Beau Biden

Filed in National by on August 28, 2008

Yeah, he’s got a bright future ahead.  I saw a future President last night in Beau.  If you did not see his speech, watch:


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  1. mike w. says:

    One speech and he’s President material in your eyes?

  2. Beau Knows Diddley says:

    Why not? That’s all Obama’s got- a silver tongue and a good bullshit tale. With the ginormous silver spoon thats been shoved in Beau’s mouth his whole life is it any wonder his tongue is now silver.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    BKD has no idea of what it is talking about.

    Keep wishing, Tinkerbell.

  4. June says:

    I think you’re getting carried away. Just because Beau made a speech means nothing. It didn’t even convince me that he should be in the US Senate.

  5. G Rex says:

    “One speech and he’s President material in your eyes?”

    Well, it worked for Obama.

  6. mike w. says:

    Grex – True. Hope, Change, Unicorns. fluffy rhetoric and appeals to emotion always trump logic and rational thought. Appeal to emotion and promise the ignorant masses things and you’ll get elected in this country.

  7. Kilroy says:

    If Beau deploys to Iraq in the fall and is selected to fill poppa Joe’s seat he would have to resign his commission as an officer and be discharge from the army required by law.
    His AG status is an exclusion to the state constitution permitting him to serve

    I just hope if Beau goes to the U.S. Senate Wharton takes the AG slot! This way we can restore the world order of Delaware. I won’t send Wharton to DC because it’s a long drive as he might hit someone on the way! (Sorry Ferris couldn’t help myself)

  8. Joe M says:

    It was a very good speech! Not quite presidential, but a decent start.

  9. JohnnyX says:

    Good speech, agreed, but let’s not carried away with the future president stuff. Let’s let him be future senator or governor or whatever for right now – although I agree he shouldn’t just be appointed to take his dad’s place.

  10. From where I sit... says:

    Why not consider retiring Beau Beau after his term(s) as A.G.? If we are to rely on his perfromance to date in that office he should consider returning to private practice.

    I am totally opposed to ‘legacy’ candidates….if an elected does a stellar job they might consider moving up otherwise forgetaboutit.

    …GWB couldn’t make a go of oil or baseball so they made him (the most killingist)govenor of Texas…he got promoted w/o just cause and we got the booby prize…he moved onto the White House….he shoulda been clearing brush from the day he graduated from high school (remember he was not college material).

    Same for Beau Beau….it’s gonna be hard running the A.G.’s office from Iraq so Geblien’s gonna make or break him while he’s away. If he shines for the last year or so of his term that’s one thing…if it goes along as it has so far: get a real job…we already have too many ‘lifers’ at the trough….generations of them can only hurt us.

    ..just sayin’.

  11. Arthur Downs says:

    Where was he when the DPC was doing its evidence-shredding orgy?

  12. Joanne Christian says:

    Why he looks like a young Mitt Romney!!!!