Diana McWilliams Resigning

Filed in Delaware by on October 24, 2008

Mike Matthews broke the news in our comments section because you can’t get to his site.

Diana McWilliams is retiring to take a job in New Mexico, but she is currently running unopposed.  So just when we thought this would be over in a week and a half, we will be right back to a special election.  Fun.

Here is my interview with Diana McWilliams on Super Tuesday at Hillary Clinton’s “victory party.”


The best part of this is that this is the first time I actually have stock footage to support a story.  WooHoo!

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  1. jason330 says:

    We’re like a real news media.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    In other breaking news, not related to this announcement, one of McCain’s own advisors voted for Obama-Biden by absentee ballot. The advisor’s name is Charles Fried who served as Solicitor General during the Reagan administration.


  3. RSmitty says:

    Mike Matthews broke the news in our comments section because you can’t get to his site.

    I think DWA is up, but your link in the blogroll is out of date due to his hosting service being yoinked. It’s the redirect that’s invalid. Update the URL in your blogroll to the longform (delawaretalkradio.com/downwithabsolutes)

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    OK, post got eaten, but Charles Fried (Harvard law professor and Solicitor General in the Reagan administration), one of McCain’s own advisors, voted for Obama-Biden by absentee ballot. That’s got to hurt!

  5. donviti says:

    I live in that district and could be out of a job in a few weeks.

    Can I take the spot?


  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    Go for it DV!

  7. jason330 says:

    Donviti for State Rep. Can I be your driver?

  8. RSmitty says:

    You’re in Rep 6? Daaannnnngggg. I grew up in RD6. Except, I am an Edgemoron (Edgemoor), so I am now going to kick your ass for possibly becoming unemployed!

    Dude, run…go for it. The Blogger’s Party! Maybe you should be a fusion: D/Blogger. I’m thinking the D will only get you so far, you need the blogger part to lift you.

  9. Joanne Christian says:

    I see it now–signs and bumper stickers:

    DIANAVITI for the 6th!!

  10. donviti says:

    what’s the salary?

    do I get a new wardrobe?

  11. donviti says:


    you can be my 3 wood. I don’t use a driver

  12. Joanne Christian says:

    Salary–whatever you vote on

    Wardrobe–Unlimited patient gowns from DPC for everyday wear, or your choice of color jumpsuit from any of our fine correctional facilities.
    Hurry and apply…

  13. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo could support Donviti…if he hadn’t left such a damaging e-paper trail…any way to scrub and disinfect the blogosphere??

    Re: New wardrobe. After Nov. 5, you can be wearing Neiman-Marcus finery, if you can butt in line ahead of Cpl. Klinger for those charitable handouts from the RNC.

  14. donviti says:

    People want change ES, I’m a breath of fresh air!

    I will end the war!

  15. anon says:

    donvitti: sorry dude, you will have no authority to “end the war”, but it sure would be nice to have someone who is willing to sponsor legislation that Delaware guard should immediately be brought back to Delaware!

  16. Stella Bluez says:

    I live in RD 6…..apparently I’m an Edgemoron (I knew I was special)!! I will vote for you Donviti.

    Please don’t let us down…..

  17. Donsquishy says:

    i’m seriously considering it by the way people and am making some phone calls this weekend to look into it.

    I got at least 2 votes so far!

  18. liberalgeek says:

    Never again will bills require spelling and grammar!

  19. anon says:

    I live in the district too..so you got 3 votes.

  20. TomaHawk says:

    I can’t vote for you, but I am anticipating sending a few dollars when you get your campaign committee established.