Breaking: McDowell & Copeland To Hold Hearings Into State Auditor/Fin. Dept Screw Ups Related to Lofink Escheat

Filed in National by on February 25, 2008

Now that would be breaking news.

Ain’t happening though. Forget about it. Nothing to see here folks. Move along now. Move along.

h/t Al Mascitti

This comment from Discourse over at DWA is as close as well get to hearings.

This story has it all: nepotism, unqualified appointee, lackadaisacal oversight by both state workers and state audit oversight, and both parties up to their nuts in guts in it. This has always looked like a circle-the-wagons situation where both parties wanted this to go away before anyone noticed.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Al Mascitti says:

    When I saw the comment about not firing anyone over this, I became convinced it must be a legislator’s relative who’s responsible. If not Cordrey himself. Where’s Dick “Fire Vince Meconi!” Cathcart on this one?