Joe Six Pack

Filed in National by on October 10, 2008

[youtube][/youtube]Thanks to June for this one. The first minute is worth it…

Now, watch this video of people booing McCain supporters.  Notice no one is yelling DIE, Terrorist, Kill Him, Muslim etc…  Yep, the hate is the same on both ends


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hiding in the open

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  1. Jockim Alberton says:

    Looks like I’m down to Nader, Keyes, or McKinney!

    I truly hope this election absolutely tears this country apart.

    Sometimes that’s the only way to get back on track.

  2. Donsquishy says:

    You seem to be a pretty sharp tack. Tell me Flanman, what is going well in this country right now? Or, tell me what Bush has done well, that you approve of.

  3. Jockim Alberton says:

    1. Nothing except my exquisite personal life, which leads me to believe comparatively that God loves me and doesn’t approve of you.

    2. Nothing except ask Dick Cheney to be his vice-president. After that it was all downhill.

  4. Donsquishy says:

    1. Funny but my personal life is doing pretty damn well right now. I have a newborn son. A wife that I don’t deserve and I’m making more $$$ than I ever have in my career.

    wierd, god must love me too…

    2. Got it. I withdraw my you are a sharp tack comment.

  5. Jockim Alberton says:

    “wierd, god must love me too…”


  6. Donsquishy says:

    Oh, wait I should clarify.

    MY god loves me too.

  7. Jockim Alberton says:

    Nope. All I see is that your wife’s God loves her.

    You became expendable nine months ago.

  8. Jockim Alberton says:

    And if you don’t believe selecting Cheney marked the pinnacle of W’s decision making, you’re just not ranking them fairly. It really was the last strategically sound move he made.

  9. Donsquishy says:

    that’s like ranking a 1st graders art project against a kindergardeners…

    sure strategically it was great. I rank it right up there with buying Ventor Ave on Monopoly

  10. Jockim Alberton says:

    Do you agree it never got better than that?

  11. Donsquishy says:


    Cheney thinks he is his own branch of Government…what are you nuts.

    You think bush 30 years from now is going to be one of the greatest Presidents ever? Please, he had no power and couldn’t even reign in his VP. what a joke, the guy was a complete sham and as the years go buy they will find out who the real nutjob running things in the White house. (a former Nixon Def. Sec)

    No, “strategically” his best move was I would think Powell. A decent guy that got totally raped…after that then I’d say Rice. She is a decent person too that was just out manuevered by Cheney’s goons.

  12. Jockim Alberton says:

    From your perspective, perhaps.

    From HIS perspective, he never topped the Dick pick.

  13. TomaHawk says:

    Jockim, please do a little historical revue. Bush picked Cheney to do the vetting for a viec-presidential running mate. Cheney came back to Bush and told him “I pick me.” Bush said, “OK.” And that is how Cheney got on the ticket.

  14. Jockim Alberton says:

    Is that what they told you in the “Liberal Simpleton’s Guide to History That Oppressed Me”???

    Have you seen the pop-up version????

    It’s awesome. Al Gore is perfectly stiff, just like in real life! The Supreme Court baddies have fangs….

  15. meatball says:

    I think there is none stiffer than J. McCain. He can’t even raise his arms for christ sake.

  16. Dominique says:

    I can’t believe you think the behavior of the Obama supporters in that video is somehow ok. They acted like an angry mob.

    The hate is there on both ends. Here’s a little gem that an Obama supporter on DWA left for me:

    Anonymous –
    I hope Mat Marshall joins the military, falls under enemy fire and is horribly maimed so that Dominique can spend the rest of her life thinking what a total ass she has been about everything. Her daughter is already permanently maimed emotionally by her piece of shit mother.

    How does that sit with you? Shitheads on both sides, I’d say.

  17. pandora says:

    Dom, that comment is so out of line. I have been very clear that children are off the table. Look, we’ve both been called some pretty horrendous names, but I guess that goes with the territory. But this comment crosses the line, dare I say the commenter should be banned? (Bring it on, Matthews. I stand by my statement.)

    And that’s what we’re talking about. Crossing a line. Most supporters boo the other side. A lot demonstrate a breathless immaturity. But some go way over the line.

    Pretending not to see that line is irresponsible, especially given our country’s history. Acknowledging this line doesn’t mean loving Obama. Perhaps you can see the difference between booing Obama (something no one here had a problem with, btw) and calling him a terrorist and saying he should die. It’s these words that are dangerous. And it’s these words that may result in some nut job thinking following through on them is his/her patriotic duty.

  18. Donsquishy says:

    I can’t believe you think the behavior of the Obama supporters in that video is somehow ok. They acted like an angry mob.

    yet they didn’t yell Kill Him, DIE, Terrorist etc.

    They boo’ed….oooooo soo scary….

  19. Jockim Alberton says:

    They hoped McCain would die……you know…..because he’s so OLD!!!!!

  20. Dominique says:

    DV – I’m not saying they were scary, I’m just saying they were hardly dignified.

  21. pandora says:

    No one here has argued that those Obama supporters were dignified. Are you missing the point on purpose?

  22. jason330 says:

    Are you really asking her that?

  23. pandora says:

    I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I have met Dom, and really enjoy her. She strikes me as a straight shooter, the type of person who’s not afraid to call “bullshit”.

    I live in hope… or maybe fantasy land (depending on who you’re voting for!)

  24. Jockim Alberton says:


  25. Dominique says:

    P – I’m not missing the point at all. I agree wholeheartedly that yelling KILL HIM is more inappropriate than trying to bully people at a demonstration. I’m just saying two wrongs don’t make a right. If you really want to hold Obama supporters up as an example of good vs. evil, show me a video of them behaving like rational people when a group of peaceful McCain supporters walk by. What I saw in that video is a group of people behaving like Mets fans at a Phillies game. Or anywhere else, for that matter.

  26. anonone says:


    You’re missing the point. Booing is a safe and time-honored way for crowds to show disapproval. It is the opposite of clapping. It is not threatening or inciting.

    Now, look at Mcinasane’s ads:

    He is basing his whole campaign on trying to generate fear of Obama. And he approved that message.

  27. pandora says:

    Stop giving equality to the two wrongs, Dom. That’s what’s tripping you up. One of these wrongs is immature and undignified. The other is flat out dangerous. It’s like equating a lie about a blow job with a lie about WMDs. By your reasoning a lie is a lie, and both are equally as wrong. (Bet you didn’t feel that way when Hillary was the presumptive nominee. In fact, I’ll bet that distinction was in your arsenal.)

    Also, I shudder to think what the reaction to Palin will be tonight at the Flyer’s game. The combination of high running emotions (on both sides) and sports fans doesn’t give me much hope.

  28. JohnnyX says:

    Look, I’m not saying the Obama supporters in the video are playing nice, cuz they’re obviously not…but…

    What did the people making this video expect? It’s like wearing a Cowboys jersey to an Eagles game. You’re going to get harassed, you know it’s coming so you’d better brace yourself. Hopefully the harassment will end at verbal (or non-verbal) insults and not spill over into physical violence. You’re getting precisely what you asked for.

    If I were to wear my “Not my president” shirt with G.W. Bush on it and plaster myself with Obama stickers and then show up at a McCain rally, I can pretty much guarantee I’d garner a few middle fingers and other insults. If I didn’t, quite frankly I’d think McCain supporters are a bunch of wusses. Both sides get passionate about this stuff, and there are people on both sides who take it too far. Whether “kill him” and “terrorist” are qualitatively any worse than “fuck you” is debatable. But I think we can all agree that we’ve got free speech in this country so you should be free to yell any insult you want at someone at a political rally regardless of who you are. Now, if the insults turn into clear threats of violence (or if physical violence erupts), then you should be arrested, no question about it. Flipping the bird at a supporter of a rival political campaign isn’t very nice and is not something I personally would probably do – but fuck anyone who suggests you shouldn’t be allowed to do it.

  29. anonone says:

    Hey, Pandora, I can’t wait to see the reaction tonight – hopefully Philly’s finest leather-lunged boo birds will be at their best!

    She’s a dog with lipstick – she can handle it, right?

  30. Dominique says:

    P – my very first sentence says that I don’t equate the two. I know one is worse than the other. I’m just saying Obama supporters are hardly a bastion of good behavior

  31. jason330 says:

    Fuck that. Look where being polite got us. There is a big difference (and you know it) is between violent threats and being impolite.

    But like I said at DWA – I am done with you Dom. Your like some kind of incurable retard when it comes to Obama.

  32. C’mon, now Jason. You’ve been “done” with Dom half-a-dozen times this year — and you keep coming back! Just admit it that Dom’s posts are like Sirens’ calls to you!! She is simply THAT alluring!

  33. jason330 says:

    You have a point. Who am I trying to kid? She is saucy.

  34. Dominique says:

    Jason, I totally get what you’re saying. I remember being so pissed in 2004 when Kerry did absolutely nothing to defend himself, but this is just plain crazy. This time the Dems are fighting like trailer park girls – lots of nasty shots and bitch-slapping – a bit too much skin under the nails for my taste. They’ll probably win, but they’re going to look ridiculous doing it.

    I can’t imagine either side looking back on this election and being proud of the way they’ve conducted themselves, but, as bad as the GOP always looks during a political fight, the Dems have them beat by miles this time around.

  35. This is where we disagree, Dom. I see the GOP being AT LEAST as nasty as the Dems and, if we’re to go based on just the past week, they’ve beaten the Dems 10 times over. If you’re talking the primary season, I’d say the Obama supporters vs. Clinton supporters were equally bloodthirsty.

  36. Dominique says:

    I’m referring to campaigns and their supporters. When you combine the two, there’s no way the GOP out-trashes the Dems this year. The Dems are rabid.

  37. Donsquishy says:

    sing with me Dom.

    Aint no standard like a double standard


    ooooo mmmaaaammmmy

  38. Donsquishy says:

    Wait the dems? ALL DEMS or all dems EXCEPT the Hillary Dems?

  39. Dominique says:

    All Dems. There are plenty of Hillary supporters who have jumped on the Obama bandwagon and are spewing venom with the best of them.