Chimpy McFlightsuit gets real pissy about gas prices today

Filed in National by on July 15, 2008

Oh, you got to see this one. Why do you think he is getting so snippy?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dominique says:

    Have you ever been on a really long flight – like to Europe or the west coast or, god forbid, Austrailia or Asia? You know, something over five hours. You know how you feel about 20 minutes before you land? Really antsy and irritable? Like, when is this freaking plane going to land, already?!?!?! Yeah, that’s how I think GWB feels right now. He probably just wants this horrible nightmare to be over…almost as badly as we do.

  2. delawaredem says:

    No, for if he was just running out the clock, he would not be so evil and heartless to veto the Medicare bill on Monday, which, but for the swift action of the Democratic Congress in overriding his veto, would have cut all funding for doctors to treat medicare patients.

    George W. Bush is a dark soul, destined no doubt for hellfire. He is trying to injure people even while his Presidency enters its last days.

  3. Dominique says:

    Yeah, kind of like I wanted to injure people about 20 minutes before my last flight landed. Seriously, he’s tired and cranky. Oh, and the water in his head is making his neck and back hurt.

  4. Bwahaha says:

    This WHY you deserve to lose. Grow the up.

    If there was that much conspiracy against you….you’d be dead. Your rendered fat is worth $4.91 a gallon.

    Unless you’re willing to admit you are such a tiny pimple on the ass of life that no cares about you now nor will they ever care about you?

    Hmmm…..quite the conundrum, eh?

  5. delawaredem says:

    Ladies and Gentlemen: I give you today’s lesson in conservative idiocy.


    1. When did I mention any sort of conspiracy?
    2. When did I mention any sort of conspiracy against my own person?
    3. If rendered fat is worth $4.91 a gallon, then Karl Rove and Dick Cheney are worth billions without the oil and blood money.
    4. Given the fact that you decided to attack me personally without defending Bush, I assume you have no defense for his actions. Legally, that is an admission. Thank you.

  6. Bwahaha says:

    Ladies and Gentlemen: I give you today’s lesson in liberal fallacy.


    “1. When did I mention any sort of conspiracy?”

    Isn’t that your raison d’etre? Shall you not live unless in conflict?

    “2. When did I mention any sort of conspiracy against my own person?”

    You weigh the special ed banter here as some sort of balance against real politics. Since they are in power and you are holding a limp pecker, clearly forces have been arrayed against unfairly, right? Or am I reading the script wrong?

    “3. If rendered fat is worth $4.91 a gallon, then Karl Rove and Dick Cheney are worth billions without the oil and blood money.”

    A modest proposal, no doubt.

    “4. Given the fact that you decided to attack me personally without defending Bush, I assume you have no defense for his actions. Legally, that is an admission. Thank you.”

    Your understanding of legal issues dwarfs your virility.

  7. delawaredem says:

    And you continue with ad hominems. That is all you conservatives have left. Your policies have all failed on a global scale. It was wise that you did not try to defend your President, since you realize that you cannot.

  8. Weer'd Beard says:

    “And you continue with ad hominems.”

    I thought it was only us gunnies who used that term ; ]

  9. Shall you not live unless in conflict

    to that I say

    “understanding is reached only after confrontation”


  10. Truth Teller says:

    This is the first time in my life that I ever agreed with Bush . It did take us a while to get to $4.50 a gallon the problem being his seven and a half years in office.

  11. Von Cracker says:

    Mission Accomplished!

    – said the joker to the thief.

  12. mike w. says:

    “And you continue with ad hominems. That is all you conservatives have left. Your policies have all failed on a global scale.”

    How ironic considering the conduct of Delaware Liberals in the recent gun threads. All I saw were ad hominems from the left.

    And it is liberals who seek to re-try the same failed socialist-based policies of the past. Talking about “nationalizing” oil companies….hmm where have we seen that in action and how’s it working out? Discussing suing OPEC. Talk about arrogant and foolhearted. Gun Control, universal healthcare, windfall profit taxes. They’ve ALL been tried before, either here or abroad and all have a long history of failure.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    Wow, those Scandinavian countries are always ranked as having great health care and at reasonable costs due to negotiating power.

    According to Mike – supreme arbiter of everything American – they suck and they failed.


    Mike – you live in a socialist country, and I’m sure (if they were in the US at the time) your grand parents lived in a socialist country. It’s the degree of socialism that you should ‘concern’ yourself with. But it appears that it’s “either-or” and ‘all-or-nothing” with you, and that’s the textbook example of the word extreme, now isn’t it?

    I don’t recall the words ‘socialism’ or ‘capitalism’ appearing in the Constitution, or even some of the earlier docs, but I know that ‘democracy’ does.

  14. DJK says:

    * On energy policy and the amount you spend on gasoline, Obama would raise the gasoline tax, create a windfall profits tax on oil companies, which they would pass along to you, and mandate the type autos you drive and what you set your thermostat on inside your home.
    * He is against offshore oil drilling to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, against expanded refinery capacity, and against building new refineries.
    * He is against nuclear power, coal, expanding the building of windmills, and halting the rush toward ethanol which has created a world-wide food crisis and astronomical grocery prices.

    Oh, that’s Obama

  15. DJK says:

    On Border Security,

    * Obama told La Raza yesterday that our Border Patrol agents are like terrorists.
    * Obama has long supported open borders with complete amnesty for illegal aliens.
    * Obama wants illegal aliens to obtain valid U.S. drivers’ licenses.
    * Obama wants to grant special tuition credits for illegal aliens to attend college in the U.S.

  16. DJK says:

    On corruption, scandal, and shady financial dealings,

    * Obama’s closest associates all seem to be fringe-element frauds, kooks, and criminals, such as Tony Rezko, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, politicians from the oldest and most corrupt political machine in America (Chicago), Father Michael ‘Snuffy’ Pfleger who said that gun store owners should be ‘snuffed out,’ George Soros who has bankrolled his campaign by the millions, and many others.

  17. DJK says:

    On taxes,

    * Obama would need to raise taxes by 300 million dollars to pay for all of his proposals, not counting his desire to raise gasoline taxes and to start a windfall profits tax on oil companies.
    * He has already committed himself to the largest tax increase in U.S. history by opposing the extension of the Bush tax cuts which are set to expire in 2010.

  18. DJK says:

    On the attack on 9/11 and meeting with terrorist leaders in the Middle East, including Hamas and Hizbollah,

    * Obama claims terrorist groups have a good point to make about why they consider attacking the U.S. is a good idea.

    On dividing Jerusalem between Jews and Palestinians,

    * Obama lied to a major Jewish group, stating he was for an undivided Jerusalem under Israeli control,
    * But this week stated that he ‘misspoke’ and that he continues to support a divided Jerusalem with Jews and Palestinians sharing control of the ancient Jewish city.

  19. DJK says:

    When it comes to abortion and infanticide,

    * Obama voted in Illinois to deny medical care to infants that had survived botched abortion attempts.

  20. DJK says:

    When it comes to Americans’ right to self-defense,

    * Obama voted at least 4 times to criminalize homeowners who used guns to defend their lives and the lives of their families against intruders.
    * He repeatedly stated he was all for the D.C. handgun ban, but when the U.S. Supreme Court struck it down, he said he was ‘against it all along.’

  21. DJK says:

    Liberal Democrats, Hear ye Hear Ye!

    Yer’ bein’ hoodwinked!

  22. Von Cracker says:

    On DJK:

    * Sources say DJK goes on monthly sex junkets trolling for pre-pubescent boys in Indo-China.

    I can’t give 3rd party verification via a web link, but I read it from a ‘trusted’ source….So there! You’re just gonna have to refute it yourself!

    I guess that direct fax line to Rush is working overtime! 😛

  23. mike w. says:

    “Wow, those Scandinavian countries are always ranked as having great health care and at reasonable costs due to negotiating power.

    According to Mike – supreme arbiter of everything American – they suck and they failed.”

    Not at all. There are basic differences between the U.S. and Europe that go back to our founding. Strong belief in private property rights, and a healthy distrust of government. Europeans (like the Scandinavians you cite) do not hold those values because their history and culture are different from ours.

    The elevation of inherent, inalienable individual rights above the “rights” of society makes the U.S. unique in the world. The natural progression of government is towards tyranny and control and not towards liberty.

    The U.S. has always been unique in it’s belief in, and ability to restrict the powers of government. Our founders (and at least some current americans) see government as a “necessary evil.” Scandinavians, and most europeans have not shared our history nor adopted the same views on government. They hold Roussaeuian views on government and rights while we have traditionally held Lockeian views.

    There’s a fundamental philosophical difference between the U.S. and Europe on the role of government and the concept of “rights.” and even moving towards a degree of Socialism (as seen in European “social democracies”) blurs those distinctions and moves us further from the founding principles of this great nation.

  24. Von Cracker says:

    No, the Jeffersonian Democrats thought government was a ‘necessary evil”; the Federalists did not.

    I’ve studied Locke, Rousseau, Hobbes, Voltaire, et al in the Social and Political Philosophy classes I needed for my major at U of D. Yes, I agree with your position that Locke was an influence on our government, Jefferson loved him, but he certainly wasn’t the sole inspiration for the revolution and Constitution. It wasn’t all about property rights and spoiled apples. It was much more than that. The Founders certainly read all of the contemporary philosophers, ancient too, and incorporated what they thought would work along with their own understandings.

    Good argument though.

    I guess our differences really do break down on how to move forward with our society. Conservatives sometimes will forego change for the sake of tradition and stability, and Liberals sometimes will embrace change and forego tradition in the hope progress. Neither position is a guaranteed success, but absolute adherence to one or the other is guaranteed failure.

  25. mike w. says:

    “Yes, I agree with your position that Locke was an influence on our government, Jefferson loved him, but he certainly wasn’t the sole inspiration for the revolution and Constitution. It wasn’t all about property rights and spoiled apples. It was much more than that.”

    I agree, but I think it’s safe to say that there was some of Rousseau’s philosophy (civic virtue & “republicanism” of the 18th century) in the founders writings, Locke’s philosophy ultimately won out. The Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and our Constitution are profoundly Lockeian in nature.

    I believe we need to continue to adhere to those founding principles rather than muddy them with the Roussaueian ideals of contemporary social democracies.

    Remember Franklin said, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” If we elevate the “rights” of society over those of the individual, eschew property rights, and muddy the concept of “rights” by talking about healthcare, a “living wage” and other “economic rights” we’ll eventually lose the ideals that make us unique in the world.

    It was Learned Hand who said,
    “Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it”

    The further we move towards socialism the sooner liberty will die in the hearts of American men & women. Our education system certainly isn’t helping matters.

  26. RAH says:

    The democrats blocked all oil drilling off the coasts 7 years ago when Bush asked for an energy bill. The Democrats have been pushing global warming and how we need to diminish our energy base economy to save the world from a false theory. China is drilling off the Florida Keys, but not allowed for American oil companies. Liberals have been blocking new nuclear power plants for decades, clean power and has the best safety record.

    It took $4.00/gallon to get the people to scream about why our country cannot drill for oil off our coasts. This is not Bush’s fault. The fault lies with the Democrats who sit on their butts and complain about Bush instead of doing their jobs.

  27. liberalgeek says:

    China is drilling off the Florida Keys

    Not true. There is no one drilling between Cuba and FL. That was a rumor that was started to fuel this BS “gotta have it now” campaign. He needs it now so that his oil buddies can get their last bit of the pie before Chimpy waves goodbye.

    The Bush energy bill was nothing but welfare for the well-off.

  28. RAH says:

    You are right LG , I heard this a year ago and the multiple media reports misled me. I know not to believe everything reported. But I did checked it out from different sources and it is another lie. Thanks

  29. DJK says:

    oh no Von Cracker, that was a good one…

    So, what you’re saying is that everything I posted there is untrue? Or it’s untrue because I didn’t take the time to post a link to each individual line?

  30. DJK says:

    * Obama told La Raza yesterday that our Border Patrol agents are like terrorists.

  31. DJK says:

    On corruption, scandal, and shady financial dealings,

    * Obama’s closest associates all seem to be fringe-element frauds, kooks, and criminals, such as Tony Rezko, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, politicians from the oldest and most corrupt political machine in America (Chicago), Father Michael ‘Snuffy’ Pfleger who said that gun store owners should be ’snuffed out,’ George Soros who has bankrolled his campaign by the millions, and many others.

    I’m pretty sure you don’t need a link to prove all those…

  32. liberalgeek says:

    RAH – Thanks. I do hate the subterranean rumor mill. You weren’t the first duped by this one and you won’t be the last.

  33. DJK says:

    * Obama would need to raise taxes by 300 million dollars to pay for all of his proposals, not counting his desire to raise gasoline taxes and to start a windfall profits tax on oil companies.

    Who do you libs think will really be paying those taxes??? You and me…the consumers of their product. So who does the tax hurt? The billionaire company? No. Unintended consequences will be that you and I have to pay the tax for them.

  34. asm826 says:

    If you can call the current President of the United States “Chimpy McFlightsuit”, do not howl about what the next President gets called. Just don’t. Call it freedom of speech and be ready to defend it.

  35. mike w. says:

    ASM – you realize that any criticism of Obama is going to be immediately decried “Racist.” Hell, this PC crap and playing of the “race card.” is bad enough in America today, but it will be 1000 times worse if Obama becomes President.

  36. DJK says:

    “No, for if he was just running out the clock, he would not be so evil and heartless to veto the Medicare bill”

    Do you think it was really heartlessness that was the reason he vetoed the bill? Have you looked at what he’s done for Medicare in the last 7 years?

    I’m pretty sure the Medicare spending is far and away more than it was before his term in office.

    I don’t like the guy either but he’s not the “dark soul” that you think he is.

    Maybe this bill didn’t make sense financially.

  37. DJK says:


    Why was Bwahaha’s comment “conservative idiocy”? Wasn’t that just “Bwahaha Idiocy”? It is YOU who keeps up with the ad hominems… Pot Kettle Black.