgeek says:

    she is a little too stiff. She would need to work on that.

  46. liberalgeek says:

    I’d take her over Aunt Bea any day, though.

  47. jason330 says:

    Yep. I’m still feeling burned by Ferraro. I don;t know how’s I’d feel about Sebelius.

    Esp. since the VP’s job is to take a pick-axe to the other side.

  48. X Stryker says:

    Obama/Sebelius could work.
    other possibilities:

    Obama/Clark (he’d be forgiven for endorsing Hillary – Obama doesn’t hold grudges)
    Obama/Biden (Well, he has the experience)
    Obama/Webb (would be seriously exciting, but I think we need Webb kicking ass in the Senate for a while longer)
    Obama/Richardson (I don’t think he’d take the job tho)
    Obama/Feingold (kind of a dream ticket, but I don’t think it adds much punch electorally)

  49. X Stryker says:

    There’s also Napolitano of AZ.

  50. liberalgeek says:

    Can I veto Richardson?

  51. jason330 says:

    No Obama/Edwards ?

    I guess you only get one shot at second place.

    Obama/Webb I like.

    Obama/Steve Jobs

  52. jason330 says:

    OMG look at Clinton. FREAKY!

  53. X Stryker says:

    Gotta admit, she’s a better speaker than Sebelius.

  54. jason330 says:

    Joe Biden….Hmmm?

  55. X Stryker says:

    Edwards won’t take a VP slot. He’s done that already, and VP is a do-nothing job for anyone except Cheney. Edwards has a likely shot as Atty General

  56. liberalgeek says:

    I think another part of his face just fell off.

  57. X Stryker says:

    Obama on NBC!

  58. jason330 says:

    Ted Kennedy endorsed Obama and the press is trying to make it some kind of negative.

  59. X Stryker says:

    Obama has a good lineup – Kennedy, Kerry, McCaskill, Napolitano – each speaking to different types of people

  60. X Stryker says:

    They seem to forget that this is the DEMOCRATIC primary, and nobody cares what Republicans think.

  61. X Stryker says:

    McCain’s gonna need some serious Viagra if he’s gonna stay awake through November. He is not a healthy looking guy.

  62. jason330 says:

    “the Office!”

  63. liberalgeek says:

    Obama on MSNBC now.

  64. liberalgeek says:

    Obama just plugged windpower.

  65. X Stryker says:

    I am totally watching the Office now. “You have a call from Eddie Murphy.”

  66. Brian says:

    I like Bush’s “trust but verify” approach to the American people as he gave a mini history lesson on trusting the people while calling for increased wiretapping authority. Orwell must be his speech writer.

  67. liberalgeek says:

    A.C. just asked Mitt if he ever changed his opinion in a way that has hurt him politically?

  68. jason330 says:

    Dwight’s second life is killing me.

  69. jason330 says:

    Keep in touch X.

    Brian – Re Obama policies. Greg Craig, who is a foreign policy advisor to the Obama campaign is going to be speaking here Tuesday.

  70. X Stryker says:


  71. Mat Marshall says:

    Dropping in quickly here to give my two cents… I’m about to keel over from exhaustion, so I can’t really read the previous comments, but WOW. Talk about a crap speech. Did McCain’s boys write this for him?

    The Democratic response put me to sleep. Sebelius lacks any sort of charisma/charmI. Not unlike Kansas. I actually fell asleep briefly in the middle of her response. While I prefer her sentiments to the president’s, he’s at least entertaining to watch.

    I may have lied earlier. Read the comment about VP tickets. Almost wept at the “Obama/Webb” ticket. Ditto for Obama/Biden, but something about him partnering up with Webb gives me goosebumps. What do you guys think of him running with Bayh?

    Alright. In all seriousness, I’m losing coherent function in my fingers. Over and out.

  72. Brian says:

    Brian – Re Obama policies. Greg Craig, who is a foreign policy advisor to the Obama campaign is going to be speaking here Tuesday.

    Thanks Jason. Where will he be?

  73. Dorian Gray says:

    Here’s what I wanted for this douche bag’s final SOTU address.

    “My fellow American’s, despite our best efforts the state of the union is mediocre. Please believe we all had the best intentions. I acted in good faith and did what I thought was best at the time. In retrospect, I was a complete fucking screw-up. I apologize.

    Thank you. Good night.”

    25 seconds.

    I still haven’t gotten my apology. Plus I torture myself by reading those god damn empty-headed retards from FSP, Hugh Hewitt, etc. After last night “speech” I am officially at my wits end.

    To quote the Kim Jong Il puppet in Team America, “Why is everyone so fucking stupid. Why can’t people be intelligent, like me?”

  74. I agree with Mat about the Kansan Governor. S-Span featured her giving her State of the State Speech earlier this week and it put me to sleep. Worst.Speaker.Ever.