McCain About to Commit Suicide.

Filed in National by on August 28, 2008

John McCain is a stubborn, ill tempered, angry man.   And you are going to see that in his VP pick.   Reportedly, yesterday Karl Rove went to Joe Lieberman to literally beg him to withdraw his name from VP consideration.  Why would Karl do that, unless McCain has already chosen Lieberman as his pick? 

Joe Lieberman refused to do so, which probably means he wants to be VP, and he knows McCain is going to ask him to do it. 

Indeed, all this carping from the radical right about McCain’s possible selection of a pro choice running mate probably has only steeled McCain’s resolve to do it.   It is not a rational decision.  It is an irrational decision, for McCain has to know that Lieberman as his VP will destroy the Republican Party completely.   But McCain likes to think of himself as his own man.  He loves his “maverick” image, and was angry that he lost that brand (If you need convincing of that, read his intemperate and angry remarks during a recent TIME interview).  So McCain probably thinks that picking Lieberman is his best option, for it will bring back the “maverick” image.

But this is where his irrationality comes in:  McCain would only consider Lieberman as a potential running mate because Lieberman is so closely allied with Bush on Iraq.   That is the only reason McCain and Lieberman have been so close this past year.  That is the only reason they have traveled to Iraq.   McCain likes Lieberman because Lieberman likes Bush.   So how does that reinforce an “maverick” and “independent” image?

It doesn’t.  It reinforces McCain and Bush’s closeness.   It reinforces McCain as the continuation of Bush’s policies.  

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  1. feces throwing monkey says:


  2. Benjamin says:

    Problem is … will the media realize that Lieberman is not the same man that ran in 2000 and will the media cover it that way ?
    I am skeptical

  3. delawaredem says:

    That remains to be seen. But, one thing is for certain, the media will not need to create a disunity story at the GOP convention. Whole delegations will walk out.

  4. pandora says:

    Oh please, please, please, please, please make it so! I could write 50 posts a day on Lieberman!

    I’ve said it before… Joe Lieberman is the Linda Tripp of politics. Democrats can’t stand him and Republicans use him.

  5. feces throwing monkey says:

    The only way it could be better would be if McCain picked Ward Churchill.

  6. anon3 says:

    If McCain picked Ward Churchill, would have to reconsider the election. Whether democrat or republican both parties are playing, pandering to the Jewish vote.

  7. edisonkitty says:

    The media still paint nearly everything as good for McCain, and selecting Lieberman would likely be the same. I can see “how can Dems not approve, since he was their pick” being a major theme. Of course, the events of the last few years, and the fact that most of us experience time in a linear fashion should debunk this.

  8. feces throwing monkey says:


    What? On second thought, nevermind.

  9. delawaredem says:

    Why is pandering to the Jewish vote evil, and pandering to the Christian vote good?

    What a bigoted comment by Anon3

  10. JadeGold says:

    Sadly, it likely won’t be Lieberman. As much as McCain likes Lieberman, putting him on the ticket hurts McSame with rightwingnuts and does nothing to attract anyone else.

    I don’t think it’ll be Mittens, either. I hear McCain really doesn’t like him personally.

    I’m still sticking with Eric Cantor.

  11. Joe M says:

    If there’s anything that we’ve learned in this election, it’s that McCain will discard any value, any loyalty in order to win this year.

    Because of that, it won’t be Lieberman. McCain will go safe, and McCain will still lose.

  12. cassandra m says:

    I agree with Joe — suspect that this story is being played now to start trying to capture media attention from the Dem Convention conclusion today. Adding in Rove as the go between is the tell, I think.

    McCain has been at great pains to be as traditionally wingnut as he can get for this campaign. The only thing he is holding on to is the fact that climate change exists and he wants a cap and trade policy to help mitigate our part of it. That is it. McCain has flip flopped on 74 of his previously mavericky positions in order to make himself over as the perfect handmaiden of what passes for the repub party right now.

    McCain’s safe pick is Mike Huckabee. Cantor is a safe pick, but no one knows who he is.

  13. Joe M says:

    Oh, please, let it be Huckabee!

    That religious fanatic nutcase will spell the end of the Bushian bid for the White House!

  14. Von Cracker says:

    my bet is palenta paulson pallbearer pubes-a-plenty pawlenty.

  15. mike w. says:

    McCain would lose a ton of moderates if he picked a religious nutcase like Huckabee.

  16. From where I sit... says:

    Anyone see The Colbert Report last night? Huckabee was on.

    After asking Huckabee questions about his proposal (made in a speech) to bring the Constitution ‘in line’ w/the Ten Commandments…. Colbert then suggested him for Rep.VP.

    What a hoot!

  17. pandora says:

    And he loses “religious nutcases” by picking Romney. Then again, he loses everyone if he picks Lieberman. And Pawlenty is… yawn.

  18. mike w. says:

    Yeah, he’s in a bit of a quagmire isn’t he?

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Exactly, P – *yaaaaawwwwnnnn*

  20. mike w. says:

    Agreed. McCain needs someone who will help energize the ticket. Pawlenty would be a death sentence.

  21. cassandra m says:

    Then there are the ladies:

    Sarah Palin who has caught herself a case of Alaskan Republican Scandal Fever;

    Meg Whitman who I think will be proposing that instead of giving away planes and armaments in return for allegiances will want Lockheed Martin to sell their stuff on Ebay;

    Carly Fiorina who ran Hewlett Packard into the ground and was run out on a rail.

  22. Joe M says:

    “And he loses “religious nutcases” by picking Romney”

    Um, do gold plates and magic glasses mean nothing anymore? McCain would lose one pack of nutcases for another.

  23. Phantom says:

    Well you can rule out Fiorina and Whitman as they would be shredded by Biden. Same with Palin but even more so with the scandal issue. I say Pawlenty or Romney. Both have thier issues but they would be able to stutter some crap for a minute or two before being smacked around by Biden. Also, if McCain has such a problem that Barack didn’t pick Hillary then shouldn’t it be obvious that he needs to pick his rival, Romney to not seem so Freaking hypocritical? Oh wait, he is a republican so that is just his nature.

  24. Joanne Christian says:


    She cross-overs the gender issue

    She is on record of being a Bush defaulter—EARLY ON!!!!

    She’s just brilliant…and calm….and capable

  25. Phantom says:

    Whitman is also pro-choice and liberal on social issues as she would have to be to come from NJ. Also, she was part of the Bush team which can’t be great PR for a candidate that considers anything Bush toxic. She is a Bush defaulter but only after the fact and not prior and then just accepted that Bush would let her go and didn’t speak out about it. No chance on earth.

  26. Von Cracker says:

    Hutchinson is scary to think about, but I don’t think she wants it.

  27. FSP says:

    “Well you can rule out Fiorina and Whitman as they would be shredded by Biden.”

    How’s that, exactly? You think these women became CEO’s by letting people like Biden push them around?

  28. Joanne Christian says:

    Oh c’mon let me wish….I still say the default was early enough to score some points….and I do believe she was the “first” to split….not smart to burn a bridge!!!!….nor talk about former employer, unless of course you’re running for VP!!!

  29. pandora says:

    I like Whitman – for all the reasons you list, Joanne – which immediately crosses her off the list.

  30. Joanne Christian says:

    Pandora–Didn’t know if you meant “THE” List–or Pandora’s list? I’m a bit sensitive now–if people are being sarcastic about “the deep thought entry”? Oh say you mean “THE List”…I don’t want to alienate a reasonable Democrat!!!! Thanks!!!!

  31. cassandra_m says:

    Are you guys talking about Meg Whitman or Christine Todd Whitman? Christine was an early defaulter on BushCo, but certainly a fierce enabler while she was on board. And she has much to answer for for OKing the Lower Manhattan air fit to breathe. She says she wants her party back and won’t do much for it.

    And Meg Whitman will just bring the auctioning off of American assets out in the open, charging a hefty seller’s fee.

  32. pandora says:

    Joanne, what I meant is that I have no problem with Whitman. She may have started on board with Bush and Co, but soon learned that dissenting opinion would not be tolerated. The sad truth is that if I like her – as a liberal – she ain’t gonna be the nominee.

    In all honesty, her being on the ticket wouldn’t have me considering McCain.

  33. Joanne Christian says:

    Personally, Christine. Uh OH Pandora..did we miscommunicate? I never really considered Meg a serious contender….

  34. Joanne Christian says:

    I hear ya–at this point only Biden’s mother will leverage that pick….

  35. pandora says:

    Oops… neither did I. I was referring to Christine.

  36. Andy says:

    Fiorina Thats wha the Rs need some one who spies on her own employees