My Thoughts on John F-ing Edwards

Filed in National by on August 8, 2008

I spent the day riding a bike around Martha’s Vineyard, I am burnt to a crisp (why do I think when riding a bike I will not get sunburnt?), and I come back to our Bed & Breakfast across the sound in Falmouth to find out this has finally broke.

So Edwards admits to the affair, and in the process denies the child is his, and says “I didn’t love her” as if that excuses the entire thing.   I didn’t believe this story at first because, you know, it was the National Enquirer.   But then I listened to Bill Press on Thursday morning as I was driving up here, and he made a very good point: if this was not true, why has John Edwards not sued the National Enquirer for defamation, given the fact that he is a trial lawyer?   And now we know the answer.


I never have liked him, and I never would have supported him during either of his presidential campaigns.  In fact, on Daily Kos, I once called him a real communist due to his talk about a global redistribution of wealth, which led to an epic flame war.

I don’t really care what he does in his private life.  If he wants to screw around, fine.  I don’t agree with it, obviously, but it’s ultimately between him and Elizabeth.

But he chose to be a presidential candidate, cheating on a wife with cancer, and then running for the Democratic nomination with that fact tucked away waiting to break out as an October surprise.  Not only is that an incredibly selfish act, but he could have single-handedly given us another 8 years of Republican rule if he won the primaries.

Add that to the fact that he condemned Bill Clinton in 1999:

“I think this President has shown a remarkable disrespect for his office, for the moral dimensions of leadership, for his friends, for his wife, for his precious daughter. It is breathtaking to me the level to which that disrespect has risen.”  — John Edwards, Feb. 12, 1999

His hubris makes my blood boil.  To think that he ran with this secret thinking he wouldn’t endanger not just the presidency but this country too is just repulsive.  Thank God he is done.

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  1. TRUTH TELLER says:

    Boy the cable channels can hardly control themselves . there is so much mental masturbation going on they are acting like a bunch of sex perverts

  2. TRUTH TELLER says:

    I must admit that your comments are right on the mark

  3. benjamin says:


    I don’t agree with your assessment of him as a “communist” but I am with you on all the rest.

    I supposed I won’t get troll-rated when I call him a “phoney” anymore now.

    In any case, this is why I was for Obama from the get-go even when it was not the hip thing to be and I am very proud of my prescience.

    My sympathies to those who were fooled. I also express tremendous anger to JRE for risking the WH with his narcissism but as Pandora said, I hope this will not be discussed any further than today.
    We have bigger fish to fry.

    I cannot WAIT for the Josh Greene story on Monday though. Sorry but I guess this is Benjamin-vindication week before the convention.

  4. arthur says:

    are you reading Phillip R. Craig’s Vineyard series up there? visiting any of the spots he details in the books?

  5. delawaredem says:

    No. Haven’t read it. But today was spent in the Vineyard, and tomorrow we take a ferry to Nantucket to do the same thing.

  6. TRUTH TELLER says:

    As of 2:00PM today all the cable channles were going to go to Hillary supporting Obama in Nev . then this sex story broke and thats all we been hearing for the last 43 hours and has taken Omama getting Hillary’s support for him off the air and kept that story off the news. So thats what i hold against him.

  7. Jason330 says:

    Pity. I liked him. He is dead to me now.

  8. pandora says:

    Ummm… Isn’t John McCain an adulterer? Just sayin’

    You guys want to jump on someone? How about the Republican nominee?

    Edwards is immaterial – Thank God!

  9. benjamin says:

    Absolutely. And guess what ?
    HARDBALL just did a whole segment on Edwards where the consensus from the “pundits” was that OBAMA should be asked if he ever cheated on his wife. You heard that right.
    Not a word on McCain who is KNOWN to be a serial cheater. NOT ONE.

  10. pandora says:

    I REFUSE to take my eye off the ball. Obama vs McCain. Screw Edwards. (pun intended)

  11. anon says:

    Well, there aren’t any pictures of McCain’s adulteries, because cameras weren’t invented yet.

  12. arthur says:

    You read one. or get the combo Philip Craig/William Tappley co-authored books set on the vineyard. their fun summer reads.

  13. Rebecca says:

    Look, the idea of McCain doing the nasty is just too sick making. We’re not going to hear anything about it.

    But, young, attractive Barack getting it on is tintillating. And Americans are so damned brain dead that the only thing they pay any attention to is tintillation. Or the latest diet fad.

    The media is in business to make money not to be fair or report facts.

  14. you all will kiss his ass and lament what a great guy he was when he falls ill with some sickness…

    again spare me

  15. benjamin says:

    I am not sure I understand what you are trying to say, Oh you Brilliantest Blogger.

  16. I mean whatever, this same bunch of people will say what a great guy he was when he gets sick.

    just like ted kennedy etc

  17. benjamin says:

    Two things.

    1) Some people with tremendous personal failings can still have accomplished awesome things for the country. I am not sure what JRE has concretely accomplished at the end of the day but he was right in a lot of things he said regardless of whether he is a self-centered pig.

    2) Don’t count me in in there. I didn’t like him before – even when I agreed with him on the substance – and I still don’t like him now.
    I always thought he was a phoney.

  18. “I think this President has shown a remarkable disrespect for his office, for the moral dimensions of leadership, for his friends, for his wife, for his precious daughter. It is breathtaking to me the level to which that disrespect has risen,” – John Edwards, on Bill Clinton, 1999.

  19. Badmon3333 says:

    Worst part about this whole thing is the Enquirer was the one paper that actually dogged after this story and kept on it when most of the national media was keeping its distance. That’s pretty discouraging. I had read somewhere that Edwards hid out in a bathroom stall from one Enquirer reporter until he could get a security escort out.

  20. anon says:

    It was pretty easy to let Bill Clinton slide on the adultery thing because of the, you know, “eight years of peace and prosperity” thing.

    Edwards doesn’t have that to fall back on.

  21. mike w. says:

    Yeah, except Edwards lied to the media. Clinton lied to the media and lied under oath.

  22. I’m waiting for Charlies poodle to come and defend McCain

  23. cassandra m says:

    Stick a fork in him — stick many forks in him. The hubris of this guy running to be our nominee knowing full well that this would just explode, knowing full well the stakes this cycle. I liked much of his message and liked some of the work that he set for himself once 2004 was done. But mostly I really admired Elizabeth Edwards, who I always thought should have been the one running for something big. She does not trick me as someone who tolerates a bunch of BS, so I am hoping she is making him pay.

    The good news is that he is out of politics for awhile. He’s got that think tank or foundation he started to keep him busy and out of party focus for until folks forget why he was sent to Siberia.

  24. delawaredem says:

    Here is another thought: what if Kerry-Edwards had won? Edwards says his narcissism and egocentrism led to this affair. Well, what if he was Vice President? I imagine he would have still had an affair, and it would have endangered Kerry’s presidency.

  25. anon says:

    We voted for Lieberman in 2000. We voted for Edwards in 2004.

    Obama, take all the time you need to vet your VP…

  26. Polenta says:

    But still… but still, it’s… it’s gotta get to you, I mean, on a gut level, as a Democrat. They just can’t keep their hands out of the cookie jar.

  27. pandora says:

    THEY, Polenta? Who are they? The dems? Give me their sexual missteps any day.

    The ONLY crime committed here was Edwards running for President. He’s already stated that Elizabeth knew about the affair. WTF? So as far as his political aspirations they both are guilty. (as far as his affair, that’s his fault)

    The only thing we should be saying is… Whew! We dodged a bullet. And the only thing that really matters is that Edwards isn’t the nominee.

    This incident is now a personal Edwards’ tragedy. Nothing more.

    BTW, is anyone aware of the battle between Russia and Georgia? Strikes me as a wee bit more important than this.

  28. mike w. says:

    Pandora – Agreed – The whole Edwards thing is hardly important news. A politician had an affair and lied about it. Big deal, that’s practically commonplace. Edwards is a has-been anyway.

    The whole Russia v. Georgia debacle. Looks like Russia’s back to it’s old tricks again.

  29. Polenta says:

    From Reuters….

    Democrat Barack Obama condemned Russia’s role. “What is clear is that Russia has invaded Georgia’s sovereignty, has encroached on Georgia’s sovereignty, and it is very important for us to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.”

    Seems emptyhead is trying to play grown up!!!

  30. mike w. says:

    Polenta – how long before he flip flops?

  31. Polenta says:

    He will change from “it is very important for us to resolve this issue as quickly as possible” to “we should take our time and carefully analyze the situation fully.”

    I predict within 3 days.

  32. mike w. says:

    And were he to take his standard “both sides” approach AS THE PRESIDENT he’d succeed in pissing off both the Georgians and the Russians.