I’m…I don’t know. Just read it.

Filed in National by on October 22, 2008

Palin thinks God is a Republican.

Palin said the campaign had to have faith that its message will be heard “minus the filter of the mainstream media.”

“That filter has to be erased,” she said. “So we have to have faith in the wisdom of the people that they’ll understand what our message is. But even bigger that then, I have to have that faith that God is going to help us get that message out there.”

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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. pandora says:

    I was going to post on this. What exactly are they saying?

    So… could we assume that if McCain/Palin lose it’s God’s will?

    I only ask (snarkily)because I’m sure the far right would take their victory as the will of skydad.

  2. anon says:

    If only there were some way to get video of Palin’s message directly to people so they could watch it whenever they want.

    “That filter has to be erased,” she said.

    This sounds ominous. Remember this is the same woman who said freedom of the press was a “privilege.”

  3. jason330 says:

    I doubt they’d view a GOP defeat as God’s will being done.

    The interesting thing to me is that she prayer for God to be interested in her petty wants. I think that is the oppopsite of what Christians are supposed to be praying for.

  4. anon says:

    Another one that speaks to God! OMG! Remember when the Witch chaser minister prayed over her to chase the witches away and willed God to have her win. She probably does believe that God has a hand it all, from Guv to VP in 2 years! These people are truly the lunatic fringe.

  5. joe says:

    “The interesting thing to me is that she prayer for God to be interested in her petty wants. I think that is the oppopsite of what Christians are supposed to be praying for.”


    Anon – you’re off message. Your man Obama “speaks to God” too – that’s not the point. The point is that God is not pulling a lever on Nov. 4 .

  6. anonone says:

    Bring out the snakes!

  7. PBaumbach says:

    The freakin’ chutzpah of Palin and ‘her ilk.’

    Why is it that Palin and her pals don’t get what Lincoln did get ‘(cited here from author Jim Wallis):

    Abraham Lincoln had it right when he said: “Our task should not be to invoke religion and the name of God by claiming God’s blessing and endorsement for all our national policies and practices—saying, in effect, that God is on our side. Rather,” Lincoln said, “we should pray and worry earnestly whether we are on God’s side.”‘

    The jerk ministers who call for rain on an Obama event, or a hurricane on the sinners in New Orleans, and the politicians who, like Palin, call for God to help them win an election, are a disgrace to the country and to their purported faith.

    A pox on their glass houses! 😉

  8. delawaredem says:

    I can’t say it enough.

    Fuck Sarah Palin.

    No, you know what. Thank God for Sarah Palin. She is the personification of the Right Wing in a way that no person has ever personified them before.

    The voluntary ignorance.

    The willingly denial of facts.

    The pathological lying.

    The belief that only God is on their side.

    The blind ideology

    The mean-spiritedness.

    The divisiveness.

    The selection of Sarah Palin to be John McCain’s running sure did excite the base, for she is one of them, but it also exposed the base for what they are.

  9. Steve Newton says:

    As somebody (dd? can’t remember) said on another thread last night, if you really want theocracy vote for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party. The sad thing about Palin is that I don’t believe she’s honest about her evangelical Christianity–I believe she’s saying anything to get a vote.

    I’d still think she was nuts if she actually believed God intervened in American elections, but at least I’d give her honesty.

  10. nemski says:

    My guess is that God would vote for Obama anyway. 😉

  11. delawaredem says:

    My guess is that God doesn’t give a shit about voting since He already knows who is going to win anyway. Remember, He is all knowing. In His mind, this election is not in doubt.

    And Steve, that was me last night. And, absent any evidence to the contrary, I have to assume that Palin is an honest Pentecostal. I don’t make it a habit to question a person’s sincerity about religion, because it really is a private matter that I could care less about in the end. The only time I care about religion in an election is when someone claims that his or her religion is the correct one, or that God loves any political party or idea.

  12. pandora says:

    I think Sarah Palin believes in Sarah Palin.

  13. Steve Newton says:

    I don’t have any evidence SP is not an honest pentecostal, just a gut feeling based on having known and worked with many, including a lot of spouses who were “just along for the ride.”

    The more I see her, in terms of religion, the more opportunistic rather than authentic she seems.

  14. jason330 says:

    I have evidence that she is full of it. She does not tithe.

    3% is not 10% and if you think that the Bible is the infallible word of God you need to give 10%.

  15. Jason O'Neill says:

    The bible does not specify 10% as an absolute requirement for Christians to obey.


  16. h. says:

    Biblical extortion. Ha ha.

  17. Joanne Christian says:

    Great…biblical loopholes is more like it.

  18. jason330 says:

    Jason O –

    I’m pretty sure that Palin’s Church goes with the 10%. I’m not going to research it rigth now because I have to help the other internet surfers.



  19. anonone says:

    Jason O

    That’s good to know. But all the biblical rules on slavery like the instructions on selling your daughter and beatings still apply, right?

  20. Dorian Gray says:

    And don’t eat lobster or any sea creature without scales/gills…

    I already quoted Thomas Paine once today… don’t tempt me… 🙂

  21. jason330 says:


    I have a better idea, let’s compare Pailn’s actions to her words.

    She is either lying about being a disciple of Christ or she has an a la carte view of reformed Christianity where she can pick and choose which tenets of the faith suit her.