Guess what country this happened?

Filed in National by on August 12, 2008

“I was walking through and 10 minutes after I was there, the security guard approached me, asked me to step aside, made me completely do a turn around while he stared me up and down and then asked me to leave because my outfit was too provocative and people’s husbands was (sic) looking at me,” says Clem.

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hiding in the open

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  1. mike w. says:

    It IS private property, they can ask you to leave for just about any reason. I could ask her to leave my property because of how she’s dressed (though looking at that picture I certainly wouldn’t)

  2. you say private property I say Taliban

  3. mike w. says:

    And since I can relate almost anything to guns… A quote from Chris Matthews that shows a real respect for the 2nd and 4th Amendments.

    “You know what I think? In big cities they ought to check people on sidewalks like getting on airplanes. And why an airplane should be safer than an American sidewalk is crazy to me. Why you can walk down the sidewalk of an American city carrying a concealed weapon without a license is wacky.”

  4. mike w. says:

    I’m not saying I agree with their actions, I’m just saying it’s not a crime, it shouldn’t be, and it’s not a 4th Amendment violation for a mall to do so. If the government were doing it that’d be entirely different.

  5. Joe M says:

    Even though I would be one of those husbands, the mall was well within their rights, just as I am to ask visitors to remove their shoes in my house.

    I don’t actually do that, I’m just making a point.

  6. jason330 says:

    Where does one get the “I hate God” T-shirts she was talking about?

  7. Joe M says:

    Real men tattoo it on their chests.

  8. What most guys reading the article are thinking says:

    Hmm…that chick’s grammar kind of sucks. But looking at that dress, maybe she likes to suck – hey ohh…

  9. nemski says:

    Hmm, maybe the Christiana Mall might start banning hot chicks too.

  10. nemski says:

    In another life when I worked for a living, I kicked a kid out of my store for wearing the following t-shirt:

    Silly Faggot Dicks Are For Chicks

  11. JohnnyX says:

    Yeah, that is kind of an asshole shirt to wear nemski, but I’ve gotta admit I laughed the first time I saw someone with one on. I think it was mostly because I started constructing a commercial in my mind involving the Trix bunny and the Village People.

  12. Joe C says:

    She lost me at not hating god.

  13. Truth Teller says:

    WHO”S GOD?????

  14. Joe M says:

    I think popular opinion has shown that you’re not hot enough to be god, DBB.

  15. mike w says:

    haha, DBB with your messianic complex it’s no wonder you love Obama so much.