Analogy of the Day

Filed in National by on August 12, 2008

spoon is to bazooka as….

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hiding in the open

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  1. nemski says:

    mike w is to logic

  2. rsmitty says:

    DV/(ex-)DHB/DBB’s effort to his real job is to his effort at blogging (from his real job).

  3. rsmitty says:

    DV/(ex-)DHB/DBB’s hotness is to Pandora’s hotness?

  4. JohnnyX says:

    Look out nemski, I can see the the phrase “ad hominem” coming your way faster than a speeding bullet…

  5. mike w.'s brain says:

    spoon is to bazooka


    any issue in the history of the universe is to guns

    You might think they’re totally unrelated, but god dammit I will find a way!

  6. mike w. says:

    “I can see the the phrase “ad hominem” coming your way faster than a speeding bullet…”

    That was good. I laughed.

  7. JohnnyX says:

    Glad to be of service, “murderboy,” haha

    By the way, that was also me posing as your brain. I should stop at one joke per thread, that one wasn’t nearly as effective as the first.

  8. mike w. says:

    Yeah, the 1st was creative and funny, the 2nd not so much.


  9. johnny x is to humor as genius is to corky

  10. mike w. says:

    …DBB is to cognitive ability

    He still doesn’t understand the basic nature of inanimate objects.

  11. JohnnyX says:

    You mean donviti is to “Delaware’s Hottest Blogger” as genius is to corky, right?

    Sorry man, I know the wound is still fresh, but I had to go there…

  12. veroferitas says:

    Sppon is to bazooka as abortion rights is to Obama’s vote in the Illinois Senate to legalize infanticide.

  13. jason330 says:

    Obama voted to legalize infanticide? No wonder I like him so much.

    We are talking Iraqi infants right?

  14. Sharon says:

    Nah. Infants who survive abortion. Oh, you knew that, didn’t you?

  15. Joe M says:

    spoon : bazooka :: Guy of Guisbourne : Rambo

  16. mike w. says:

    spoon is to bazooka as spoon is to gun.

    Sorry DBB, but my spoon/gun analogy has been fully defended and you came out of that thoroughly beat up and proven wrong, as usual.