My Concession Speech…

Filed in National by on August 1, 2008

Update IV: I am seriously considering hiring a lawyer and investigating if in fact this election was legal.  I can say I did not vote at all, because as a good American I did not want to deface/debase our Homelands currency (and I am a cheap bastard).  The more I think about it, I may have a chance at defying this victory.  I may have prematurely conceeded and still need time to reconsider what has happened here and if it is right for Delaware.

On a side note I do want to say that the blogosphere is an incredible place.  Granted, we got odd stares from the “cooler” people at the bar.  But, I feel sorry for them as they drank up their ignorance and had no idea that we practically single handidly got them effing wind power of the coast of Rehoboth.  I mean think of that, WE pushed out the fraud and corruption that was the SEU, we forced the issue on WDEL, and in the end finally got Markell and Carney to exert some of their power.

Last night WE raised over $500 for Tommywonk and his trip to represent the Delaware blogosphere in Denver.  That is an incredible accomplishment. The delaware blogosphere is a great machine and I think we do make a difference and aren’t some echo chamber.  

So, this event happened at the same time a blog I read was having a similar charity event.  Susie was kind enough to link to me when I was De La Where and I have been a loyal reader ever since.  Her event was medically related that netted several hundred’s if not thousands of dollars to pay for several surgeries she needs and can’t afford b/c she is out of work.

I think it shows that we can rally around our own. That we can Do good despite our petty differences.  In the end we understand that we are a small community that has to stick together to make a difference.   I applaud the charity we saw last night to send one of our own to Denver and the charity of the masses to help out someone that needs surgery. 

There is no reason to think that if we can do this for 2 human beings, we can continue to make an impact on the lives of those that don’t have a voice and need one to stand up for them.

Congrats Pandora!  Congrats Tommy, do us proud my man. 

Great job everyone.

P.S.  I have set up a paypal account and you can send any amount of money to donviti@yahoo.  I will need this money for the PTSD I am now suffering from officially relinquishing my crown to Pandora.

Update III: Listening to Rage Against The Machine now

I will have more to say on this, but for now I will do the honorable thing.

take it Bitch, .I don’t want it anymore, it will only bring you jealousy and ruined friendships. People will do anything to take you down a peg. I am not bitter, my eyes have been opened to the nastiness of Delaware Politics. What I have seen was a disaster. Vote buying with ham hands and drinks. It was disgusting and we were all happy to be a part of it. Giggling like teenagers out for their first night with their shiny new car.

As Delaware’s Utmost Ethical Blogger I will release my hold on the crown. Like the ring that Frotto saught, once out of my possesion I see the world anew…


I don’t think I can go on. This is so much worse than when FISA got signed. My dogs didn’t even look at me this morning. Roscoe saw me coming and ran the other way. My wife yelled at me for no reason. I got every red light on the way to work.

Delaware’s Saddest Blogger

Update II: Singing Carly Simon songs now

About the Author ()

hiding in the open

Comments (17)

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  1. delawaredem says:


    And you would have won if you weren’t getting your radio installed. That one hour delay probably cost you valuable vote buying time.

  2. jason330 says:

    …Inspiring concession speech though.

  3. Barack Hussein Bin Laden Obama says:


    I hope mine shall be equalling in magnanymous inspirating verbiage!


  4. anon says:

    Cheer up, you can always do ED commercials like Bob Dole.

  5. Rebecca says:

    LMAO — the former DHB doing ED commercials. How the mighty have fallen.

  6. delawaredem says:

    Awwww… Poor Donviti.

  7. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    anybody know any good divorce lawyers? not going to be married to a has been. 🙂

  8. Lovely says:

    @Barack Hussein Bin Laden Obama:

    George Dubya, is that you?

  9. delawaredem says:

    I think it is Karl Rove.

  10. “Haven’t Got Time for the Pain?”

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    Whoa Donviti—you better knock it off… I left there thinking sure Pandora won and rightfully so…but you…you’re like Hef..”.been there..done that…they still talk about me and come around….and my legacy works for me”….We can’t unseat the icon….just give away the wanna be title. All that priveledge you’ve garnered and no more tracking receipts,relatives, calendars, cabbies, and shot records! Enviable mastery of the web….Reap the tacit rewards!!!! You remain the hunted…not the has been….again look at Hef!! A new era for you….and them…all of them….start playin’ some Rod Stewart….

  12. Joe M says:

    Well said, DV!

  13. RSmitty says:

    There is a rumor at work that some dude keeps whimpering like a dog who got his ass slapped for peeing on the carpet (post-election). Problem is, they can’t find him because of all the tasks that have stacked up on his desk.

    Get back to work you lazy DHB-election-lahooooser!!!! We don’t pay you to cry on your blog!!!

  14. cassandra m says:

    Excellent concession, DV. It really was fantastic how the Delaware blogosphere came together to support the excellent work of one of our own.

  15. Vincent the Cleaner says:

    “I feel sorry for them as they drank up their ignorance and had no idea that we practically single handidly got them effing wind power of the coast of Rehoboth. I mean think of that, WE pushed out the fraud and corruption that was the SEU, we forced the issue on WDEL, and in the end finally got Markell and Carney to exert some of their power.”

    Leave it to a wop to talk about a .22 like it was a bazooka!

    Easy there, Johnny Holmes!!!!

  16. Disbelief says:

    I almost shed a tear as I took down the full-size, personally signed DV poster, rolled it up tightly, and put in the trash. I had sad memories of the Farrah Fawcett poster that was replaced by DV’s.