Paul Newman 1925 – 2008

Filed in National by on September 27, 2008

About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    Cool Hand Luke or The Sting?

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Wow. I can’t believe that we won’t have any new work to see from this great actor. He was great as Cool Hand Luke and in the Sting, but my contrarian favorite might be Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean.

    Or maybe the Hudsucker Proxy.


  3. liz says:

    I actually met Paul Newman in New York at Astoria Studios. He was one of the nicest men I have ever met. By the second day on the set, he knew every person from the grip to the set designer by their first name.

    He was very friendly, always smiling but when he was in his dressing room he was off limits and everyone respected his quiet time. He and Joanne Woodward invited several of us to dinner and his sense of humor was amazing. His blue eyes were unbelieveable. He was obviously very in love with his wife and was a great family man.

    He will be missed by many.

  4. selander says:

    His work for McCarthy in New Hampshire helped push Kennedy in and Johnson out of the race.