Archive for September, 2008

Questions that are keeping me up at night

Filed in National by on September 24, 2008 21 Comments

Should we pay the 700 billion? In the end, who gets the money? If we don’t pay, what happens? If we do pay, what happens? Is 700 billion enough?  Or just the tip of the iceberg? Thoughts?  

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Mike Castle Travesty

Filed in Delaware by on September 24, 2008 11 Comments

Yesterday… Rep. Mike Castle, R-Delaware, voted against the measure called the “Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights.” It would require card companies to provide more notice of rate increases and more time to pay bills. It would also allow companies to impose only three consecutive fees for exceeding credit limits. I’m sure he has a great […]

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John Atkins In Strong Position To Regain Old Seat

Filed in Delaware by on September 24, 2008 46 Comments

Having recently been burned by candidates who have a knack for working the margins to make themselves look more imposing than they really are (yes I’m looking at you Mike Protack and Tom Gordon), it is with some trepidation I say that John Atkins appears to have the wind at his back. His joint appearance’s […]

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do you feel me?

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 5 Comments

pain and anger piercing my soul fist of rage pound my skull arms want to wave but held with a straight jacket running in circles with no padded walls to protect me from my anger my rage my pain myself

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Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 5 Comments

fuzzy simple beats move me dancing to my own tune white and angry punching in and punching out going to and from with quick detours in between back to the beat march to the beat listen to the beat

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I am NOT Smarter Than a Fifth Grader

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 16 Comments
I am NOT Smarter Than a Fifth Grader

Sometimes one can look back on one’s life and spot a specific moment in time when everything changed. For me and my son, it was a few years ago when Terrell Owens left the Eagles for the dreaded Cowboys and my boy’s football allegiance switched from the Green and White to the Blue and White. […]

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Karen Hartley Negligible

Filed in Delaware by on September 23, 2008 28 Comments

So we didn’t get John Carney to run against Mike Castle because Tom Carper made like Tony Soprano. Well, we still have a challenger right? We can still knock down Mike Castle even if we can’t knock him out. Right? *crickets chirping* Al Mascitti zinged me on the air yesterday morning when I started in […]

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Lest you forget

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 0 Comments

Honestly, this is a must watch.  The 60 minutes piece on the Keating Five. [youtube][/youtube]

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I miss you

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 2 Comments

Hi I miss you I was wrong to have done this I love you tremendously I will always love you Even if it doesn’t seem like it at times I promise I do I just get so mad at you How can you hurt me like this so many times How do you continue to […]

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Awww, look, Wall St. got a verbal spanking….

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 6 Comments

“There is a lot of blame to go around – a lot of blame with big financial institutions that engaged in this irresponsible lending … blame to the people who made loans they shouldn’t have made, people who took out loans they shouldn’t have taken out,” said Paulson, who served as CEO of Wall Street […]

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Time to laugh

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 4 Comments

ok, things are getting a little tense right now…you will smile then you will laugh…remember Obama is going to win. It will be ok [youtube][/youtube] Pandora NAILED IT…..This is the perfect, PERFECT video to highlight the cycle of greed on wall street because in the end, it all goes to shit and the 2 rich […]

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700 billion plan in the works for months

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 30 Comments

Are you kidding me? I am so over this White House. Fratto (White House Deputy Press Secretary) said it would be “unthinkable” for Congress not to pass legislation this week, asserting the result would be a “very, very serious situation” for the U.S. economy. “It shouldn’t take much analysis to remember what happened last week, […]

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I Just Knew It!

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 3 Comments


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