Tom Carper Gets My Vote

Filed in National by on November 4, 2008

…for biggest idiot of the day.

If KHN holds Castle to 55% (which looks likely if you can judge by Allan Loudell’s poll side interviews) then Tom Carper’s decision to stop John Carney from running against Castle is going to look very bad indeed.

Consider…KHN will have gotten 45% of the vote having spent NOTHING!!!

Second biggest idiot: John Carney – for listening to Carper.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (7)

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  1. delawaredem says:

    Carper must be voted out in 2012. We must find a candidate to go against him.

  2. Liz says:

    Carper isn’t the only one that should go….but more on that later. There are plenty of folk who need to answer some serious questions in this election.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I wish we had a strong candidate for the House seat. No offense to KHN, but she was pretty invisible.

  4. jason330 says:

    Yes. She seems to be doing well despite meager resources and party support.

    Thanks Tom Carper!


    I don’t see getting Carper out. He is the mafia don of the party until he quits. Someone would have to go around him and it could have been Carney. Too bad.

  5. nemski says:

    Carper has done more for the DE GOP in 2008 than any DE Republican has done in several years. Apparently, he is our very own accidental Joe Luebsrmann.

  6. Nancy Willing says:

    All of us Jack Backers can pressure him on a new direction for the party that includes a reduced role for these ex-freaking governor twins Carper and Castle.
    For one thing, Jack is determined to open the government. Maybe that is what Thurman Adams was alluding to in the WNJ article.
    A new governor with a new direction. Yippee!

  7. Liz says:

    Unstopable I don’t know WHO you are but let me put you down as a jerk. You have no idea how hard Karen worked. In the next few days I hope she will tell the real back story of what the party did and didnt do. I ask you, what did you do to help…let me answer for you, not a damn thing. A deal was made and that deal needs to be exposed.

    There is a reason why Castle is “permitted” to win by the democrat party and its time the word went out. Karen may not do it…but nothing is stopping me…I will never run for office again so I have nothing to fear. There are some who call themselves progressives or liberals…they are not. They need to be named and exposed as well. You have no idea what went down in the back rooms….I do!