Mike Castle Called me! Donviti!

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 19, 2008

So, Mr. Torture himself has asked me over for dinner.  All the way in freaking Middletown.  I’m not sure why he called it a town hall meeting though?  The message on my answering machine invited me to come out and ask questions.  It’s this Thursday.  Who wants to go with me?  I need a hot date!

I don’t know the exact location yet.  I know it is in Middletown though.  Does anyone have any details they can share?

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hiding in the open

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  1. disbelief says:

    A muffled voice will give you directions. You will find youself on an unlit, one-way street. Large, black SUV’s will appear in your rear-view mirror, blocking egress. There will be a sudden flash of light, then….. nothing.

  2. Tyler Nixon says:

    I understand it is at the MOT “Town Hall” (perhaps the Middletown town hall?) at I believe 6:30, tomorrow (Thurs) night.

  3. anon says:

    If it’s a “town hall meeting” then anyone can come without an invitation, right?

  4. donviti says:

    Hey stash? where in middletown

  5. the new town hall is in Middletown on Green Street.

  6. anon says:

    Heads are rolling in Castle HQ for putting DV on the phone list…

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Ripped from C&L:

    “When Bear Stears was sinking, the Fed threw them a $30 billion lifeline — one we’re expected to pay for. When NOLA was sinking, Bush spared them 10.5. Tells you where the priorities lie, huh? “

    Fuck Bush and fuck his republican/conservative enablers (you too Mike C., you milquetoast Em-Effer!).

    Simple. As. That.

  8. anon says:

    Is this thing still on your answering machine? It would be cool to post the audio.

  9. disbelief says:

    Haven’t heard from Jason in a while. Did he attend a “meeting” with Castle? If so, are they pouring any concrete in DE near Jimmy Hoffa’s body?

  10. Mommychicky says:

    Not only did he call me , but he asked me to stay on the phone while he took questions from people – needless to say, I gave in and pressed 1 but never got to ask my question…

  11. nemski says:

    I’ll be at the Carney-Markell Education debate on Thursday night.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    Is Middletown going to allow you within city limits, DV?

    A Castle Town Hall meeting ought to be interesting, but I’ll be at the Education debate too. But perhaps we can help you with a list of questions you need to ask and report back on…

  13. RSmitty says:

    DV – Did they tell you to park on Lake St, a couple blocks to the east of Broad?

  14. donviti says:

    Is this thing still on your answering machine? It would be cool to post the audio.

    I’m not sure if it was deleted…

  15. liz allen says:

    Donviti: since you have had the privelege of an invitation, I hope you are going to ask the question: why did you vote for Torture! Why have you voted with George War Hoover 98% of the time? and why Congressman McSandcastle, are your running? Name one thing McCastle you have done since you have been in DC that helped the citizens of Delaware?

    Why isnt there a mass protest of him outside the meeting? Make him understand we know his votes, and will NOT give him our vote in November? Then you can post all his answers here.

  16. donviti says:

    its between this town hall meeting and a poker game with my old man. I’m not sure which one I’d rather be at

  17. disbelief says:

    Poker? That’s a fun game. I learned how to play last week.

  18. jim center says:

    I bug Castle’s office regulary on House votes. I also rag on Carper-I use the “I took the oath as a Midshipman as well, how in the hell can you still respect that oath and still vote the way you do?” as a preface to my question.
    He doesn’t have the cojonnes to answer.
    Today’s question for all of this community. I’m registered Independent, today I got a questionaire from NRCC asking for money and asking the usual republican questions, ie, “…are you ready to let the Dems surrender in Iraq?…

    Is this a caging operation in DE?

    I’m going to reply to every question, not by checking a box but writing in a snarky response.

    Anyone else get this letter?

    jim c.

  19. jim center says:

    I bug Castle’s office regulary on House votes. I also rag on Carper-I use the “I took the oath as a Midshipman as well, how in the hell can you still respect that oath and still vote the way you do?” as a preface to my question.
    He doesn’t have the cojonnes to answer.
    Today’s question for all of this community. I’m registered Independent, today I got a questionaire from NRCC asking for money and asking the usual republican questions, ie, “…are you ready to let the Dems surrender in Iraq?…

    Is this a caging operation in DE?

    I’m going to reply to every question, not by checking a box but writing in a snarky response.

    Anyone else get this letter?

    jim c.

  20. donviti says:

    thanks for posting jim…can you scan the letter and email it to one of us?


  21. cassandra_m says:

    Hi Jim!
    I suspect that give how skint the NRCC is right now (and they just blew about 20% of their cash on hand to lose Denny Hastert’s seat out in IL), they really are looking for money. And they are desperate enough to start sending this stuff to Independents they think they can hook.

    For awhile I used to get alot of correspondence from the RNC affiliates — but I think that an acquaintance (who was trying to get me to switch parties) put my address on the list. Haven’t gotten anything for awhile tho.