This could be interesting

Filed in National by on October 8, 2008

This is definitely an area I can’t seem to wrap my head around.  The extremes, I mean eXTREMES that some of these atheletes go to enhance their performance is mind boggling.  It seems like part of the game is not only physical at this point.  It is a game of chess.  One where it is not only about enhancing your performance, but it is about being able to outwit those that test you.  Part of the challenge is to be able to beat the system.  Which in and of itself is a game, a challange, something to concur. 

To make a short leap, I am thinking of the comic book (hube should like this) The Hulk.  It seems like it isn’t very far from being true.  Creating super human beings and making them an elite force in a military.  The lengths that some country’s go to in order to compete at an Olympic level to me, seems excessive, but it is being done not just to win a gold medal.  It is being done to prove that it can win.  That it is more powerful.  Superior. 


The International Olympic Committee announced Wednesday that it would retest blood samples collected from athletes at the Beijing Games to check for a new blood-boosting drug most often used by endurance athletes like cyclists and distance runners.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Disbelief says:

    I’m a bit frightened of the day coming when DV will say to Mrs. Hotviti, “Where’d I put my Viagra?”

  2. Donsquishy says:

    my wife couldn’t handle me on viagra, nor could any woman to be honest.

  3. G Rex says:

    Are the IOC going to re-check those Chinese girls’ birth certificates?