IPOD Version 2.0

Filed in National by on August 15, 2008

The IPOD, the party of open government and transparency, again made its nominations for statewide and assembly races last night, in secret.   The party of inclusion had three of its members on its executive committee make the nominations.  These three member’s choices?

Ralph Nader for President.   Immediately I question their sanity.

Tom Savage for Insurance Commissioner.   Their insanity is confirmed.

James Spencer for State Representative in the 27th District.    Who?

This is in addition to Mike Protack, the IPOD’s nominee for Governor.   The IPOD has a problem.   All four of its nominees are not members of their party.   I am sure Ralph Nader doesn’t know what IPOD is, either the party of the nice music playing device made by Apple.     Another problem, the party of openness and inclusion had one only other party member attended the convention, in addition to the three executive committee members (by the way, where the hell is this fourth member?   He or she is always missing).    The other six people attending were candidates or people accompanying or representing candidates.

The lone party member attending?  Liz Allen.     She left the meeting before the nominations because she objected to the meeting taking place, and her objection was overruled.

At least this time, the IPOD met in an actual meeting venue (the Long Neck community center) rather than a Grotto’s.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Six people might turn out to be a majority of the IPOD voters this year.

    These six people think that everyone registered as an Independent in Delaware is a member of their party. That is absurd, but no more absurd than having Mike Protack and Ralph Nader as your standard bearers.

  2. delawaredem says:

    Savage is a registered Dem. Indeed he is running in the Democratic primary for insurance commissioner. If he hopes to get any votes in the Democratic primary, he must reject immediately this endorsement from IPOD.

    Protack is a registered Republican, running in the GOP primary for Governor. I say Republicans should have the same feelings for Protack that I have for Savage.

    Spencer is unaffiliated, meaning he is not registered with any party, including IPOD.

    And Nader, well, he is a party of one.

  3. R Smitty says:

    I say Republicans should have the same feelings for Protack that I have for Savage.

    We’d rather he’d reject his Republican candidacy. We have.

  4. Pol Pot Pilot says:

    If I was endorsed in secrecy, I would drop out of the race instantly.

  5. WTFC about IPOD? You guys say they don’t matter but then you post about them all the time? IPOD by itself is meaningless unless it is part of a bigger party. I mean that is what Davey Burris said last year before he became an FBI informant.

    I think it is because the hacks at the GOP and the Dems are lost in space. IPOD might be strange but the major parties are useless.

    Why waste time on Liz Allen, isn’t she banned from WDEL as too unstable?

    How about a scandal or two?

  6. I’m guessing this is the same person as the “Bite Me” fool who just posted on my blog at 11:01 pm?