Dear WMMR and WYSP…

Filed in National by on April 8, 2008

You suck.  I’m not sure you know that though.  Did you know that Guns N Roses broke up like 20 years ago. Were you aware they stood up like 24000 Philly fans and haven’t been back since?  Are you aware that there is more music out there than Led Zeppelin, ACDC, GnR, Metallica, U2 and Nirvana?  I’m not so sure you do.  In an effort to save you some money on DJ’s salary.  I would like to take a stab at creating your playlist in perpetuity (sp?)  I pledge to play the following songs at least 3 times a day. 

1. Welcome to the Jungle
2. Back in Black
3. Sunday Bloody Sunday
4. Any led Zeppelin song from LZI, II, III, Physical Graffiti
5. Thunderstruck
6. All Apologies
7. Creep
8. Highway to hell
9. Everlong
10. Anything from U2’s Joshua Tree
11. Sweet Child O’ Mine
12. Dream On
13. Free Bird
14. Walk this Way
15. Roxanne
16. Money
17. Radar Love
18. Pride in the name of love
19. You shook me all night long

I’m sure there are others, but that should take care of about 4/6 hours a day. 10 hours if you include all your stupid freaking commercials. Let me know what you think and get back to me. Your latest loss to Sirius Radio,


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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    This is so funny. I have an 11year old “Guitar Hero” player in my house now who LOVES both WYSP and WMMR for the 19 reasons you just listed.

  2. RSmitty says:

    You just crushed my very soul, DV. Are you totally serious there is more than that? What’s next? Wearing torn plaid flannel isn’t cool anymore? What other jabs do you have for my heart? Excuse me while I listen to this track of Smells Like Teen Spirit. Punk.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Daft Punk….

    When did you steal my “To the Beach!” driving mix tape, DV? 😉

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    As hard as it is to admit, I am in total agreement here DV. In the words of Cosmo Kramer:

    “sooo plaayyyed”

  5. I love my rock and roll!

    By the way, I called the City of Newark today to complain about DelDOT removing bus service from west Newark and on hold, I got a Delmarva commercial in my ear.
    I asked the city planner WTF? He said it was just the radio station. But I wouldn’t put it past Newark to shill for Delmarva considering that Mayor Vance Funk thinks it is perfectly fine to shill for a commerical bank all over the state on his reputation as my Mayor.

  6. RSmitty says:

    I meant to add this yesterday, but silly work distracted me.

    XPN (88.5), brutha. You get new, old, and stuff you will not hear anywhere else on there. Plus, when the old is played, their catalogue is so extensive, you actually enjoy hearing something you haven’t heard for quite sometime. If you haven’t listened to them in long time (or at all), the old Y-100 format (as you could imagine it today, if it were still around) has slotted time there as well, called “Y-Rock on XPN”.