Remember how Obama got slammed for “wink, winking” Canada??

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 4, 2008

In what could become Hillary Clinton’s own version of the NAFTA-Gate controversy that caused Barack Obama so much trouble a month ago, top Clinton strategist Mark Penn reportedly met on Monday with the Colombian ambassador to discuss a bilateral free-trade deal — something his candidate has publicly opposed.

In a case study on the dangers of wearing too many hats, Penn’s attendance was in his capacity as the head of his lobbying firm Burson-Marsteller Worldwide. Expect the Obama camp to hit Clinton for this on at least two angles: Hypocrisy on trade, and having as her top strategist a lobbyist for a foreign government.

Nice huh?  This is going to kill her 3 weeks before Pa Votes. 

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hiding in the open

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  1. El Somnambulo says:

    Gee, you don’t think Penn said something like, “And Hillary will be firmly in our corner on this…, BTW,do you think you could free up some drug money for the campaign?”

  2. Great post DV. Penn is an example of what a Clinton presidency would be. And by that I mean again.

    She was also caught lying when the first lady schedules showed that she lobbied for NAFTA plenty for her husband even though she denied it to get the Ohio vote.

  3. El Somnambulo says:

    The labor group aligned w/Barack Obama, Change to Win, has called on Hillary to fire Mark Penn:

  4. Pandora says:

    PLEASE don’t fire Mark Penn! I want him to stay right where he is! If he goes she might hire someone smart!

    Also – on a more serious note – I’m sick of all these firings of surrogates. All this rejecting and denouncing and firing. Let’s not add to the Repub play book, or we may end up with a candidate who finds themselves staff-less and apologizing all the time.