UPDATED: Blog Vernacular

Filed in National by on February 25, 2008

We get used to a background noise level of bitter invective on the blogs and tend to take it for granted.

I suppose someone on the outside looking in could be taken aback.


In Dave’s Response: he makes a good case that “human garbage” is not hyperbole or bitter invective, but an fair estimation of Atkins based on his actions.

I have to agree. Bunting & Gilligan and anyone who thinks Atkins should be in public office can kiss my ass.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Brian says:

    I do not like personal invective but at the same time, sometimes it is necessary but can be done with humor. Dear Dave watch Steven Colbert to learn how to use humor to cover polmeics.

  2. Pandora says:

    I’m no fan of FSP, but… come on. What I really wish is that these politicians drum up some of this righteous indignation for the real issues.

  3. disbelief says:

    Dave’s denial of his 110% loyalty to the GOP flag is like Sen. Craig’s protestations that his life-style is not gay. And like Craig’s condemnation of immorality in order to disguise his true feelings, Dave’s umbrage at one abberrant Republican does not make him any more or less a GOP apologist.

    Come out of the closet Dave. You aren’t fooling us, you aren’t fooling yourself.

  4. Rebecca says:

    I’m with Pandora, save all the righteous indignation for the real issues, like the Indian River School District, Open Government, Wind Power, and so forth. Of course, if an elected official were to focus on this stuff he might actually have to do some work to fix it.

  5. Steve Newton says:

    Wasn’t it just a couple of days ago that Jason was complaining that only Charlie Copeland paid attention to the blogs?

    There are a lot of us out here who think what Jason rationalizes as “blog vernacular” is counter-productive and over-the-top.

    And this opinion is growing:

    From Delaware Curmudgeon:


    From Merit Bound Alley:


    From Delaware Libertarian:


    I’m not real sure where the Delaware blogosphere got the idea that mirroring the excesses of talk radio and calling people names was the way to achieve anything positive.

    I don’t see Tommywonk doing that–and you guys voted him as the best blog in DE. Wonder why? Possibly because he prefers to stick it to his opponents with facts and arguments.

    If any of us have any pretensions of have what we say here in the ether matter to anyone outside it, then there’s a need to at least be funny when you’re being pointed.

    Otherwise, calling for a teacher’s firing when you have absolutely zilch evidence of misconduct (to cite but a single example) earns not respect and attention, but scorn and dismissal.

    Leaving everybody here to talk to themselves while nothing outside ever changes….

  6. jason330 says:

    I don’t see Tommywonk doing that…

    That son of a bitch can kiss my ass!

    (…I kid)

  7. TommyWonk says:

    Who are you calling…whatever…

  8. Joe M says:


    The post of mine that you link is more about someone ignoring a reasoned argument on an admittedly contentious issue, and simply whining about a perceived insult.

    I’m sure that a lot of my readers know that I am no stranger to invective or outright vitriol. Now, I’m not saying it’s the right way to go about it, but I am what I am and it works for me.