The Troops hate McCain. (Why should they be any different?)

Filed in National by on August 14, 2008

Think Progress by way of Eschaton:

Obama has received nearly six times as much money from soldiers deployed overseas. Even anti-war libertarian Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), who has suspended his campaign, has received more than four times as much as McCain.

Outside of his base in the traditional media and the 38% of Republicans who would vote for Satan (R) if he was matched up against Jesus (D) nobody likes John McCain.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (5)

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Well if Jesus wasn’t a long-haired, dirty-effing-Jewish hippy, with his ghey peace and love message and who is in the pocket of BIG SOCIAL WELFARE – effing commie – he’d have a chance against Lucifer. Is Jesus ready to lead, ready to make the hard choices? Would Jesus take out the terrorists, no questions asked? I don’t think so…

    Satan was a prisoner of war (the angel one), so through simple logic – he knows how to win every war because being a pow equates to military genius! Jesus? Shit, he’s a poo-nanny – he throws stones like a girl! Looks like one too!

    And let’s not get started on his family background….we all know he was born out of wedlock! I bet Jesus’ real father is John Edwards! Effing Trial Lawyer!


  2. Badmon3333 says:

    Von Cracker may have left the most hilarious allegorical comment ever.

    This is actually very interesting. I’d like to know when/how the numbers went; whether they spiked after he took a certain position on an aspect of the war or said something specific on TV.

  3. delawaredem says:

    Von Cracker’s comment is going to the Delaware Liberal Wall of (Sh)(F)ame.

    I will rescue it later today.

  4. chris says:

    he has recieved a lot more money from Hamas than McCain has too

  5. Dana says:

    Except, of course, that it is illegal for soldiers on active duty to make political contributions to individual candidates. From

    Can – Make monetary contributions to a political organization, party, or committee favoring a particular candidate or slate of candidates, subject to the limitations of law.

    Cannot -Make monetary contributions directly to a political candidate.