Autism defined by an Ahole

Filed in National by on July 19, 2008

“I’ll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it’s a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out. That’s what autism is. What do you mean they scream and they’re silent? They don’t have a father around to tell them, ‘Don’t act like a moron. You’ll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don’t sit there crying and screaming, idiot.'”-Michael Savage.

H/T Andrew Sullivan

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hiding in the open

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  1. Maddy says:

    I suspect it was just an attempt to rack up his rating by ranting – or at least I hope so.
    Best wishes

  2. you obviously don’t listen or know anything about Mr. Savage then do you….and I don’t mean that to come out in a hostile way.

  3. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    regardless his reason it’s completely inappropriate. obviously he has NO idea about people with disabilities. i’m still in shock after reading it. don’t even know what else to say but what an insensitive asshole!!!!!

  4. Pandora says:

    OMG! There’s a special place in hell for this man.

  5. LOL…I love Michael Savage. I remember when he had a show on MSNBC in which he took live calls and told a gay man to choke on a sausage in the hopes that he’d get trichinosis. It got him kicked off MSNBC and I was actually pissed because I found the guy so ridiculously offensive and entertaining.

  6. jason330 says:

    Michael Savage’s offensive act would be more entertaining if it was intentionally ridiculous.

    You need to read up on the Overton Window Mike.

  7. Rebecca says:

    One of these days we will take back the people’s airways and demand at least some modicum of truth from these wack jobs. I’m all for freedom of speech but this is tantamount to yelling fire in a crowded venue. Stupid and offensive.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    I was going to post on this. This is the kind of thing that shows that some people don’t need any exposure to facts to have an opinion on an issue. Savage is obviously a complete waste of skin, but is a portion of our society that thinks just like him.

    Just wait until I do my expose on how the State of Delaware is balancing the books on the teeth of the disabled in this state. No, I’m not kidding.

  9. I don’t think it’s anything close to yelling fire in a crowded venue, Rebecca.

  10. jason330 says:

    I don’t this it’s anything close to entertaining, Mike.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Michael Savage is a moron who has had the great bit of luck to have found folks who will pay for his spectacular idiocy. There’s plenty of stuff in the world to rant and rave about this fool chooses to showcase what he doesn’t know about autistic kids.

    AM radio needs to die.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    I’ve got it. In Savages world, autistic people should be put in prison until they “get it.”

    You like rocking back and forth? Great, Gitmo for you.

    Don’t want to look at me when I’m talking? Attica has a lot of guys like you.

    Oh, you like to hurt yourself? Fine, we got lots of places that can help you with that.

  13. Andy says:

    I’m all for freedom of speech but this is tantamount to yelling fire in a crowded venue. Stupid and offensive.

    Can’t do that no matter how offensive people and their words are and this offends me alot doing what I do for a living but the first amendment is sacred you cannit censor just because you find it offensive or you disagree it makes would make us no better than the Nazi’s

  14. you don’t have to censor, but you don’t have to give him a microphone either and pay him large sums of money.

    oh wait he’s a conservative nevermind. he gets a free pass

  15. jason330 says:

    Here we go again. The prentend “Liberatarians” rush in to defend “free speech” because of the principle.

    Where the hell were all you tough guys when Bush started wiping his ass with the Constitution?


  16. cassandra_m says:

    It would be useful if folks understood the difference between the idea of censoring someone’s speech and the idea of heaping much scorn and disapprobation on someone’s speech.

    Savage may be free to say what he likes but his freedom of speech in no way constrains the freedom of speech of his critics.

    And that Nazi thing? See Godwin’s Law.

  17. Rebecca says:

    Cass, thanks for the link to Godwin’s Law. Very interesting.

    Mike, you are right about comparing this to yelling fire in a crowded venue. I was wrong.

    Here’s my problem. Sometime in the past eight years we stopped demanding honesty, reality and facts from our media. So what we get is 24/7 propaganda and hate being broadcast.

    Some of us refuse to listen to Rick Jensen but he’s still out there every afternoon with his total bullshit, made up stuff. And his listeners don’t have the time to read and research so they don’t know it’s total bullshit, made-up stuff. They heard it on the radio so it must be true.

    How do you deal with that in a democracy? People cast their ballots based on bullshit. Absolutely, we must protect free speech but don’t we have some responsibility for informing our citizens versus propagandizing them? Apologies to Godwin but Andy, that’s exactly what the Nazis did.

    There’s got to be some sort of regulation or else the corporatists just take over the media, as we’ve seen, and suddenly nobody is voting for what they think they are voting for.

    Ya-da-ya-da-ya-da. We’ve all heard it before, but I keep coming back to the time when broadcasters could lose their license for the sort of stuff that goes on today. And we still had free speech.

    Thank heavens for blogs.

  18. we aren’t a democracy rebecca. We are a capitilast country

  19. mike w. says:

    Mr. Savage has every right to speak and prove himself an asshole, and I have every right to say I consider him an asshole based on his comments.

    We protect even the most offensive speech because that acts as a buffer on government censorship of other speech. I’ll fight for the right of Nazi’s and the KKK to speak and march because if we allow government to censor them we grease the top of the slippery slope.

  20. mike w. says:

    “Here’s my problem. Sometime in the past eight years we stopped demanding honesty, reality and facts from our media. So what we get is 24/7 propaganda and hate being broadcast.”

    Kinda like Keith Olbermann.

  21. jason330 says:

    Mike you don;t even try to make sense sometimes. Oh wait, I get it. There is one slightly liberal guy on TV so that excuses Savage.

    Nice logic.

  22. mike w. says:

    read the post just above that one. I DID NOT excuse Mr. Savage. Hell, I don’t even know who the guy is.

  23. RAH says:

    Mike Savage is a radio talk show host that has very vitrolic rants. I do not appreciate his rants and do not listen to them. I may agree with the basics of what he says but he likes to be offfensive.

    He does what a lot of people with a microphone or the internet. Rant about a subject he is ignorant

  24. jason330 says:


    I’ll read your post above on the condition that you read Cassandra’s (#16) which deals with the difference between censorship and scorn.

  25. So as a first amendment absolutist, I believe that Savage is free to say whatever the hell he wants. As a father of an autistic child (actually an adult) I’d like to kick his ass. Notice the lack of a Smiley there. Is there a local station that carries his show I can boycott and/or annoy their station manager with many emails?

  26. liz allen says:

    Mark: Yes there is a local station who carries the moron. WILM, Clear channel 1450am, who also carry other “hate america talk shows” Rush the drug addict and Hannity the Insanity. And to Rebecca, sorry hate radio didnt begin in the last 8 years, its been around for decades.

    Fairness in media doctrine which would took the licenses of stations in the past must be brought back. No one has complained more than I have of our local “hate America talk show nut job Rick Jenson, who not only spews the most venonous lies and commentary every day, but everytime Jenson “talks stupid” we in Delaware do not take him to task, nor his republican, corporate management.

    Public opinion against hate speech and outright lying should have removed Jenson long ago. Gerry Fulcher would call Jenson a “liar on the air”, and offered up a more balanced view, or at least the other side of an issue. Jenson on the air alone during this election, without a “handler” is a problem for all democrats.

    Having an autistic son myself I would like to slap the crap out of ignorant fools like Savage. His comment on autism is nothing compared to his take on people of different cultures i.e ALL muslims.

    Hate speech on the public airways is not “free speech”, its hate speech. We have two options as I see it…turn it off, or bitch and complain to the management to “remove the fool”, or at least put someone on the show with the opposite view point to get some balance.

  27. Andy says:

    you don’t have to censor, but you don’t have to give him a microphone either and pay him large sums of money.

    oh wait he’s a conservative nevermind. he gets a free pass

    Nope just don’t listen he’ll go away

    Hate speech on the public airways is not “free speech”, its hate speech. We have two options as I see it…turn it off, or bitch and complain to the management to “remove the fool”, or at least put someone on the show with the opposite view point to get some balance.

    Liz has the right antidote for this kind of crap

    and Jason I thought you claimed to be some sort of a progressive
    Just because Bush and his cronies trash the Costitution doesm’t make it right for the rest of us to do the same thing and no I’m not a Libertarian
    Obviously these fools are not winnig the argumants anymore and they fill fade into history just like all of the other fruit cakes of the world

    Aren’t WDEL’s ratings for Jensen going into the toilet

  28. I don’t think anyone disagrees this ahole has a right to say what he says, but he shouldn’t be employed and be able to say is the point I think we all would agree on

  29. andy1 says:

    FTR, a couple of months ago, I had a very long, face-to-face conversation with the WILM station manager about Savage and the other nonsense they’ve been broadcasting since Clear Channel took over. His response to me “Don’t listen.” Literally! He told me that I’m clearly not the demographic the advertisers are targeting, so I should just change to another station. No apologies, no acknowledgement that I might have a point, no regret at losing a 20+ year listener. Too bad there’s not another news radio station in the area that’s any better; if I want radio “news”, I’m stuck with WILM (for national) and WDEL (for local). Really stinks!

  30. Steve Newton says:

    I guess I’d make the Ben Franklin argument here: you don’t stop hate speech by legislation, you only drive it underground and into new media.

    It was always there; it has always had an audience in America. I personally prefer it where I can keep track of it, keep track of the advertisers I don’t want to purchase products from, and keep track of the candidates to whom it panders (or vice versa).

    The Savages, Jensens, and Hannitys of the nation have millions of followers; otherwise they wouldn’t be there.

    Does silencing them do anything to win over their adherents?