Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida… Oh my!

Filed in National by on June 18, 2008

Okay, I’m not big on polls this early in the political season. I fully understand that anything can happen between now and November. However, with all eyes on these three states I find this poll encouraging.

Florida (1,453 LV, MoE +/-2.6%)
Obama 47
McCain 43
Undecided 8

Ohio (1,396 LV, MoE +/-2.6%)
Obama 48
McCain 42
Undecided 7

Pennsylvania (1,511 LV, MoE +/- 2.5%)
Obama 52
McCain 40
Undecided 7

Post primary bump? Maybe, but I’m also sensing a trend toward Obama and away from McCain. Florida is particularly interesting given McCain’s strength in the state and the Democratic primary mess. Honestly, I had thought we’d have to wait until August before seeing numbers like these.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (7)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Ohio is Blue.

    They got played for a bunch of gullible saps and losers by Bush Co. but they have shaken it off.

  2. truth teller says:

    Polls what do they really mean if we want our guy elected we have to get out there and bust our asses for him . I’ve noticed that no matter what the polls are the week before election the media will call it a close race

  3. pandora says:

    “Our guy?” TT, I love you!

    Hmmm… I have a few extra Obama lawn signs if you’re interested. I could hand deliver them say… on Friday?

    Too much, too soon?

  4. truth teller says:

    Bring them down P that will shake some of these rednecks up down here Ok I’ll do this for you but does this mean i’ll have to remove my Hillary for president off my car

  5. Pandora says:

    Don’t you dare remove the Hillary sticker! I love it! Unity achieved!

  6. X Stryker says:


    Oh, the tyrrany of not having a shred of time to post on EI on a day when there are so many good news polls! I’ll try to update tonight when I finally get back.

  7. Pandora says:

    Can’t wait for your detailed analysis, X! I quote you often.