Carney’s Economic Development

Filed in National by on February 7, 2008

Okay I guess…

Sounds sorta like another blue ribbon Committee and continues to focus on sucking up to fortune 500 companies to me.

I prefer an economic development program that (like Markell’s) concentrates more on entrepreneurship.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. disbelief says:

    Carney’s plan reads as: “I don’t know the solution so I’ll form a committee.” Sounds like he’s copying the Minner Plan

  2. anon says:

    Carney says he’d like to tap the head of the State Chamber of Commerce and the President of the AFL-CIO to lead the group.

    Oh come on.


  3. nemski says:

    I would like to start a blue ribbon committee to study the effectiveness of blue ribbon committees.

  4. cassandra m says:

    Markell’s plan reads like the end product of a functioning blue ribbon committee — with assessments of the issues and potential solutions. One more study group just kicks the can down the road and the need is to start getting more competitive now — certainly well before we are completely swamped with retirees…

  5. A proposal which has little merit. Both of the heads of the Chamber and AFL CIO are sterling individuals who can communicate with each other now. There is no need for a new entity.

    Economic growth must be pursued in tandem with addressing health care and education and not in isolation.

    A key thing to do is mark a very small part of the Delaware Pension Fund (3-5%) and dedicate that small portion to start ups and small companies who are innovation and technology based.

    Lastly, stream line the tax reporting and filing requirements for small businesses. Let them serve their customers not the tax man.

  6. Fonzy says:

    If I remember correctly, Carney released what reads more like his actual economic development plan some time ago.

    Also (play close attention Disbelief), despite what most people think about task forces, councils and the like, Delaware has a very successful history with them.

    I’m surprised that Mr. Markell does not know this given that he has served on a gaggle of them under Minner’s tutelage:

    * Financial Independence Task Force.
    * Information Services Task Force.
    * Wilmington Finance Task Force
    * Partners in Procurement Steering Committee

    These are not standing committees (he belongs to several of those as well), but ad hoc groups created by Governor Minner. Markell was a member of each one (and probably several others) appointed by Ruth Ann herself.

    Your all so smart, I’m surprised you don’t already know this…

  7. cassandra m says:

    Panels and committees and ad hoc groups are just fine when they are pointed at a specific topic or goal — but the point is that these groups are not a solution. In comparison with the Markell document, the Carney statement (as well as the Protack thing above) looks very much like incomplete homework.

  8. Fonzy says:

    Incomplete homework indeed!

    Here’s the thing about Markell’s plan — it focuses on new business starts (or “entrepreneurs” as he calls them). The problem with this plan is that it fails to recognize that some business are “better” from a public policy perspective than others. In Markell’s words:

    “Delaware shouldn’t be in the business of picking new industries to bet on…”

    Under Markell’s plan, an entrepreneur that sells textbooks would be treated the same as one that sells naked lady books. Carney’s plan on the other hand would focus on technology-based jobs.

    This is the key difference between the two. The rub for Markell is that Delaware’s past success in developing its economy has been a result of the exact opposite approach to what he is proposing — focusing on an few industries that have great potential for jobs and revenues. The return on that strategy continues to pay off today (anyone know what the State rakes in through incorporations?).

    I don’t think most people realize what a radical (read “risky”) departure his plan is.

    Certainly something this radically different, on which so much would be riding, warrants more than 7-8 pages of talking points, doesn’t it?

  9. jason330 says:

    You got a problem with naked ladies?

    But seriously folks. The point of putting a lot of small bets on a bunch of new business starts (as you call them) is that the risk is diversified.

    You want to keep the Carper/Castle/Minner style DEDO policies for another 8 years and hope to place a huge bet on one or two ventures.

    I view that as risky. Here’s why:

    1) You can lure some multi-national companies here for a while, but they have no roots and will move out to Michigan as soon as the tax breaks out there start to outweigh the tax breaks here. While homegrown ventures are less likely to both move and lay people off based on the whims of Wall Street.

    2) Home grown ventures keep the money circulating within the state while any Fortune 500’s you attract will not.

    Remember Fonz, DuPont and GORE were homegrown start ups once.

  10. liz allen says:

    Jason, companies are not leaving the state for tax purposes! A major report coming out soon on the “real state of Delaware and business”, I believe will shock many people. We are loosing jobs every day right now!
    Some are going out of business, some are condensing, some because of health care, workman’s compensation, some for lack of a work force that can get to work 24/7, because of lack of public transportation. Some are leaving for even lower real estate costs, corporations are looking to decrease their bottom line. Some are going to states where labor costs are so low, folks will gladly take $7.00/hr and no benefits.

    I just looked at the Bush Budget from 2007, compared to 2008, republicans have slashed and burned everthing from vets with brain injuries, to elderly/disabled forced to pay higher health costs. College tuition, homeland security, literally every program is defunded or less funded. The State will be forced to pick up these services. They are going to bankrupt many states. Only the smart States with smart intelligent and couragous leaders will prevail!

    We need a miracle!

  11. Rob Foraker says:

    I want to form a committee to examine the committee that examines the committee about committees…This was the dumbest statement I’ve heard of yet…

  12. Rob Foraker says:

    Now Jack Markell came out with spending money to better criminals…I thought this is a good thing…but remember this is one of Goveror Minners boys..