Charlie Copeland Wants To Use Jedi Mind Tricks On Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on October 14, 2008

Copeland must be a Star Wars fan. How else can you explain his attemps to write (RECENT) history regarding his dogged opposition to wind power.

Tommwonk takes Copeland to task:

How do I know Copeland opposed offshore wind in Delaware? He said so, repeatedly and in public. Charlie Copeland opposed the Bluewater Wind project every step of the way until the compromise agreement was brought to a vote in June.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (34)

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  1. Raisa Heckle says:

    Now that Babcock and Brown is likely to go belly up, Charlie looks like a genius either way: YES to wind, no to B&B/BWW. He had their number all along.

  2. TommyWonk says:

    I checked the annual report for Babcock & Brown Wind Partners (BBW), which is publicly traded in Australia.

    BBW posted net profit after tax of 39.8 million Australia dollars in the year ending June 30. Net assets totaled 1.135 billion. It doesn’t look likely to go belly up just yet.

  3. Raisa Heckle says:

    Currently under investigation for inflating their assets. Australian government suspects they are worth 10% of what they claim.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    It appears to me that B&B just asked Australian officials to investigate who is spreading false rumors to affect their stock price. Perhaps they should contact you, Raisa.

  5. Raisa Heckle says:

    Crafty, aren’t they. If an American company did that, you’d be all over them.

    Or they can float liberal candy in front of you and the questions magically go away…..

    They aren’t fondly appreciated by Aussie liberals. Where’s your solidarity???!!!

  6. Raisa Heckle says:

    Crafty, aren’t they? If an American company did that, you’d be all over them.

    Or they can float liberal candy in front of you and the questions magically go away…..

    They aren’t fondly appreciated by Aussie liberals. Where’s your solidarity???!!!

  7. TommyWonk says:

    It might be helpful to distinguish between B&B and its various funds, some of which are having trouble and some of which ar doing okay. As I pointed out, BBW is among the B&B funds making money, based on revenue from 2.2 GW of installed capacity in FY 08.

    And by the way, if BBW is so dicey, maybe Copeland should have voted against the agreement, which he didn’t.

  8. Rick Jensen says:

    Two comments. 1: When BWW and Delmarva Power were at a standstill, a handful of Delaware’s elected made calls and lobbied for a deal to no avail. Carney put together a petition. Kowalko lobbied. Copeland suggested BWW agree to a smaller project that would include opportunities for New Jersey and Maryland. That became part of the deal that brought BWW and Delmarva Power back together. As much as I despise Tony DeLuca’s wrong position on eminent domain, he gets credit from Jim Lanard of BWW and Gary Stockbridge for being the guy who sat the two parties together at the table to work out a plan. Copeland was pragmatic and his suggestion was helpful. Like many of you, I had many conversations about all of this off-air with Jim Lanard and Gary Stockbridge.

    Comment #2: Jason called the show today (10-14-2008) to defend/deflect Barack Obama’s “work” with ACORN. I posted as much of the audio as the podcast would accept.

  9. Kilroy says:

    I am not that happy about it either but the fact is “The Force” is with Copeland. The political odds are all in his favor !

    Markell/ Copeland administration isn’t that bad and in four years uncle Mike will vacate and Markell will appoint Copeland. It will be done in a way the will catch everyone of guard!

    Maybe Markell / Copeland administration can finally bring us open government or at least finanical transparency to the department taking the biggest tax bite, education.

    It really won’t be that bad and could be worst as in Lee/Copeland administration.

    Remember the old Rodney Club? Hate to inform you, the boys still meet! DPSC

  10. Jerry says:

    So, Charlie was against wind power before he was for it?

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Kilroy – What are you smoking, my man? Denn is killing. Copeland is headed for a nice 2 year rest, waiting to be anointed by Mike Castle.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Rick – Charlie was against forcing Delmarva into a deal. Period.

  13. anon says:

    Castle has to win this one first. Second, who will ask Copeland how much money he gave to some sinister ministers and other characters in the City to bring out the “black vote”!

    They won’t be able to blame Acorn on this one.

  14. Kilroy says:


    “Kilroy – What are you smoking, my man? Denn is killing. Copeland is headed for a nice 2 year rest, waiting to be anointed by Mike Castle.”

    I am smoking left-handed cigarettes! I am going to do some mushrooms tonight and write a letter to the snooze journal! might even use spell-check.

    The word on the streets is, the crews are networking north and south! Even the crack heads are voting for Copeland because his name rhymes with Dope Land. One dude said to another, what do you think of Denn? He said, fuck that my ass ain’t going back to the penn!

    Just saying, Copeland is holding a better hand of political poker! But serious, a Markell / Copeland administration could really bring the two parties together on some issue. Also, Copeland does need a bit more training before he goes to Washington! Markell can help bring him more towards the center!

  15. Kilroy says:


    “Second, who will ask Copeland how much money he gave to some sinister ministers and other characters in the City to bring out the “black vote”!”

    Obama is bringing out the black vote and Copeland is the White Knight cashing in!
    Denn doesn’t know how to break bread and kick back in the crib! Money talks and bullshit walks!
    It’s not about walking the talk anymore. Greenbacks get’s you a pass in the hood!

    DPSC !!!!

    Delaware Political Star Chamber where R’s and D’s look the same.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    It’s like 20 points in Denn’s favor. I think you must be hanging out in the duPont section of the inner city… 😉

  17. Kilroy says:


    “It’s like 20 points in Denn’s favor. I think you must be hanging out in the duPont section of the inner city”

    Wait, you gave Copeland 47% the other day that would mean Denn gets 67%

    I think you just need to join Matthews , Kilroy and Etal at the Bull’s Eye friday night!

  18. Al Mascitti says:

    John, please get a clue. You don’t know what you’re talking about. The numbers will be within 2 or 3 points of the latest polling. Aren’t you embarrassed by constantly being wrong on these absurd predictions?

  19. Al Mascitti says:

    “Castle has to win this one first. ”

    Liz, the polling shows her getting squashed. Aren’t you ever embarrassed at all the stupid predictions you make that never come true? Are you beyond shame?

  20. Al Mascitti says:

    “Now that Babcock and Brown is likely to go belly up, Charlie looks like a genius either way: YES to wind, no to B&B/BWW. He had their number all along.”

    You were better off when you just sniped at others. Now you’ve revealed yourself as just another GOP sycophant. Everybody who’s not a Delaware Way sycophant now knows Charlie Copeland is in the pocket of Delmarva. All the wholesale-cost yard signs on earth won’t change that.

  21. MJ says:

    Kilroy, the latest poll done for WHYY gives Matt a 15 point lead – 53%-38%. It was in the sNews Journal over the weekend. Guess you missed it because your head was in the sand somewhere. Also, if there is a vacancy during in the middle of a term for a member of the House, there is a special election – the governor cannot appoint a replacement.

    And lastly, why is Mrs. Gorbachev reading this blog (from the afterlife)?

  22. Kilroy says:

    Al Mascitti
    “Aren’t you embarrassed by constantly being wrong on these absurd predictions?”

    Come on Al, the embarrassment should be on all of us! We play the bickering bullshit over candiates and don’t have the balls to stand up to this state government and force them to enact open government!

    I am no more absurd then the fools who voted Minner in for a second term.

    Relax, busting on each other is just part of the process and all in fun! However, I am serious about the political impact of a Markell / Copeland administration. Wasn’t there a Castle (R) and a Carper (D) administration? Then Carper took over and it all started to turn to shit!

    My vote is certainly for Markell but I’am going to give the other to Copeland! To prove I am serious I’ll send a letter to the News Journal! That makes me totally stupid now! No, just dumb as totally stupid would be voting for Lee and Copeland!

    BTW, why were you busting Burris! It wasn’t his fault you caught Rick Jensen listenig to Delaware Talk Radio instead of your show?
    (just joking)

    Hope you can drop in the Bull’s Eye Friday night! would be great to meet you!

    Jason, bail me out and let Al know that you know I am full of shit!

  23. Raisa Heckle says:

    Mascitti the Machete!

  24. Kilroy says:

    Raisa Heckle
    “Mascitti the Machete!”

    Gee! I thought I was the only three year old around here! Go play somewhere else! This is my sandbox!

  25. R Smitty says:

    Wasn’t there a Castle (R) and a Carper (D) administration

    Er…are you asking if there was a Gov Castle and Lt Gov Carper? If so, then no. Castle had S.B. Woo (D) in term #1. Carper was busy as the US Rep for DE up until he and Castle basically swapped roles.

  26. kavips says:


    Below are the results of Copeland/Markell adminstration:

    State Government signs contract on to windpower only after Delmarva can write off taxes of -90%.

    DelDot goes bankrupt, because Dupont pays no taxes .

    GM pulls out because in this state, nothing will get done.

    State goes to single payer insurance with private companies who will get double the amount they are getting now..

    New minimum wage laws are increased, but only after being coupled with negative reduction in the tipped wage rate, taking that wage back to level from 1939..

    No one that has any brains will vote for Copeland.. I am not saying he will get no votes…. just none from those with brains… 🙂

  27. Al Mascitti says:

    Kilroy: It’s possible to debate without the constant predictions. It’s childish. My proof: Liz Allen.

    Copeland is going to get squashed. His campaign is about 2012, not 2008.

  28. R Smitty says:

    …but only after being coupled with negative reduction …

    A negative reduction? Wouldn’t that be a good thing (a double negative)? 😛

  29. kavips says:

    It was one of two. It’s there for a reason… The other one is tougher to find….

  30. Kilroy says:

    R Smitty
    “Castle had S.B. Woo (D) in term #1. Carper was busy as the US Rep for DE up until he and Castle basically swapped roles.”

    right! I remember S.B. Woo~

    “No one that has any brains will vote for Copeland.. I am not saying he will get no votes…. just none from those with brains…”

    So those with money will vote for him? But look what happen the last time when all those without brains got together! Minner won a second term!

    Al Mascitti
    “Kilroy: It’s possible to debate without the constant predictions. It’s childish. My proof: Liz Allen.”

    Come on Al, relax a little! Just think without assholes, morons and adults acting childish you would be irrelevant.

    “Copeland is going to get squashed. His campaign is about 2012, not 2008.

    Come on, Rick will get the word out!

  31. Perry Hood says:

    Getting back to Copeland and BWW, Pat Gearity lays out the case in detail, convincingly, against Copeland’s campaign claims:

  32. Kilroy says:

    Al Mascitti
    Copeland is going to get squashed. His campaign is about 2012, not 2008.


    “Kilroy, the latest poll done for WHYY gives Matt a 15 point lead – 53%-38%”

    Perry despite all these odds agaisnt Copeland it appears there are a lot of worried people

  33. kavips says:

    Just for the record, found this in the archives. I hope it copies ok…..

    Kilroy said…

    “just get off the Copeland crap, he is a true sleezebag, enough said…and you are beast and the force is with you.”

    I know it time to move on! Just had to let it out! What a joke, now he blaming Denn for the prison problem. What next blame the toll-takers for lane restrictions.

    My vote is for Denn!
    August 1, 2008 1:28 PM

  34. kavips says:

    Kilroy said…

    “just get off the Copeland crap, he is a true sleezebag, enough said…and you are beast and the force is with you.”

    I know it time to move on! Just had to let it out! What a joke, now he blaming Denn for the prison problem. What next blame the toll-takers for lane restrictions.

    My vote is for Denn!
    August 1, 2008 1:28 PM