They May Call Us Names…

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008

…but the Carney people do read this site constantly.  How do I know?  Because Carney vote total just in the poll to the left just jumped 50 votes in 20 minutes.   LOL.   If you are going to “Freep” a poll, do it a little more subtly.

Update:  Hahahaha….now the Carney total is up to 91 votes, and still climbing.  Idiots.

Update 2: In the time it takes me to update this post, the Carney vote total keeps climbing, up into the 100s now.   That is a jump of 100 votes in a matter of minutes.   I sincerely doubt Carney has 100 supporters that are computer literate, so this must be the work of some enterprising supporter or staffer.  Congrats.   You have just proved two things: 1) you are insecure in how Carney would far in any vote, and 2) thus you believe you have to cheat to win.

Update 3: And now the Markell vote total is jumping by similar huge margins in a matter of seconds, I suppose to make the poll look more realistic and not the result of some internet shenanigans.   I should note that there is a total (as I write this) of 164 total votes.  There has not been 164 unique visitors to this site in the last few minutes, so that is how I know games are afoot.   Give it up my savy Carney voter.   You are discovered, and it does not look well on your candidate.

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  1. delawaredem says:

    And now the Markell vote total has jumped another 34 votes in seconds. This is entertaining. Thanks for helping me pass the time while waiting for Donviti’s BBQ to begin.

  2. Steve Newton says:

    See, delawaredem, Ron Paul really did have a lasting effect on politics–his supporters taught everybody how to screw with internet polls

  3. delawaredem says:

    Hahahaha. That was one of my favorite memories of this past primary: seeing every AOL poll having Paul winning the GOP nomination.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    ah… the power of the click. That should be resolved for now…

  5. delawaredem says:

    Did you limit it to IP addresses?

  6. liberalgeek says:

    It ain’t perfect, but it does solve the freeping problem, although it does disenfranchise Protack voters.

  7. heh, I just put in for Markell.
    Sorry I can’t make DHB’s shin dig but I should be able to get to the Noyes party.

  8. Twice says:

    Looks like a tie…..I think you’re making all this up to lather yourself.

  9. delawaredem says:

    Nah, I already showered this morning.