How to NOT Win Delegates and Influence People

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 4, 2008

finger wagHuffington Post has an article that perfectly covers a S.F. Chronicle story on the backstage antics of Bill Clinton during a meeting with California superdelegates. When a superdelegate mentioned that she was disappointed that James Carville had called Bill Richardson “Judas,” Clinton went off. My favorite part of the article is actually the picture of Bill wagging his finger (presumably) at the superdelegate. Where have I seen that finger wag before?


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  1. O.M.G. I just choked on my breakfast banana.

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    Monica SAID it listed to starboard, looks like she was right.

    What? That wasn’t his finger?

    Uh, never mind…

  3. jason330 says:

    When I read the story I wondered what it must be like to be Bill Clinton. He must have his ass kissed more than even Bush. Talk about a bubble.

    Aside from Hillary , and now this delegate, he has probably not had to speak with anyone who would disagree with him or challenge him on anyhting for years.

    Bill has really squandered his post-Presidency.

  4. anon says:

    . He must have his ass kissed more than even Bush.

    You are 180 degrees wrong.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Bush would have said, “You are 360 degrees wrong.”