“Stall & Kill” Wind Power hearings tonight

Filed in National by on February 7, 2008

I nearly forgot that the first of Harris McDowell’s hearings on “how to avoid bringing wind power to Delaware” start tonight.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to hear from McDowell about natural gas prices will go down over the next four years. Hooray!! And I am just wetting my pants in anticipation to hear about how further enriching Gary Stockbridge is not only good for Delmarva Power rate payers but also great for the environment!

Artists rendering of McDowell and Stockbridge entering tonight’s hearing. 0000035795-20061116111126.jpg

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Sunshine….on their windmills….makes me happy….

    Sunshine….on the liberals….makes me smile….

    Sunshine….on union sh-theads….makes me high….

  2. Jason,

    I attended the hearing and I agree it had little relevance to moving an energy agenda for the State. The event was conducted in a professional manner but again few things were said which have not been said before.

    I attended after meeting with a gent who will be our campaign manager but I wasn’t in the door more than 2 minutes when I was told I would not be able to speak at the event. It appears no public officials or candidates would be allowed speaking time. I inquired about speaking as a private citizen but no luck.

    I was not going to talk about the Wind Farm but instead offer an incentive program for homes, farms and businesses to use renewable energy products from Delaware companies.

  3. kavips says:

    By the way, awesome choice of illustration, man.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Al got it right on his program this morning. This is just McDowell’s attempt to undo the law that he helped write. And, in a press release yesterday Venebles stated that McDowell is a nationally recognized energy expert. He’s so nationally recognized that if you Google him you get nothing on this. Zilch. That’s a pretty low profile for somebody who is nationally recognized.

    Does anybody out there know what R-WAY is? It’s listed as a source of income on McDowell’s disclosure document that he filed with the Delaware Public Integrity Commission, he’s the President, but there’s no explanation and again, Google doesn’t yield anything that might apply.