Still wondering what Change looks like?

Filed in National by on October 8, 2008

Change is…

… redrawing an Electoral College Map that Republicans and Democrats swore was carved in stone.

… not suspending your campaign and canceling a debate for fear you’ll patriotism will be questioned.

… speaking to the American people as adults, by not dumbing down complex issues into regurgitant sound bites.

… taking the experienced, POW, elder statesman meme and turning it into the grumpy, erratic, old man reality, all the while avoiding the angry, scary, black man label. Pretty damn impressive, and one I wasn’t sure he could pull off!

… by running the best ground game in the history of political campaigns by simply believing in the power of “We, the people”.

… by taking the Republican ownership of all things “military” and turning it on its head; by reducing “The Surge” to a historical footnote as demonstrated by these words:
“Senator McCain, in the last debate and again today suggested that I don’t understand. It’s true. There are some things I don’t understand. I don’t understand how we ended up invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.”

This is real change, and we haven’t even had the election!  

Update:  Change is happening among Delaware Republicans as well. RSmitty’s RINO post is a worthy read for liberals and conservatives alike.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (26)

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  1. anon says:

    I am so glad we aren’t watching Hillary and McCain fighting it out in Ohio right now, with the rest of the Bush04 states already locked up for McCain, and Republican money pouring into Ohio.

  2. Change is…

    …getting liberal bloggers in a podunk assclown state to contravene their principles of free speech.

  3. pandora says:

    So nice of you to add something substantive to the discussion.

    Obama has changed the rules. I’ve shown how. The fact you didn’t attack any of my points tells me you agree with this post. Thanks.

  4. Gelatinous Monk says:

    No problem….

    Thanks for not disagreeing with my addition.

  5. nemski says:

    I was thinking about the enormity of Election Day on November 4th. I was born in a year when blacks had limited rights (if any at all). I was born in a year when no one could have imagined a black man winning a presidential election. And now on November 4th, I will go into the election booth with my 10 year old son and vote in one of the most historic elections in our nation’s young history. Change indeed.

  6. anon says:

    McCain at the debate reminded me of my elderly father in his last years before his final decline. I actually felt sorry for him for about a minute.

    Seriously, Sen. McCain, you don’t want to be President. It’s too much for you now.

    As much as we mock McCain for his support of Repub policies… we really do respect his service.

    Now it is time for him to find a sunny spot to take his broken body and wandering mind, and rest.

  7. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Mmmmmm…..elder abuse…..the hallmark of the new Democratic Party.

  8. Tom S. says:

    Will all the shit you obamaites push from time to time I think it would be worth it for barack to get it just so I can see your faces when we’re all waiting on unemployment.

  9. nemski says:

    Tom S that’s just plain stupid.

  10. Gelatinous Monk says:

    I just look forward to the lifting of the criticism force field.

    After eight years of non-stop whining, it will be nice to see some crotch kicks go from right to left!

    What’s nice is that they have set the bar so high…the is the BEST CANDIDATE EVER. This is the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVER.

    What will suck for them is that only the name plate on the desk will change. The same problems will be there. The same congress will obstruct. The same rules will prevent reform. The same lobbyists will game the system.

    So let them send their general to a pawn’s match.

    Checkmate in four years.

  11. jason330 says:

    Tom S makes about as much sense as all the 30%er’s.

  12. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Sorry, J, some of us need to stay pure and not drink of the Obama fountain.

    I don’t believe he will bring anything to the table except the highest vote turnout in history.

    BO on Jan. 21: “Well, sh.t, ‘Shelly, what do I do now?”

  13. RSmitty says:

    Pandora – thanks for the hook up.

    After eight years of non-stop whining, it will be nice to see some crotch kicks go from right to left!

    LOL…like our side was so quiet during Clinton.

  14. Donsquishy says:

    What will suck for them is that only the name plate on the desk will change. The same problems will be there. The same congress will obstruct. The same rules will prevent reform. The same lobbyists will game the system.

    I am hoping some of this will change. I’m not entirely niave to say it all will. Some of it will,hopefully.

  15. pandora says:

    I’d be happy if we could just stop the hemorrhaging.

  16. nemski says:

    I don’t believe he will bring anything to the table except the highest vote turnout in history.

    Voting bad. Republicans good.

    You 30 Percenters crack me up.

  17. Donsquishy says:

    they will all be fraud voters too

  18. Gelatinous Monk says:

    “Voting bad. Republicans good. ”

    Not saying that’s bad. Just sayin’ that’s all I think he brings. He motivated a lot of people to vote. Or maybe just hatred of W did. Or maybe it was a combination of the two.

    Regardless, Jan 21 will suck for the person in office….for quite some time thereafter as well.

  19. shortstuff says:

    What will suck for them is that only the name plate on the desk will change. The same problems will be there. The same congress will obstruct. The same rules will prevent reform. The same lobbyists will game the system.

    Hmm, so what happened the last 8 years, I didn’t see any change… We’re we prosperous? Did we grow as a country? Oh wait, that’s right… Even you yourselves are abandoning the Bush boat as well now… Thank God I’m no longer a brain washed Republican sympathizer…

  20. Gelatinous Monk says:

    “Hmm, so what happened the last 8 years, I didn’t see any change… We’re we prosperous? Did we grow as a country? Oh wait, that’s right… Even you yourselves are abandoning the Bush boat as well now… Thank God I’m no longer a brain washed Republican sympathizer…”

    Actually, I am more prosperous.

    And I never gave a vote to W, no matter how many times he asked.

    Just don’t believe in “The One”

  21. Tom S. says:

    “Actually, I am more prosperous.”


  22. pandora says:

    You are silly boys. What’s this? My “wallet” (snicker) is bigger that your “wallet” (eye roll)?

  23. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Just sayin’…..the market is what it is. You can make money going up or down. Complaining about being on the wrong end of a bet is like yelling at God, “But you gave him more brains than me!!!!”

  24. Joanne Christian says:

    GM-I like what you write-as truthful and cynical as it is.

  25. shortstuff says:

    I’m all for the fact that you’re doing better… Hell, I am too by far… The issue is I said “We” as in the country… Since we’re talking about Patriotism so much nowadays and “Country First”… It’s sad, I wasn’t even born in this country and I care more about what happens to this country and it’s people…Nevermind, as long You, Tom. S and others are doing well, screw everybody else… I mean what the hell, it’s worked for us so well lately… I mean that was only 159,000 jobs lost last month… That’s nothin’…

  26. Gelatinous Monk says:

    You have friends in many places, Joanne.

    Might we see a Copeland/Christian ticket in 2012?