The DHS Starts Ripping Off Really Bad Star Trek

Filed in National by on July 8, 2008

And this is how you know that your government exists only to transfer taxpayer funds to their pals — witness: an Electronic ID bracelet that also stuns misbehaving passengers.

Someone at Homeland Security is actually thinking about this device that you’d be fitted with when you check in; that will somehow also be coded to your luggage; keep a bunch of data about you; and would be your boarding pass to get on the plane. And did I mention it also acts as your own personal stun gun? So if you somehow upset the flight attendant on the plane by getting up to use the bathroom too many times, you get zapped. Zapped bad, apparently. (The manufacturer has a sales video up. Stunning how many of us are just the enemy.)

You’d surrender this contraption when you disembark, but there is, of course, no mention as to what they’d do with this bracelet now that it has all of your info on it. Perhaps premium flyers will get a chance to keep their bracelets to save time at the airport and to upgrade them to something stylish. But you, dear taxpayer, will be paying (multiple premiums for sure) for this brave new security feature.

An airline industry that allows the implementation of this crazyness deserves to fail.

Extra credit to whoever can name the ST episode (original edition) I’m thinking of.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (12)

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  1. Pandora says:

    Ouch! Talk about smoking boots!

  2. Dominique says:

    Wow. That would be great for unruly toddlers. 🙂

  3. Truth Teller says:

    At first I asked myself is this for real. Then I remembered that we elected an idiot twice. So now nothing bothers me or surprises me

  4. DUH!!! says:

    Oh! No, Mr. Chernoff (sp).

    DE’s Home Land Security seems up to snuff….when compared to prison & psych. center.

    They stole two, count ’em, two trailer trucks from the port. Not a word from the ‘authorities’ on this breach of ‘security;. Unbelievable.

    Any one got a clue as to the state/local government’ s emergency exit plan (for us)? I maintain there isn’t one or they would share it with us before all hell broke loose.

    We could all join the Mormons.. they have a plan.

  5. liz allen says:

    Oh this will be heavily supported by Gov.Wannabee….Mike Protack…he wants RFID for all citizens. Do a google on RFID, and see what Wannabee Protack would bring to Delaware.

  6. cassandra m says:

    RFID is bad enough on your passport.

    And this bracelet thing is only going to be useful on toddlers if they get activated before the kiddies get on board. Not sure there are any headphones noise-cancelling enough to drown out a zapped kiddie.

  7. Johnny Longtorso says:

    Mr. Chertoff, your agonizer, please.

  8. anon says:

    Stardate 3211.7, “The Gamesters of Triskelion.”

    Am I really the first?!? Wow, cool! 😉

  9. cassandra_m says:

    anon, you are teh awesome! The extra credit is all yours…..

  10. jen says:

    Hmm… this could be a useful discipline tool in our schools.

    “Johnny, if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times–stop bothering Suzy.” vs. Z-Z-Z-Z!

    Compliance data proves its worth.

  11. anon says:

    Somehow I think with a little insulating material and a length of wire this thing could be turned into a weapon and used against whoever was pushing the button.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Dana – I accidentally deleted your comment while cleaning up spam. Sorry.