McCain Supporters Part 2

Filed in National by on October 10, 2008


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hiding in the open

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  1. Jockim Alberton says:

    I can’t wait for the footage of one of these liberal camera monkeys getting pwned by the people they are annoying.

  2. Donsquishy says:

    That’d be sweet! Seeing a violent attack by a republican on a liberal!

  3. Jockim Alberton says:

    Yes. It would.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    conservatives don’t fight; they get others to do it for them.

  5. Jockim Alberton says:

    Not the issue.

    When I watch something on YouTube, I have every right to expect it to be either an ass-kicking caught on tape, something new about the hidden properties of Mentos, or a music video from the 1980s that I whiff the nostalgia from.

    Geez, can’t a guy get some decent video around here????

  6. Not Brian says:

    It was a pretty lame video… the dude was a douche… he should be wearing a McCain Tshirt and baiting those Nazis…

  7. Jockim Alberton says:

    I believe the term is douche nozzle.™

  8. Dominique says:

    “conservatives don’t fight; they get others to do it for them”

    This coming from someone who supports a candidate who takes the high road while his supporters launch vicious personal attacks on those who don’t support him. Obama never had to go negative – his supporters have been carrying the water for him all along.

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    That’s right Dominique, McCain does his own vicious attacks, except when in person.

  10. Dominique says:

    Imagine the reaction if McCain had brought up Ayers during that debate. It would be similar to the reaction to the ABC debate where George Stephanopolous dared to question Obama’s past associates…or don’t you remember all the panties in a twist after that one? Oh, the horror of a question like that being asked when there are sooo many serious issues that need to be resolved!

    C’mon, guys, at least be honest about it. You’re no different than I am. You find fault in everything McCain does like I find fault in everything Obama does.

  11. June says:

    I don’t think this guy should be going around asking everyone that question. He’s just leading them on, for pete’s sake.

  12. Dorian Gray says:

    To Brian’s point, the guy asking the questions is an ass clown. But that doesn’t make the questions unreasonable. The black dude didn’t answer why he favored McCain. Why not? He must have reasons right? Do people think Obama is a terrorist, yes or no. If people are afraid why don’t they explain themselves.

    “We don’t respect beliefs; we evaluate reasons.”

    -Sam Harris

  13. Jockim Alberton says:

    “If people are afraid why don’t they explain themselves.”

    They don’t owe anyone an explanation. Who the F.CK do you think you are?

    Conservatives may be the action police, but liberals are the thought police.

    One is inherently more dangerous.

    This is why the country must be torn apart.

  14. Donsquishy says:

    Conservatives may be the action police, but liberals are the thought police.


    (see Axis of Evil for proof of conservative thought police)

  15. Jockim Alberton says:

    Our policy is that we don’t care what you *think*….just STFU.


  16. Donsquishy says:

    here’s another example of thought police…

    WMD’s in Iraq


  17. Jockim Alberton says:

    That’s not telling people what is okay to think or feel.

    That’s just lying. You’re still free to form a different opinion.

    Oh yeah…..STFU. 😉

  18. Dorian Gray says:

    They don’t owe anyone an explanation? That’s an interesting position. So one may take any position, however baseless, or irrational and I’m just suppose to what accept it?

    To be clear, anyone may think whatever they wish. But if the position crumbles under scrutiny it may be mocked and discounted. I may posit that the sky is red and all women have penises. I have the right. But if I were in a discussion with you, would you challenge my position or simply accept it as to not be part of the thought police.

    The more I think about your comment, the more I think you are an imbecile.

  19. pandora says:

    Dom, you’re missing the point. McCain made Ayers the main issue. McCain has been talking tough at rallies and promising his supporters he’d take it to Obama. Of course I’d be “outraged” if he did. (Just like McCain supporters would be outraged if Obama had questioned McCain’s military record.)

    Now here’s the difference. Obama isn’t talking trash about McCain and then playing nicey-nicey to his face. That’s the difference. And, guess what? A lot of McCain supporters are pissed he didn’t bring up Ayers. You’ll have to forgive me for enjoying the “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” box McCain has placed himself in. Stupid, stupid move.

  20. Jockim Alberton says:

    “They don’t owe anyone an explanation? That’s an interesting position. So one may take any position, however baseless, or irrational and I’m just suppose to what accept it?”

    YES. Accept it as their opinion. It doesn’t make it factual, but it is theirs.

    “To be clear, anyone may think whatever they wish.”

    But you digress…..

    “But if the position crumbles under scrutiny it may be mocked and discounted. I may posit that the sky is red and all women have penises. I have the right. But if I were in a discussion with you, would you challenge my position or simply accept it as to not be part of the thought police.”

    I would ignore you. You fail to accept that your engagement in conversation may not be solicited or welcome. And at any time the exchange may be disconnected. Freedom of speech does not guarantee the right to be *listened to*.

    If these folks were standing up and offering their opinions, you could offer yours back.

    Half of that video is smugly celebrating the reluctance of people to share their opinions. No matter how crazy they might be, they are entitled to their opinions.

    The more I think about your perspective, the more I want to stick cork in your butt, crap down your throat and turn you into a human turd sausage. But that’s just my opinion.

  21. Donsquishy says:

    Telling someone that another country is the axis of evil isn’t telling someone what to think and feel?

    telling someone that another country wants to kill them doesn’t make them “feel afraid”

    you are sophmoric.

    go take some more of your crazy pills

  22. pandora says:

    You’re wasting your time, DV.

  23. Jockim Alberton says:

    “Telling someone that another country is the axis of evil isn’t telling someone what to think and feel?”

    No. They hoped you might agree. Actually, they probably didn’t care. They just needed a majority of idiots in DC to believe them. You were inconsequential.

    “telling someone that another country wants to kill them doesn’t make them “feel afraid””

    It’s not on the top of my list.

    “you are sophmoric.

    go take some more of your crazy pills”

    Can I wash them down with your Kool-Aid?

  24. Donsquishy says:


    teeeheeeee I didn’t rim it either

  25. Dorian Gray says:

    You are right that much of the clip is people reluctant to share their reasons. Why might this be?

    You are also right that my example isn’t perfect because my inane hypothetical has no impact on anyone. However, if you believe that a man born in HI and reared in KS is an Arab terrorist and you plan to vote accordingly, I believe we have the right to ask why and evaluate your reasons… if you chose to explain yourself.

    This can hardly be labeled “thought police”.

  26. Dominique says:

    McCain didn’t make Ayers an issue any more than Obama made the Keating 5 an issue. Candidates associating with questionable people are the ones who make the issue. Obama made Ayers an issue when he decided that the man’s financial and political ties were more important than his background.

    And of course McCain supporters want him to go after Ayers just like Obama supporters were up in arms when they didn’t feel like he was being tough enough. You have to know by now that politics is a contact sport. If you want to win, you have to use every tool in the shed.

    Do you think someone with Obama’s background and education really wanted to play the race card? He is hardly an example of someone whose race has ever gotten in the way of his success. He did it because it was the sharpest tool he had available. McCain would be a fool to let Obama’s associations go without mention. This isn’t paddycake, P, it’s a fight to be leader of the free world. There’s no need to be the mom in the playground trying to get the kids to just be nice to each other.

  27. Dom,

    You’re effing kidding, right? McCain drew first blood in the nastiest of ways. Obama DIDN’T want to bring up Keating 5 and I don’t think he should have. However, when McCain-Palin keep offering blow after blow, then I think Obama’s defense mechanisms stepped in and took over.

    You’re really losing me on this.

  28. Dominique says:

    What does it matter who drew first blood? Again, this isn’t a freaking playground – HE STARTED IT! isn’t a tactic. In politics, the person who “starts it” simply wants to win more. Obama was absolutely right to bring up the Keating 5. Everything these assclowns do in their past is fair game. It speaks to their character. For me, it’s not about what they did or who they did it with. It’s about why they did it and how (or if) they overcame it. At least McCain didn’t make excuses for himself with the Keating 5 scandal. He owned it and used it as a starting point to promote campaign finance reform.

  29. Dom,

    It does matter when it’s diverting people from “the issues.” We’re at a fucking bad place for our country to be and we’re worried about past negligible associations in the form of a domestic terrorist who calmed himself down and a nasty banking transaction from 20 years ago. Yes, character matters. Yes, the past matters. But do they both matter more than the substantial plans both of these candidates have put together in order to MOVE THIS COUNTRY FORWARD? The answer is a resounding: NO! I don’t think Obama is going to have terrorists over for tea and I don’t think McCain will be inviting lecherous bankers into the Oval Office to discuss how they can fuck over the American consumer.

    We all really need to get over this.

  30. Jockim Alberton says:

    “I believe we have the right to ask why and evaluate your reasons”

    And correspondingly, I have the right to ignore you completely for any reason whatsoever and not have to explain my reasons.

    If you can’t accept that, you’re the one with the problem.

    No one owes you anything.

    Again, I look forward to the complete and utter collapse of this country’s political party system.

    This is our best destiny. You can coddle cancer or you can destroy it.

  31. jason330 says:

    Nihilists for Obama.

    I’ll take every vote no matter the motivation.

  32. Jockim Alberton says:

    And being that I hate both parties, I really wish that the people in the video had just smiled politely and said “HAVE A NICE DAY”….all of them grinning spookily and ignoring the guy.

    That would have been awesome. A collective diarrhea would have engulfed Democrats everywhere.

    It would be Pavlovian…..for the next three weeks, Repubs could just sing-songily say “HAVE A NICE DAY” and it would be the “brown note” resoundingly followed by mushy flatulence across the liberal population.

  33. Jockim Alberton says:


  34. Al Mascitti says:

    “Obama made Ayers an issue when he decided that the man’s financial and political ties were more important than his background.”

    Please tell me you’re not the kind of ignorant sphincter who thinks hippies were the nadir of Western civilization. I’d vote for Bill Ayers for president before I’d vote for McCain, who killed far more innocent people — just following orders, of course — than all the Weather Underground put together.

  35. Jockim Alberton says:


  36. jason330 says:


    Yesterday Rick Jensen said on his show that “Ayers blew up the Pentagon.”

    I must have missed that. Can you ask him to elaborate on Monday?

  37. Dominique says:

    I am not ignorant enough to believe that people who go around blowing shit up are “hippies”.

    So, I suppose all of those people who were just following orders when they “killed innocent people” in the American Revolution, WW I and WW II were also deplorable? Would you vote for Ayers over them as well? They join the military to defend our country. They have no control over where our leaders send them. If you guys are going to criticize soldiers for what happens at war, it’s perhaps better that you pipe down with the indignation when you’re accused of being unpatriotic.

  38. Al Mascitti says:

    “I suppose all of those people who were just following orders when they “killed innocent people” in the American Revolution, WW I and WW II were also deplorable?”

    Unless you know something I don’t, none of them — except the first one, of course, where we were the guerilla fighters — was about an imperial power trying to prop up one side in a civil war.

    “They join the military to defend our country.”

    Most in Viet Nam joined because they were drafted.

    “If you guys are going to criticize soldiers for what happens at war,”

    Only if they start criticizing others for what happened 40 years ago involving someone not even with the campaign…oh, finish it yourself. If you’re buying this stuff, Dom, you’re a lot dumber than I previously thought.

    ” it’s perhaps better that you pipe down with the indignation when you’re accused of being unpatriotic.”

    On the contrary — who TF are you to tell me what patriotism is? I think it took more stones to bomb the Pentagon than the North Vietnamese. I know which one has a better chance of killing me, and it ain’t Charlie.

    The fact that the government of a country I happened to be born in thinks it can send me off to the killing floor just because it decides it’s in our economic interest proves everything you people like to spout about “freedom” is as shallow as your understanding of everything else.

    You’re not a patriot, you’re a jingoist.

    Of course, these views are not endorsed by the ownership or management of WDEL.

  39. Dominique says:

    C’mon, Al, he’s not being criticized for Ayers’ actions, he’s being criticized for accepting his help in order to get ahead politically and socially in spite of his history. You know that. Can you honestly tell me that you would be ok with McCain or Palin having received financial support from and sat on charity boards with, say, David Duke?

    You’re not criticizing the government when you accuse a former soldier of killing innocent civilians; you’re criticizing the soldier. Regardless of whether they signed up or they were drafted, they had no choice but to go. Their treatment upon their return from the “hippies” who fought so valiantly for the end of the war was deplorable.

    I’m sorry, but it just doesn’t sit well with me. WU and their ilk didn’t bomb the pentagon for some kind of altruistic peace mission. I don’t believe they were protesting because of any true believe in peace, love and harmony. I think they were protesting because they wanted the war to end before they were asked (forced) to serve. If they were truly fighting for peace, they wouldn’t have done it in such a violent way and they wouldn’t have been so hideous to returning troops. How do you defend that behavior?

    This isn’t about who had the bigger balls; it’s about what’s right and wrong in a civilized society. You may think the ends justify the means, but I don’t. That doesn’t mean I’m dumb, it just means I draw a different line than you in terms of acceptable behavior.

    PS – You totally don’t think I’m dumb.