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Filed in National by on October 8, 2008

Biden on CNN live…

“You can’t call yourself a maverick when all you’ve ever been is a sidekick”


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hiding in the open

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  1. pandora says:

    Joe is on fire. But, then again, the material about McCain practically writes itself.

  2. Donsquishy says:

    I think our son ran away…tough love

  3. Helensmith says:

    The media seems to have been covering for Biden for some time. While news stories still talk about Dan Quayle’s spelling mistake 18 years later, there has been almost no news coverage of Biden’s numerous wacky statements. What if Quayle had said something similar to Biden’s recent statement that, “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.'” A neat trick given that Herbert Hoover was president in 1929 and television was not yet invented.

    It might not fit the simple template for a 36-year veteran of the Senate to not understand what vice presidents do (after all, eight vice presidents have served with him), but Biden knew less about this than the political outsider, Sarah Palin. Given that they are running to be vice president, why didn’t that story dominate the news coverage after the debate?

  4. anonone says:


    You have done us all a great service. Thanks!

  5. RSmitty says:

    As a Republican, that argument (#3) is nothing. We (well, not me) elected a president that didn’t know who the leaders were of sizable countries on the world stage!

  6. Von Cracker says:

    You have to admit, you know what Biden meant: FDR became president in 1932 (at the outset of the depression) and gave fireside speeches on the radio and through movie shorts that played in theaters before features.

    But if you want to be a literalist, please go ahead. Just make sure to apply that same standard to McCampaign.

  7. Donsquishy says:


    I don’t disagree that they have been covering less of him. It is less of him b/c of the nutjob VP on the other side that believes Dinosaurs roamed the earth with Jesus and she is a foreign policy expert due to being next door to Russia.

    If she’d have done a press conference and talked to more people, her flames would have waned a little and more lite could have maybe been shined on Biden’s “gaffes”

    To be honest though, Joe has done a pretty damn good job. Especially if you compare it to the chick that lost a beauty pagent

  8. cassandra m says:

    One of the reasons that the media keeps calling Biden a gaffe-machine is because of the fact that he says stuff like FDR on TV.

    It isn’t a big story because they expect him to do this. I’d say that not even knowing what the Vice President does (ala Palin) is a way bigger issue, you know?

  9. Donsquishy says:

    donsquishy knows anon, the squishy always knows

  10. Donsquishy says:

    homework troll.

    definitions and answers buddy…no comments until then

  11. h. says:

    I’d rather have Joe and his Bidenisms, than Joe reading from a notecard.

  12. Duffy says:

    Seems everyone agrees that Joe gets a pass for anything he says no matter how outrageous. I’m still waiting to hear how a 36 year veteran somehow fits the message of “change”.

  13. Dorian Gray says:

    Duff – Explaining how Biden is change is quite straightforward really. Juxtapose Biden with our current veep. That may not be a 180, but it is perhaps a 160, yes?

  14. Donsquishy says:

    Isn’t change basically anything not conservative?

    religious conservative?

    someone that wants to kill the brownies in the middle east?

    I believe the rebranding of Biden as part of change is easier to swallow than Palin/McCain is.

    you betcha

  15. shortstuff says:

    This is ridiculous. Helen are you really saying that because Biden got a mix up is anywhere remotely close to “I read all of them”… Well, I read you know all of them”… C’mon… wink, Let me get another shout out to the 2nd Graders that helped me prep for the debate… Thanks Tina Fey… How about the fact that she knows nothing of Bankruptcy and the Mortgage crisis much else Foreign policy and even her own running mates record!… And really fellas, talking about the fact that Biden has been in there for 30 years… HELLO- What about McCain!! He’s “Change”? At 72, he’s Change?… Duffy, no one says he gets a pass… Errors, mistakes happen, that’s what keeps SNL and the likes in business… It’s sad when the punchlines itself are no longer written by the writers, they don’t have to because the material is coming straight from her mouth…

  16. Duffy says:


    “Duff – Explaining how Biden is change is quite straightforward really. Juxtapose Biden with our current veep. That may not be a 180, but it is perhaps a 160, yes?”

    I’ll admit Cheney is way off the map from your typical VP but Obama is running as an “agent of change” vs. Washington. There’s no way you can sell Joe B. as part of that. His shoes still have crusty cement on them from when they poured the foundation for the Capitol Dome around him.

    “Isn’t change basically anything not conservative?”

    Yes, esp. when Hillary uttered the phrase “I’ve been fighting for change for 25 years” w/o a hint of irony.

    “I believe the rebranding of Biden as part of change is easier to swallow than Palin/McCain is.”

    McCain was the MSM/Liberal darling when he was in the Senate. Strange how that love is gone now.

  17. Donsquishy says:

    I don’t think McCain ever was a maverick. Just something that the Media coronated him with b/c he had a temper and was a pow.

  18. pandora says:

    McCain lost the love due to cheating. Juggling lovers never works out well. You usually end up losing both… who end up not believing a word you say.

  19. pandora says:

    Ooh, Mike! I just wrote that post today!

  20. Joanne Christian says:

    Darn it MikeW–you were doing so well until the “show me what fundamental….”. I’m pulling for you though!

  21. pandora says:

    Joanne, I’m thinking DV and baby are sleeping! 😉

  22. Joanne Christian says:

    Oh let’s hope…

  23. pandora says:

    And you find citizens being denied their right to vote funny, why? Serious question, deserves a serious answer. Are you capable of that?

  24. Melodius Funk says:

    1. Because I suspect both sides of voter fraud.

    2. Because it infuriates you.

  25. pandora says:

    Not capable of a serious answer. Sad, because at times I actually caught glimpses of something more. My mistake.

  26. Melodius Funk says:

    Not capable of reading and accepting other points of view. Sad, because at times I actually caught glimpses of something more than a DV clone. My mistake.